Saturday, November 30, 2019
Unit 4223-001 Introduction to personal development in health, social care or childrenâ„¢s and young peopleâ„¢s settings (SHC 22) Essay Example
Unit 4223-001 Introduction to personal development in health, social care or childrenâ„ ¢s and young peopleâ„ ¢s settings (SHC 22) Essay Unit 4223-001 Introduction to personal development in health, social care or childrens and young peoples settings (SHC 22) By sarahJn83 Unit 4223-001 Introduction to personal development in health, social care or childrens and young peoples settings (SHC 22) 1. 1 Duties I must complete as part of my role as a Midwifery Support Worker are making routine observations, ensuring stock and stationary levels are maintained, provide parent education and breastfeeding support, prepare equipment and clean and stock delivery rooms after deliveries. My responsibilities are to ensure that notes and records are updated accurately and efficiently, to ensure equipment is clean and ready to be used, to make sure the correct and up to date advice is given to new parents, I follow current guidelines and to make sure rooms are efficiently cleaned to prevent infection control. 1. 2 Standards that influence the way my role is carried out are guidelines laid down by National Midwifery Council, NHS employee standards and National Occupational Standards and Clinical Skills governance. The NHS is regulated by the CQC (Care Quality Commissionbthey regulate against the Essential Standards for Quality and Safety which directly link to regulations within the Health and Social Care Act 2008. They look at what you do. Other standards that you need to be aware of are the Health and Care Professions Council, these look at your professionalism. These standards are an integral part of my role and encompass every action that I perform. 1. Different ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the uality of our work include maintaining a professional relationship at all times. We must not pass Judgement on people, if you disagree with someones thoughts or beliefs you must not show this. Overall we must respect every patient we come into contact with and give them all the same high level of care. 2. 1 Reflecting on work activities is an important way to develop knowledge, skills and practice because it allows us to identify areas that we need to improve upo n and maybe different ways of doing things. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 4223-001 Introduction to personal development in health, social care or childrenâ„ ¢s and young peopleâ„ ¢s settings (SHC 22) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 4223-001 Introduction to personal development in health, social care or childrenâ„ ¢s and young peopleâ„ ¢s settings (SHC 22) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 4223-001 Introduction to personal development in health, social care or childrenâ„ ¢s and young peopleâ„ ¢s settings (SHC 22) specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer You may identify skills that you need to add to our skill set. 2. 2 1 feel that my knowledge has increased greatly since I started the role ten environment. My clinical skills have gone from non-existent to competent in the areas I am required, however I would also like to improve upon this and add more skills to my skill set. 2. 3 3. 1 Sources of support for my own learning and development include my family and colleagues, my line manager,my college tutor, online learning and library. 3. The process for agreeing a personal development plan is to identify an area in hich you want to develop and define achievable targets or goals in order to do this. To make this effective you should try and involve your line manager or supervisor and other professionals who can aid your learning. A personal development plan is usually initiated at appraisal and during this your training and development is discussed to identify areas for development, this should then be reviewed at the next appraisal to review achievement and identify new objectives. 3. 3 Please see attached Personal Development Plan.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Race Essay Example
Race Essay Example Race Essay Race Essay This topic always baffles me because every time I hear African-Americans speak about this and degrade other skin tones, I think to myself how the slave mentality is still present. Recently took a test by Project Implicit entitled Light Skin Dark Skin IA T. After answered some questions that basically asked you on how o you feel around different skin tones or who do you perceive is more scary looking by their skin tone, my results suggested that I have a strong automatic preference for Dark Skin compared to Light Skin. My reaction to this test I really didnt agree because honestly, I am not a person who judges you by your skin tone because I feel that there are good and bad people in all skin tones. Growing up around Black people all my life has been somewhat not a good experience. I did not embrace the confidence in my skin tone because I am dark skin, until I went to Prairie View A University. All my life as encountered with how Light Skin people were better, they have better hair, and they can play outside longer. Dark Skin people had to act, dress, and just be way above the norm so that you can get the title of, He/she looks good to be Dark Skin. This whole unnecessary issue started hundreds of years ago during slavery where Africans were constantly told that their skin was ugly. White people thought that they way they looked were superior. In other words, white people had a sense of ethnocentrism, the tendency to regard ones own ethnic group and culture as superior to others and to live that its customs and way of life are the standards by which other cultures should be judged. The results of this test will influence my future interactions with others in my career choice because I will treat all people with respect, no matter what color they are. To be honest you will find smart and dumb people in every race, skin tone, shape, religion or size. We allow society to influence and define on what true beauty should look like. As a Black people we really need to stop discriminating against our own selves because it is keeping our minds in bondage of a slave mentality. The next test I took was Gay relationships tend to be more egalitarian, in part because same-sex couples dont divide work along traditional gender lines. Gay couples also report less conflict and more happiness in their relationships. And because gay couples often lack the support of family members, they tend to receive social support from an extended network of friends. One of the most notable findings was that by nearly every measure, same-sex couples reported higher levels of happiness in their relationships than straight couples. Gay couples ported far less conflict than heterosexual couples and higher levels of intimacy. Gay couples were more likely to feel that they could confide in their partners, experience high levels of affection and be happier with their sex lives. One reason same-sex couples may report more satisfaction and less conflict is that their relationships tend to be less defined by traditional roles. Men, gay or straight, often find it easier to communicate and share perspective with other men. Women typically find communication easier with other women. From as far back as anyone can remember marriage has always been something that everyone has done or looked forward to as a young child. Sure, back then, marriage was between a man and a woman, and being gay or lesbian was a secret that was well kept. Now times have changed, where being gay or lesbian is not something to be ashamed of or kept secret but to celebrate whom you are and where people are starting to be a little more open to changes. Granted, there is a lot of discrimination against people every/here we look; may it be against a race of people, a disabled person, or a certain social class, and people have all these different seasons for why they discriminate against these groups. However, when it comes to discriminating against gays and lesbians, the only thing people like to throw in their faces is that it goes against the Bible. This is their only argument, God says it is wrong and it is an abomination so case closed, A. Describe the results of the tests, B. Explain your reaction to the results,
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 Ways to Minimize Prepositional Phrases
5 Ways to Minimize Prepositional Phrases 5 Ways to Minimize Prepositional Phrases 5 Ways to Minimize Prepositional Phrases By Mark Nichol A prepositional phrase is a series of words beginning with a preposition and providing additional information in a sentence that pertains to position (hence the word preposition) or relationship; the phrase â€Å"with a preposition†is itself a prepositional phrase. Though such phrases are not inherently undesirable, they are often easily avoidable contributors to compositional clutter. This post lists and describes five strategies for eliminating prepositional phrases by omission or alteration. 1. Use Active Voice A prepositional phrase beginning with by often signals an opportunity to convert a passively constructed sentence into active voice (and render it more concise), as when â€Å"The action was seen by observers as nothing more than a delaying tactic†is revised to â€Å"Observers saw the action as nothing more than a delaying tactic.†2. Omit Prepositions Many nouns pertaining to a characteristic or a quality are nominalizations, or buried verbs, which are valid words but should be used in moderation, if at all, because they encourage verbose and overly formal composition. The sentence â€Å"They conducted an investigation of the incident,†for example, becomes more concise when one converts the noun investigation into its verb form and alters the rest of the sentence accordingly: â€Å"They investigated the incident.†(This strategy reduces the three-word prepositional phrase by only the preposition itself, but it further simplifies- and shortens- what comes before.) 3. Omit Prepositional Phrases In the sentence â€Å"John Smith is the best runner on the team,†the prepositional phrase â€Å"on the team†may already be apparent from the context, so consider omitting it: â€Å"John Smith is the best runner.†4. Use Adverbs in Place of Prepositional Phrases Just as conversion of a nominalization into a verb can render a prepositional phrase unnecessary, such a phrase can be eliminated by changing an adjective to an adverb and further revising the sentence accordingly: â€Å"Jane stared at him with a quizzical expression†becomes â€Å"Jane stared at him quizzically†(or even, by omitting the sentence’s other prepositional phrase, â€Å"Jane stared quizzically†). 5. Use Genitives in Place of Prepositional Phrases A genitive, or possessive, can substitute for a prepositional phrase beginning with of, as when â€Å"John sensed the annoyance of his teacher when he offered yet another glib excuse†is revised to â€Å"John sensed his teacher’s annoyance when he offered yet another glib excuse.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Addressing A Letter to Two PeopleDoes "Mr" Take a Period?Using Writing Bursts to Generate Ideas and Enthusiasm
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Greek challenge for European economic integration Dissertation
The Greek challenge for European economic integration - Dissertation Example The paper scrutinizes the likely economic effects to individual European nations as a result of the exit of the Greek nation with the burden of the debts incurred with entry into the euro zone and the use of the Euro as a result. Introduction Economic integration among countries involves the countries joining hands to achieve one economic goal. When countries integrate economically they benefit in the increased revenue as a result of the reduction of the trade tariffs. The reverse is true for the countries not in economic integration as such countries will suffer high trade tariffs set by their counterparts that will in the long run make trade expensive and not easy to run. Economic integration involves countries making their counterparts easier to trade with. This involves coming up with a common currency akin to the Euro that is used by the states in the European Union as a form of currency. The countries can also make trade between them easier by providing goods and service needed by the one country say x in exchange for what the other country say y produces and is needed by x. The main concepts of economic integration include the following. ... It was originally formed by six countries that are Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, Germany and France. Currently the union boasts a list of 27 members after entry of other European countries over the years. The idea to come together as united nation was informed by the following. To help rebuild each other after the economic destruction occasioned by the World War 2. This was also meant to foster peace and stability in the European countries through economic development as economic instability was perceived to bring about political instability through support of growth of extremists in facism and communism. This was informed by the breaches done during the world war and efforts to heal the wounds so caused as a result. Further the integration was meant to foster bilateral ties between the European nations. In addition the intergration was meant to bring unity between east and west Europe that was separated and to counter threat from the Soviet Union. After the formation of t he European Union, countries in the union decided to come up with a common currency to facilitate trade between the member nations in the bloc. With the use of a common currency the countries are able to carry out trade efficiently and the transactions are effective. The Greek nation Greece is a member state of the European economic integration. It is said to have joined the euro zone in the year 2001. Initially, the union was only meant for the country in the higher upper end like Germany and France as opposed to the countries in t he periphery like Greek. The country however, managed to convince the members of the euro zone for it to be considered into the integration. This Greek nation thought will help prosper it economic growth with the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Coursework for LLB final year Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
For LLB final year - Coursework Example In Harry and Sally’s case, Sally should agree to divorce Harry before she can make any financial claim from him.1 Sally can claim for long term and short term maintenance payments from Harry. The claim that Harry cannot offer Sally any help since his business has been hit by the recent recession is not admissible in court2. Also, the amount that he is pledging i.e. $1000 for three months is not sufficient. This is because Sally has two dependants who require basic amenities such as food and proper shelter. Additionally, Lara goes to a private school and has private music practice while Gregory has chronic illness that requires constant medical care. Thus, the amount that Harry is offering is hardly enough2. Therefore, Harry should pay more money for maintenance since his family clearly needs more than he is offering. The money should be enough to afford the family a comfortable life since the children are too attached to Sally, who is unable to work due to Gregory’s illness. According to law, child support is accorded to children until they reach the majority age. Harry should, therefore , continue to pay increased amounts of money for the children’s upkeep until they reach this age. Sally has a remedy of obtaining a lump sum from Harry as salary and upkeep for the time she was working for him. When they married, Sally quit her job to support Harry in his practice. She worked for him as his secretary without pay. They built the business together. Though the decision to quit her job is purely a family matter, the fact that Sally worked for Harry has legal backing. Therefore, Harry had a legal obligation to pay Sally a salary as his employer, which he did not fulfil. Harry should, therefore, pay her a lump sum that reflects the salary for the years that she was his employee. Fringe benefits including medical insurance, paid leaves and bonuses should also be included in this lump sum amount. The
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Europe On The Eve Of World War I Essay Example for Free
Europe On The Eve Of World War I Essay World War I, or The Great War, actually started on June 28, 1914 upon the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, by a Serbian national. This led to a series of battles upon the eventual formation of the Central Powers made up of Germany, Austro-Hungary, the Turkish Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria, and they fought against the Entente Powers made up of Russia, France and Great Britain. However, since â€Å"Europe stumbled unexpectedly into war in the summer of 1914,†1 the question remains as to which of the major countries that fought the First World War were most prepared in terms of economy and military strength and which were not. Britain Among the Entente Powers during WWI, Britain was actually considered â€Å"the greatest colonial power [and] maintained the greatest navy. †2 However, it is also a fact that during that time Britain â€Å"was being increasingly challenged by France and Russia†3 and Germany. The British in fact â€Å"increased their warship production with the William R. Griffiths and Thomas E. Griess, The Great War (2003): 1. 2. Ian Westwell, World War I Day by Day (1999): 7 3. Ibid. 4. Spencer Tucker, The Great War 1914-18 (1998): 3 intention of war†5 and in fact had a series of wars with Africa in 1899. Britain, along with the other great European powers, â€Å"embarked on an arms race that ran in tandem with the scramble for colonies,†6 which simply means that the reason they improved their armies and navies was because â€Å"they needed to protect far-flung colonies and maintain a balance of military power with their neighbors in Europe. †7 During the early 20th century, Britain launched â€Å"HMS Dreadnought, a Battleship incorporating several new technologies that was far superior to any vessel afloat in 1906†8 This was somehow the reason why other European powers especially Germany began improving and â€Å"building their own dreadnought-type battleships†9 because they saw â€Å"a sudden vulnerability of their costly fleets. †10 However, one rumor was that â€Å"the British recognized the naval competition from Germany as a threat to their existence,†11 though â€Å"the naval arms race between these two powers would continue until the eve of the war. 5. Westwell, 7. 6. Ibid, 8. 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid. 9. Ibid, 9. 10. Ibid. 11. Griffiths and Greis, 5. 12. Ibid. It is said that naval arms race between these two powers would continue until the eve of the war. †13 Nevertheless, â€Å"by 1914, Germany had a navy second only to England’s. †14 Economically, it is said that Britain, along with France and Germany, was ready for the Great War. The most important influence upon British and the rest of the European military during those times was in fact â€Å"the largess bestowed upon European societies by the Industrial Revolution. †15 It is said that â€Å"a wealth of goods, rising productivity, and material well-being†16 were brought about by the factories of the latter half of the 19th century. This period of economic growth all over Europe led to â€Å"the greater availability of education for the lower classes†and that â€Å"better and more widespread educational opportunities enabled citizens to comprehend more readily the†¦military affairs of the state. †17 This perhaps encouraged nationalism among the people of the various European nations. Consequently such feelings may have similarly encouraged rivalries with other nations. Thus, the soil for the war was fertile and all it needed was the seed – which was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 13. Griffiths and Greis, 5. 14. Ibid. 15. Ibid, 6 16. Ibid. 17. Ibid. France As early as 1870, â€Å"France had considered itself – and had been considered by others – the leading military power of Europe. †18 It was defeated by Germany during the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 but it was not stated whether this war was really a showcase of the French military but rather it â€Å"meant a lasting antagonism†19 with Germany. Nevertheless, despite being a military power in the late 9th century, France had its â€Å"entire†¦province of Alsace [seized as well as] part of a second province, Lorraine. †20 Germany Since the empire became united in 1871, â€Å"imperial Germany had rapidly emerged as the dominant industrial and military power†21 in Europe and such â€Å"created a potentially explosive situation. It was also believed that â€Å"by the start of the twentieth century, Germany was creating a first-class navy,†which was in fact considered â€Å"the most obvious and dramatic illustration of Germany’s surging power in many spheres. †23 Such was the 18. Neil M. Heyman, World War I (1997): 5. 19. Ibid. 20. Ibid. 21. Ibid. 22. Ibid. 23. Ibid. greatness of the military strength of Germany in the early 20th century. In addition to that, Germany also had an economy that was emerging as one of the strongest in the whole of Europe. Since 1870, Germany’s â€Å"industry had grown so rapidly that this part of Europe, which had supplied immigrants to the Western Hemisphere for more than a century, now imported labor from Poland. †24 Twentieth century Germany was actually home to â€Å"higher education and scientific research [and] a system of social insurance for its working class†and in fact, the country â€Å"could pride itself on being a world leader. †Germany also prided itself with a great leader during that time. The ruler of Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II, was often considered as â€Å"the embodiment and often the director of [Germany’s] restless energies. †25 By the late 19th century, Kaiser Wilhelm II earned the respect and friendship of a few ambitious military leaders who were against Britain and who would want to challenge it to war. One of these military leaders was Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, the Secretary of State of the Imperial Naval Office of Germany at that time. Moreover, Kaiser Wilhelm II also had his own imperialist ambitions as well for he considered the German navy â€Å"a tool of external power†26 and even declared it to Prime Minister Arthur Balfour of Britain in 1902, many years before the outbreak of WWI. In fact â€Å"the Kaiser sought to play  24. Heyman, 5. 25. Ibid, 6. 26. Ibid. politics, and repeatedly declared that he was determined to make Germany not just dominant in European affairs but in the world†and had a â€Å"desire for a German-dominated central Europe. †27 Such was the measure of Wilhelm II’s ambition and resolve. The Kaiser’s biographer even wrote, â€Å"Only with a fleet could Germany be able to elicit from the British the esteem Wilhelm II believed to be his due. †28 Germany was indeed already a strong power in the early 20th century many years before the outbreak of the Great War. It is said that â€Å"the security of Austria-Hungary, the weaker of the Central Powers, was [even] guaranteed by Kaiser Wilhelm II [since] late 1912. †29 Such was the strength of Germany at that time that they could even guarantee the protection of the territory of another country in addition to their own. Conclusion On the eve of World War I, Britain, France and Germany were all ready for the war that was to ensue. However, among the three, Germany seemed to be the most prepared especially when it came to the military, specifically the development and advancement of its naval warships as well as powerful leadership in the person of Kaiser Wilhelm II. On the other hand, France, although a leading military power of Europe at that time, was in fact torn apart by Germany during the 1871 Franco-Prussian War, hence was not impressively strong compared to Britain and Germany. 27. Tucker, 3. 28. Heyman, 6. 29. Westwell, 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY Griffiths, Williams R. and Griess, Thomas E. The Great War. New York: Square One Publishers, Inc. , 2003. Heyman, Neil M. World War I. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. , 1997. Tucker, Spencer. The Great War 1914-18. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1998. Westwell, Ian. World War I Day by Day. New York: The Brown Reference Group, Plc. , 1999.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
gatcolor Symbols and Symbolism Essay - Symbolic Colors in Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays
Symbolic Colors in Great Gatsby Colors can accentuate the meanings of a story and explain certain actions of a character. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald applies many important colors that allude to the personality of his characters. The colors given are repeated multiple times so that they can be established. To fully understand the characters of the story, one must recognize the associated colors that are given. Green is the color of "healing, money, prosperity, greed, luck, and fertility"(Nadia Davis). This color is closely associated with the green light at the end of the dock. "and distinguished nothing except a single green light/...might have been the end of a dock"(24), Fitzgerald symbolized the green light as the key to reaching Daisy. While on the beach, Gatsby is stretching out his arms to the light as if he will acquire it somehow. This green light represents money and prosperity, which Gatsby has obtained over the years in order to finally reunite with Daisy. Another important color in The Great Gatsby is the color black. Black symbolizes "Absorption of negativity and the destruction of negativity"(N. Davis). Gray is mostly related to the Valley of Ashes and Wilson. The black atmosphere surrounding it represents the hopelessness of their insolvent situation. "This is the valley of ashes.../where ashes take the forms of ashes and chimneys and rising smoke"(27), the ashes represent the black and how it puts a negative burden on Wilson and restricts him from future success. Gold also has an important meaning in the story. Gold symbolizes "God, healing, money power, and wildlife"(N. Davis). Tom is the most relevant character to gold. In relation with money, gold is represented as old wealth. Tom has always had this "old wealth" in his possession, and it is what attracted Daisy to him. In order to win back Daisy, Gatsby also tries to portray himself as having old wealth, even though he only has new money. These actions are shown through some of Gatsby's possessions, "here's my little golden pencil"(111).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Living in Texas vs Louisiana Essay
Texas is the second most populous and the second-largest of the 50 states in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States (Wikipedia, Texas, 2013). Louisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States of America and is the 31st most extensive and the 25th most populous of the 50 United States ((Wikipedia, Louisiana, 2013). Texas and Louisiana are two different areas in the United States to live that have many diverse ways of living. Between both states, Texas is easier to live in than Louisiana because of the differences in culture, economy, and climate. The name Texas is based on the Caddo word tejas meaning â€Å"friends†or â€Å"allies†and was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in East Texas (Wikipedia, Etymology, 2013). Texas has many variations of cultures that reside within the state and these culture’s range from caucasian (white), african american (black), and spanish american (hispanic). The state also has other forms of cultures too but the ones I named are the main ethnicity that you see on a daily basis. Texas has many assortments of cultures which makes the state a equal opportunity for many cultures to advance in numerous areas of employment. The cultures in Texas always interacted with one another in different areas of living and would live in the same areas has another race and would become friends. They would go to school together and enjoy it, grocery shop at the same stores with no problems, and get gas at the same gas stations as everyone else. The races in Texas might have their differences between one another but would still except the fact that everyone has to do the same daily activities as anyone else. Louisiana was named after Louis XIV, King of France from 1643–1715. Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle claimed the territory drained by the Mississippi River for France, and named it La Louisiane, meaning â€Å"Land of Louis†(Wikipedia, Toponym, 2013). Louisiana is mainly made up of caucasian’s and african american’s and the races do not mix very well. The way that I remember it when I live in Tallulah, Louisiana was that their was a railroad track that divided the small town into two different sections. The black’s lived on one side of the railroad tracks and the whites lived on the other side. There is only a few ways that the races interacted with one another and they were by achieving the same education from the same small town schools, grocery shopping at the only grocery store in the town, and at the few gas stations that were by the main highway. The ways the cultures had to interact with one another were not by choice but by having to so they could live their life’s and meet their ways of living in society. You would never see the cultures become friends and if they did they only showed it in the areas that they were allowed to be around each other in the town and that would consist of the places I named that you would see the two cultures together but not by choice. I was friends with everyone and did not understand why this small town lived the way that it did. I would love to go back to that town today to see if the ways of living has changed at all or if it stayed the same. I was only in fourth and fifth grade when I lived there. Texas’s large population, abundance of natural resources, thriving cities and leading centers of higher education have contributed to a large and diverse economy. Since oil was discovered, the state’s economy has reflected the state of the petroleum industry. In 2010, Site Selection Magazine ranked Texas as the most business-friendly state in the nation, in part because of the state’s three-billion-dollar Texas Enterprise Fund. Texas has the joint-highest number of Fortune 500 company headquarters in the United States, along with California. As of 2010, Texas had a gross state product (GSP) of $1. 207 trillion, is the second highest in the U. S. , and is the fourth-largest of any country subdivision globally. As of April 2012, the state’s unemployment rate is only at 6. 5% (Wikipedia, Economy of Texas, 2013). Texas’s economy has went through the recession just like any other state but has started to rise out of the recession because of the land of oil industry that has hit its highest point since when I lasted lived in the state. The state of Texas I think is the busiest of many states because of its high demand of employment for the oil industry. The jobs are anywhere from secretary employment to a derrick man on the rig itself drilling the oil out of the ground. Every position has its own way of being very important. I miss living in this state because of how big the state is and the different areas of employment that is available. Texas does hit rock bottom but will always find a way out to rise above other states. Louisiana’s state principal is agricultural products which include seafood, cotton, soybeans, cattle, sugarcane, poultry and eggs, dairy products, and rice. The seafood industry is its biggest producer of crawfish in the world, supplying approximately 90% and directly supports an estimated 16,000 jobs. Louisiana industry generates chemical products, petroleum and coal products, processed foods and transportation equipment, and paper products. Tourism is an important element in the economy, especially in the New Orleans area. The total gross state product in 2010 for Louisiana was US $213. 6 billion, placing it 24th in the nation. Its per capita personal income is $30,952, ranking 41st in the United States. As of January 2010, the state’s unemployment rate was 7. 4% and an African American is three times as likely as a white person to be unemployed in Louisiana (Wikipedia, Economy, 2013). In Louisiana the Caucasian race has a higher play in job placement before African Americans which I do not think is right but every state has its differences. The white race runs most of the environment in Louisiana but the black’s make up the other part that is left to run. When you walk into different stores in Louisiana most of them are owned by Caucasians but blacks may be a part of the team by being an employee. If you do see a black own a place in Louisiana it is only because he fought and showed his abilities to become somebody. Seafood is a way to isolated Louisiana from any other state and it makes a lot of income from producing there different seafood products throughout the United States but the seafood industry does not pay as high as the oil field industry does in Texas. The large size of Texas and its location at the intersection of multiple climate zones gives the state highly variable weather. The Panhandle of the state has colder winters than North Texas, while the Gulf Coast has mild winters. Texas has wide variations in precipitation patterns (Wikipedia, Climate of Texas, 2013). The city I lived in was San Antonio, the summers were hot and the winters were mild. The rainy season is between the months of January and February. I loved the summers of Southern Texas because they are longer than the winters and are able to wear light clothing. The winters sometimes would get really cold but for the most part it was mild and easy to convert over to the climate change. In San Antonio it has only snowed a few times and since I have been born I only remember once when it snowed and it only stayed for a couple of hours because the climate in Southern Texas is warmer than other states. Louisiana has a humid subtropical climate, perhaps the most â€Å"classic†example of a humid subtropical climate of all the South-central states. It has long, hot, humid summers and short, mild winters (Wikipedia, Climate, 2013). The summers and winters are similar in ways to Texas but the winters could be very cold and it does snow in Louisiana and the temperatures in the winter are a lot colder than in Texas. I remember when my mom drove in the snow in Louisiana but I cannot recall a time when she has ever driven in the snow in Texas where we lived. It does snow in Texas but in the northern part by the Panhandle.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Am I Bowered
How Quickly did the Catchphrase Catch on? What we were particularly interested in was the speed with which the catchphrase caught on and for this we looked at the ‘Catchphrase' sample of 200 participants. For the first 3 weeks people were seeing and hearing Bomb Chicks Way Way through paid for media but by week 4 they suddenly started using it themselves (Figure 5). 6 Figure 5: Week 4 the catchphrase took off The sample sizes were low so need to be treated with caution, but there was a clear shift in week 4.Our tracking period only lasted 8 weeks in total, with two of those before the campaign started, so we were not able to see how usage developed, but at Being used? As well as using the catchphrase while seeing the ads on TV and Posters, we also saw it being used in social networks (although this was picked up under Online rather than Conversation) (Figure 6). Figure 6: In social networks Who was Using it? Perhaps not surprisingly usage of the catchphrase was most positive wh en the participant used it himself.They were clearly very funny! However, it was also positive when girls used it and we did see our participants receiving texts from girls hey liked. Not surprisingly, although we hadn't thought about this until we saw the results of the study, hearing the catchphrase was least positive when another boy used it. When we looked at the comments this was often because little brothers would annoy their older siblings with it (Figure 7)! Figure 7: Positivist by different groups In this sense it could be said that girls were more influential than boys, because our male target audience felt more positive about their usage of the catchphrase than they did when other boys used it. But if some of the experiences were negative, how Eng would it take for the catchphrase to become annoying? What about Whereat? Each time we saw a new TV execution launched, the positivist of the texts increased indicating that the campaign needed new executions to keep it fresh (F igure 8).Figure 8: Positivist highest in first week of new execution When we looked at the Catchphrase stream and saw how negatively people were reacting to the catchphrase ‘Am I Powered', used in the comedy series on TV by Catherine Tate, we could see that catchphrases could wear out relatively quickly (Figure 9). 8 Figure 9: Risk of whereat In fact, ‘Am I Powered' got a bit of a boost when Tony Blair used it during Comic Relief, so this new context refreshed its perception slightly.The learning from ‘Am I Powered' was that Bomb Chicks Way Way should be allowed to burn brightly for a few weeks or months, but certainly wasn't a year long campaign. In hindsight, the switch from Bomb Chicks Way Way to the next Axe campaign was probably slightly too soon, as the brand didn't fully capitalism on the early momentum we saw the catchphrase gathering. For instance, we saw in the main message that young guys were starting to play with the catchphrase and make it their own. If we had continued to monitor the campaign in real time we would have seen the moment when it started to wear out.However, with frequent refreshment of executions, it appeared from our study that it could go on a few months. Recommendations This new real-time research approach helped us to make some clear recommendations. Firstly, the combination of TV and Posters were working well as the Posters were reminding people of the TV ads and were prompting use of the catchphrase. Secondly, it was necessary to keep rolling out new creative executions to keep the campaign fresh. Thirdly, the campaign would wear out if kept going too long but could build momentum over a few months.Finally, the activation was working less strongly because it wasn't linked to the Bomb Chicks Way Way campaign. As a result, online was under-utilized and represented an opportunity for rolling out to other countries. Following these results, Milliner asked us to conduct a thorough evaluation of competitive online touchiness to ensure best practice for future campaigns. Results The combination of a reluctance product and successful advertising campaign, featuring a catchphrase, ensured that Lynx/Axe was able to meet its objectives of sustaining a price increase while growing sales.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
THE BRIDEGROOM WRITTEN BY HA JIN essays The author has given special importance to each of the twelve stories and the readers can be amused by each of these stories. The twelve stories in Jin's collection are all set in the city of Muji.Due to the wide appreciation and praise which Ha Jin has received for his novels, he has decided to write more and more books in which he would identify the problems of the society on the whole. The paper will define the characters and the story of Ha Jin's Bridegroom', together with the observations and analysis of answers on the questions as under: -Is She as Uniformed and Nave as Cheng' -Why does she say she is going to wait for Baowen, even tough she knows The paper will analyze the story of Ha Jin's Bridegroom' to know the attitude of Beina towards her husband Baowen. Further exploration of Beina's attitude will be made when she faced the truth that her husband was a gay. The thesis statement that would be observed in the story is whether Beina is a girl of strong character or not' The stories of Ha Jin's Bridegroom' has been widely appreciated by the readers and they have remarked that all these stories are the results of the creative abilities of Ha Jin.In the title story Ha Jin has described the story of a father-in- law who was forced to confront his ignorance and towards the brutality of the system toward homosexuals in the society. The story is the narration of a guardian who has struggled in order to come in terms with his son-in law although he was a gay. "In the title story, the narrator, who is decent but officious and heads up the Security Section in a factory, manages to marry off a homely young woman that he cared for after the death of her father, who had been his good friend. Though he is quite pleased with himself, his complacency ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
PREPARE AND WRITE A SUPERIOR UNIVERSITY ESSAY PREPARE AND WRITE A SUPERIOR UNIVERSITY ESSAY Tackling a university- or college-level essay can be daunting. Its especially difficult for those who are new to this type of writing. Advanced education essays require a different style, compared to what you may do in high school classes. Certain specifics and technical approaches are beneficial. Here are five tips to improve your skills: Brainstorming for ideas is key. You cant always rely on your memory to save all your thoughts when brainstorming. Write it all down, later slashing and burning any unnecessary ideas. An integral part of this process involves excising any unfruitful thoughts. Dont be afraid to do this; keep only the good stuff. Your first draft is where the rough stuff gets done. Dont worry about being perfect,;the paper wont be on your first attempt. Just get your ideas down and let the thoughts flow. You can clean it up later. Your essay must have three distinct parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. This is where the technical applications come into play. You have to set up the flow in a coherent way. The body should have several parts. The introduction and conclusion often need only have one paragraph. Your paper must have a focused view. No matter what you write, your viewpoint should be substantiated in some way. Say you mention something about the American Civil War. If you have about an opinion about how the South approached the defense of their territories, these views need to be backed up by events that occurred. If the views are not supported by facts on the page, the paper will not work. It will solely be viewed as conjecture, or, at best, an opinion piece. Do your research. Be honest about what you are writing. Find a creative angle to draw the readers attention. Essays are complex this way. A strong essary has to be technical and creative enough to keep someones interest. Its a tall order, but not an impossible feat. is geared to help with your coursework and assignments. Looking to create university- and graduate-level papers? Let us help with technical and creative aspects in all your writing. Give us a
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Financial Managment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Financial Managment - Coursework Example igh stock of debentures is usually considered unattractive to invest in for the reason that it has a higher risk especially in the times of financial volatility since only holders of debenture have priority over the company assets in such circumstances. Prudent financial management stipulates that, a business should not depend much on loan capital and debentures compared to equity capital unless it is only being employed for a very short period of time. However, these kinds of ascertaions are highly challenged by Modigliani and Miller (MM). In fact their basic hypotheses states that, in an efficient market, the nonexistence of bankruptcy costs, asymmetric information, taxes and agency costs, the business’s value is not affected by the manner in which that business is financed. According to MM, it doesn’t matter whether the capital of the firm is raised through selling debt or issuing stock. They further state that, the dividend policy of the firm also does not affect it s value. Actually, the argument of MM is straightforward; the cash flows that a corporation can make for all investors are all the same despite the capital gearing. According to them, changing the capital gearing does not in any way alter the firm’s general cash flows (Modigliani & Miller, 1958). b) Factors to consider when raising capital through preference and Debentures i. The Board Operation Although preference shares do not have much effect on the company’s management, debentures do have. This is based on the fact that, a business with external investors needs to be run in a manner that goes in line with the aspirations of debenture holders. With this in mind, it may be quite impossible to manage a company where the lifestyle of directors is the only central part behind the business... This paper approves that the company’s declared objective is to maximize shareholder wealth. In principle, a variety of dividend policies is consistent with this aim depending on factors such as the tax position of the clientele and whether dividend policy has been used to convey information to the market. Pavlon has followed a remarkably consistent dividend policy, adhering to a constant payout ratio. At the time of listing, it would presumably have stated its dividend policy in its prospectus and unless specified otherwise, shareholders would have been justified in expecting continuation of this policy. A switch in dividend policy so soon after listing is certain to offend at least some portion of its clientele. This essay makes a conclusion that The stand point of Director C is based on the argument that all shareholder amounts and returns on investments should always be ploughed back to create more wealth. Besides, his argument to maintain dividend is aimed at boosting more capital for the company and evade on paying taxes on some taxable dividends. For instance, the Director seem to have considered the rate of taxes on both capital gains which at times is not taxed and dividends which are usually taxed at the incomes marginal rate. However, with this process shareholders stand too loose more than if they were given the dividends. First, continuously retaining shares in the company without a close follow up on the performance of the company may create a scenario where the company managers will be having easy cash at their disposal to squander.
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