Thursday, October 31, 2019
Genetically Modified Crop Plants Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Genetically Modified Crop Plants - Assignment Example In crop production, there are mainly two processes known as organic and inorganic food production. Organic methods of food production often involve the use of natural products such as manure or composts. On the other hand, inorganic products are often produced through the use of artificial chemicals such as fertilisers and pesticides. These additional additives modify the final output and this may have negative impacts on the health of people and animals as well as the environment. In most cases, genetic technology on crop production is meant to increase the yield. Inorganic food production is likely to double what is produced through organic means even if the quantity may be the same. In recent years, it can be seen that the concept of ‘ethics’ has played an increasing role in food production and marketing. Basically, business ethics refer to the values, principles and standards that operate within business and these attempt to make a distinction between something that is morally good from bad (Rossouw, 2004). Ethics in business shape the values of the people involved and these should never â€Å"be compromised for financial gain or short term expediency,†(DesJardins, 2006, p.5). However, it can be seen that ethics are often compromised in as far as crop production is concerned in some instances. In terms of crop production and marketing, ethics often relate to issues such as the healthiness of food, its impact on the environment as well as social impacts of the outputs on the targeted people.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
An account discussing the fit between published theory in regard to Essay
An account discussing the fit between published theory in regard to project management and personal practice as a result of my participation in the Foods Organic project - Essay Example nting a change in the structure, style or staffing of an organization, developing a new system of information or implementation of a new business process (Anthony and Govindarajan, 2007). Owing to the fact that projects appear in numerous forms, significance of managing these projects effectively has increased to a great extent. Project management can be defined as application of skills, knowledge, tools and techniques so as to comply with the requirements of the project. In general, there are five major phases of project management, which are initiation, planning, execution, controlling and closure (Andon, Baxter and Chua, 2007). In this report, a discussion will be carried out about ways in which theories of project management fit into real life practices. In order to do so, I will reflect upon my experience in the foods organic project, which I have completed in the recent past. The project was about developing a new store that will be located at the heart of Uxbridge. The aim of that project was to establish a store that reflects ‘organic’ and ‘healthy living’ culture. In this section of the study, I will reflect upon experiences that I have gathered while conducting the aforementioned project and will try to draw comparison with the theories of project management. However, before proceeding further into the analysis, I would like to elaborate about my position and the activities carried out by me during the program. I was the project manager as well as the team leader. I was responsible for accomplishing various tasks as well as for overseeing tasks carried out by the subordinates. Hence, the pressure on me was immense. Majority of the tasks of this project were performed by me as it was mandatory on my part. Scholars such as, Armstrong (2002), enumerate that a project manager is responsible for carrying out most of the planning and monitoring activities; but at times, he is also required to perform the operational activities. Contradicting this
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Corporate Marketing Philosophies: Pros and Cons
Corporate Marketing Philosophies: Pros and Cons 1.1 Introduction This essay will critically discuss the philosophies and pros cons of corporate marketing making references to the work of Balmer and Geyser. The essay will also examine the historiography or the phases through which the corporate marketing has passed through over the few decades. Before understanding the concept of corporate marketing, we should first try and understand the reasons for the evolution of the term corporate marketing. According to Balmer 1998, corporate image is interpreted in numerous ways by different writers. The concept has negative association and the literature work in the field has shown that the image association can be perceived differently by groups of stakeholder. The concept of corporate image management has been challenged by many writers and many literary works suggest that the stakeholders are not always important for the organization. The other concept corporate branding is useful but many companies have failed to develop a corporate brand. Therefore the term is ruled out. Visual graphics has been given more emphasis in corporate identity making it a debatable topic. Thus these concepts can be considered as the building blocks of corporate marketing which can be the umbrella title for this era. 1.2 Understanding Corporate Marketing The term corporate denotes that the area of concern is strategy. Its importance is that the CEO and the board of directors are familiar with the strategies within the organization. The basic principle of the term marketing has been the diverse perspectives. The term marketing has been related with corporate earlier also and few related concepts have already been accepted widely for example IMC, green marketing etc. So what is the difference between Marketing and Corporate marketing? The profitable exchange relationship will remain one of the main features of corporate marketing but the emphasis will be on multiple exchange relationship and the corporation will be less concerned with the ownership; they will see themselves as a part of a network. (Balmer and Greyser, Epilogue, Revealing the corporation, pg348 to 350). So to put it in a nutshell, Corporate Marketing is a group of corporation which has a single corporate ethos, aim and values (philosophy) that binds the company and its image, branding, reputation, identity, communication, customers and stakeholders. 1.3 Pros and cons of corporate marketing The works in the field of corporate marketing can provide meaningful insight to thinking on the larger corporate-level area. The area of concern is strategic therefore it importance is such that the CEO and directors are familiar with the scope and significance on a regular basis. Communication, image, reputation, and branding are key concepts within the marketing domain, although marketing scholars and practitioners frequently incorporate others, such as identity but these concepts are conceived in context of the product or brand rather than the corporation but corporate marketing will help to view all the above concepts as one. The term corporate marketing is not a new term. Kotler and Levy (1969) had recommended that the marketing concept should be broadened so as to cover any organisation and that it should be able to be applied to all areas of business and not just product-dominated organizations. The corporate marketing is a very wide term so it is not possible for a head of a department to handle it. It requires a senior board position such as Deputy chief executive. The person should be highly qualified with the knowledge in the fields like planning, organizational behavior and communications etc. The area is also too wide to be covered in a single degree course and the area will require inputs from non- management courses such as philosophy. Finally, the consultancies are still not familiar with new insights in corporate identity. They occupied in producing systems of visual identifications for organizations. (Balmer and Greyser, Epilogue, Revealing the corporation, pg348 to 350) (Balmer, Journal of Marketing Management, pp. 963-996(34)) 1.4 Historiography of corporate marketing According to Balmer and Greyser the corporate marketing have passed through several eras before reaching the present though the focus has always been the customers as correctly said by Frank Taussig, a former President of the American Economic Association stated back in 1912 that, We must accept the consumer as the final judge (The Economist, 2006). 1950-1970- Corporate Imaging There was more stress on the concept of corporate image in the period of 1950 to1970. Corporate image is the consumer perception of the corporate entity behind a brand. In a few cases, the corporate entity is known and the image has a positive influence on brand sales, such as Apple. In other cases, the corporate image acquires negative connotations such as BP did following the oil spill in Gulf of Mexico. According to Balmer (1998), there are three paradigms to corporate imaging. These are Psychological Paradigm- Use of symbolic relation eg logos (Bromley, 1993; Grunig, 1993). Graphic Design Paradigm- Use of visual graphics for companies philosophies, values etc to make it fashionable. (Balmer 1995). Marketing and Public Relation Paradigm- An understanding of the experiences, beliefs, feelings about and knowledge of an organisation, as held by an individual, group, or groups (Bernstein, 1984, cited in Balmer 1998) (Balmer, Journal of Marketing Management, pp. 963-996(34) 1970-1980: -Era of Corporate Identity and Corporate Personality Corporate Personality can be defined as the view and opinion of the personnel within the organisation. By this time it was imperative for the companies to understand that the most their own staff were an important part of the organisation. The companies understood that it was necessary to train their staff and make sure that they were in line with the companys philosophy, mission and values. The concept of corporate identity is still debatable. According to Balmer (1998), there are groups which consider the Latin meaning of the word identity i.e. same and connect it to logos, images and visual branding. Whereas there are other groups which use the word identity when referring to the distinct attributes of an organisation, i.e. what it is. Balmer 1995, cited in balmer 1998. There are few instances when the corporate identity, image and reputation are not in synchronization with each other this usually happens due to bad corporate communication. Therefore the companies need to have a good corporate image in the eyes of the stakeholders and a favorable corporate reputation. According to Balmer and Greyser (revealing the corporation Pg 42), Identity can be regarded as Triquadri Orbis. Visual identification Staff identification Distinct attributes of the organisation (who are we, what are we). Mid-1980s-mid-1990s This era was the dawn of corporate communication and corporate reputation. Corporate reputation A corporate reputation is a set of attributes ascribed to a firm inferred from a firms past actions. (Weigelt and Camerer (1988 pI), cited in Balmer 1998) Fombrun and Van Riel (1997) have identified six distinct academic literatures in relation to Corporate Reputation. This is shown in Figure 2. Discipline Categorization of Reputation Economics Reputation viewed as traits or signals. Perception held of the organisation by an organisations external stakeholders. Marketing Viewed from the customer or end-users perspective and concentrates on the manner in which reputations are formed. Organisational Behaviour Viewed as the sense-making experiences of employees or the perception of the organisation held by an organisations internal stakeholders. Accountancy Reputation seen as an intangible asset and one that can or should be given financial worth. Sociology Viewed as an aggregate assessment of a firms performance relative to expectation and norms in an institutional context Strategy Reputation viewed as assets and mobility barriers. Figure 2. Categorization of Corporate Reputation According to Various Literatures Source: Balmer 1998, cited in Fombrun and Van Riel (1997). Figure 3 Defining corporate reputation (Manto Gotsi, Alan M. Wilson, (2001) Corporate reputation: seeking a definition, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 6 Iss: 1, pp.24 30) Thus corporate reputation is the perception that is build up over the period of time considering the past action of the company. Since Fombrun research, lot of studies has been done on corporate reputation which is been greatly helpful in expanding the knowledge on this concept. Corporate communication In the mid 1990s companies realized that the corporate communication strategies are not only useful from customers point of view, but it is also very important from shareholders perspective. According to Balmer (2009), the Dutch scholar Van Riel (1995) argues that there are three stands of communication; management communication (employee focus), marketing communication (customer focus) and organizational communication (stakeholder focus). The work of Stephen Greyser, Harvard Business School Professor, has been the greatly acknowledged in the field of corporate communication. He even started a course in corporate communication in Harvard Business School. Mid 1990s till Present Corporate Branding and the dawn of corporate marketing Corporate Brand is the covenant or a promise between an organization and the stakeholders or the customers. It conveys what the company can deliver in terms of product, or customer experience. It can be aspirational, for example, apple promises innovation and quality to the customers. To get a better picture let us try to understand corporate brand covenant. It is a promise or a pledge made by business organisations to stakeholders. These promises, no matter how minute they may be, are binding upon business organisations and they are seen as the parameter upon which corporate brand performance is measured. The notion of promise can be stated in four stages: God/firm Level God has a personality so does a firm. A firm presents themselves like a god who knows everything within their business area. Message Level- Gods presents its covenant to man in the form of a message which is irreversible. The firm also conveys its personality or identity to the stakeholders through corporate communication which is in a way a promise to the stakeholder to remain in the business. The man/stakeholder level and reputation levels- The gods covenant is interpreted by man which then develops the reputation of God. Similarly the corporate personality conveyed by the firm is interpreted by the people concerned with the organisation which then develops positive or negative reputation. Source: Olutayo Otubanjo, Temi Abimbola, Olusanmi Amujo, (2010) Conceptualising the notion of corporate brand covenant, Journal of Product Brand Management, pp.410 422 Figure 4: comparison of biblical and marketing notion of covenant Source: Olutayo Otubanjo, Temi Abimbola, Olusanmi Amujo, (2010) Conceptualising the notion of corporate brand covenant, Journal of Product Brand Management, Vol. 19 Iss: 6, pp.410 422 According to Balmer (1998), several distinct concepts have evolved since 1950: perception of the company by external environment, visual identification and symbolic relationship between the company and the people, corporate personality and identity, how it is perceived by the stakeholders and corporate branding. Corporate branding is closely linked to marketing and the various aspects of the business therefore this theory could lead to the advent of corporate marketing. 1.5 Conclusion Till date the concept corporate identity and corporate marketing has been vague but it is very clear that though there has been emphasis on different concepts in different phases, the organization needs to understand that the key to good image and reputation is through corporate identity. It is possible that corporate identity will evolve into a broader term called corporate marketing which will encompass the various management concepts used till date. Corporate marketing will be an organization wide philosophy which would keep in mind that the stakeholders are as important as the customers. It is like a super term wherein the key management concepts like corporate -identity, branding, communication and reputation are combined together to form a single organizational philosophy. Corporate Marketing I future will be applied to the areas where there is a relationship between the organization and the various stakeholders PART (B) 2.1 Introduction In the second part of the essay I will be critically analysing Balmers Marketing Mix and Balmers 6C making reference to his work. It is very clear that marketing is undergoing through paradigms shifts which are evident from ascendancy of the management concepts. The focus on various stakeholders is as important as the customers, therefore Balmer extended the original 4 Ps to 11Ps. The new marketing mix shifts the focus from the product to organisation as a single entity. Balmer then later simplified the 11Ps to 6Cs which can be used by seniors executives to follow the mission of the organisation. 2.2 Balmers Marketing Mix (1998) The original Marketing Mix was given by Borden which was simplified by Mcarthy to 4Ps, which is easier to remember and recall. In 1998, Balmer extended the marketing mix to 10 elements to articulate the new Marketing Mix. He later added an eleventh P so as to take account of corporate brand. Product What the organisation sells or does Perception The reputation held of the organisation Philosophy and Ethos What the organisation stands for, the way it undertakes its work and activities. Price The valuation its brands (corporate, services and product). What it charges for its products and services. 11 Ps of marketing mix People In addition to customers: the organisations internal and external constituencies and communities Place Selling and distribution of products and services.(Franchising, outsourcing, licensing). Promise The expectations associated with the corporate brand and the promise underpinning the corporate brand Performance Quality of products and services. Standards vis a vis issues of governance, ethics and social responsibility Promotion Co-ordinated corporate communications (Corporate advertising, corporate PR, visual identification etc.) Positioning The organisations position relative to its competitors Personality The critical role of personnel vis a vis corporate marketing activities. Figure 1: The 11 Ps of Corporate Marketing Mix Explanation (Balmer 1998) Source:- Balmer and Greyser, Epilogue, revealing the corporation, pg 348-355 2.3 Merits and Demerits of Corporate Marketing Mix The focus of 4Ps been in terms of products and services rather than corporation. Balmers 11Ps can be orchestrated to underpin the new gestalt of organisations. The 11Ps are not only profit orientated but also focuses on the survival of the business. One of the major component of corporate marketing is coordinated organisational activities therefore the corporate marketing mix helps to understand the present needs and wants of the stakeholders The corporate marketing mix also tries to balance the current shareholders demands and the societal needs with those of the future. Since the Marketing mix are extended to 11Ps, the communications mix will need to be extended in order to encompass the many stakeholder groups which are of importance to organisations, as well as taking into account the numerous channels of communication. Corporate Marketing Mix given by Balmer has the similar problem as Bordons marketing Mix; it had the difficulty of remembering and recalling. Therefore Balmer simplified the mix to Balmers 6C. (Comprehending Corporate Marketing and the Corporate Marketing Mix J.M.T. Balmer Working Paper No 06/08 March 2006 and Revealing the corporation), (Balmer and Greyser, revealing the corporation, pg 349-355). 2.4 The Six Dimensions of the revised Corporate Marketing Mix The 6Cs CHARACTER Corporate Identity: What we are It is the factors that differentiate or one entity from another. The distinct feature can be tangible and intangible such as corporate ownership and structure, corporate philosophy and corporate history CULTURE Corporate Culture: what we feel we are It is the views of the staff about the organisation.. These beliefs are derived from the values, beliefs, and assumptions about the organisation and its historical roots and heritage. CONSTITUENCIES Corporate Governance: Whom we seek to serve The philosophy of corporate-marketing depends on the needs and wants of the stakeholders such as employees, investors, local community etc) because without their support it will be difficult for the organisation to exist. CONCEPTUALISATION Corporate Image and Corporate Reputation: How are we seen? It is the perceptions of the corporate brand held by customers and other key stakeholder groups. COMMUNICATION Corporate Communications: What we say we are Corporate communications is the controlled message from the organisation to the customers and the stakeholders. COVENANT Corporate Brand: What is promised and expected A corporate brand is like a contract, which can be compared to a covenant holder groups often have a religious-like loyalty to the corporate brand. Failure to acknowledge the contract could lead to bad reputation and identity. 2.5 Merits and Demerits of Balmers 6C. Balmers 6c is the revised version of rather than a mix collected together for a department. The importance components of the six dimensions Balmers 11Ps so it easier to remember and recollect. It is a organisation wide philosophy are cleared by the questions underpinned with each element. It provides the senior executives key elements that inform corporate marketing paradigms. However the dimensions are aligned symmetrically, therefore the relationship of each element should be taken in a broader aspect. The senior executive should not follow the same structure of the elements as it is not attainable. They should view the dimensions in a broader perspective and a dynamic alignment because identities are always in the making. A rigid alignment of the elements could be hazardous. (Corporate marketing: apocalypse, advent and epiphany, J. Balmer, pg 544-572) (Comprehending Corporate Marketing and the Corporate Marketing Mix J. Balmer Working Paper No 06/08 March 2006) 2.6 Comparison of Balmers Marketing Mix and Balmers 6C 6C is basically the shortened version of marketing mix. Balmer revised is so that it will be easier to remember and recall. Philosophy (what company stands), Product (what company does), Price (what it charges for the products), Place (distribution), Performance (quality) and Personality (organisations position relative to its competitors) from Balmers marketing mix is combined together to form Character which is one of the Cs. Personality (what the staffs perception about the company) similar to culture Promotion (advertising, pr etc at corporate level) similar to communication People (internal and external communities) similar to constituencies Perceprtion(perception of the stakeholders) similar to conceptualisation Promise (expectation associated with the brand) similar to covenant. 2.7 Conclusion
Friday, October 25, 2019
Saving Lancaster :: essays papers
Saving Lancaster There are problems facing people everyday, some worse than others, but none anymore pleasant. We see problems ranging from the environment to crime, gangs, diseases, wars and so many more. William Finnegan saw a major problem arising for the residents of Lancaster, California where he went to find out why two skin head gangs are so prevalent in the area. Parents working low wage jobs for long hours far from home made absent parents a huge problem as well as lack of education greatly due to poor funding. Finding the causes of large social problems helps to discover solutions and get people thinking about problems instead of just accepting them. A solution that would have a large impact on the city would be to use cooperate welfare to bring big business to the area, because it will help create local jobs, a circulation of money, and more money for better educational facilities and teachers. Many people would agree that Cooperate welfare is a problem in it self and are strongly against it. However, it is very common and does serve positive purposes. Cooperate welfare gives tax breaks and other incentives to encourage big businesses to come to a certain area. If the Antelope Valley could get businesses into the over populated city they would be able to provide local jobs for many families. This is important, because many of the parents in the valley are just making enough to get by. Both parents are usually forced to work and a major percentage of these families are single parent households with one income. They end up working long hours at low wages and for that reason are unable to be home for their children. The children begin going elsewhere to look for a place of company after school. Education starts in the home, so already they are losing out on half of the valuable education they need. Funding for schools comes from the government and it's obvious that richer areas have better schools. Cooperate welfare would bring more money to the area which would provide better funding for schools. Once a better educational system is established the schools can work on programs teaching kids about ignorance and racism at an early age. Also, providing sport teams, music classes, and other activities for children to get involved in would help keep more kids in school. Teen boredom seemed to be another major factor driving teens to the gang life. Getting businesses like dance clubs for minors, boys and girls clubs, movie theaters, shopping
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Conflict and Communication Styles Within Families
Conflict and Communication Styles Within Families There are many areas to be explored underneath the Communications Studies umbrella making it quite difficult to narrow down a specific subject to write about. After performing some research I chose to discuss conflict and communication styles within families. Conflict seems to be an inevitable event in all-interpersonal relationships and the way one manages such conflict can determine how the rest of the relationship may be influenced. According to Wilmot and Hocker (2005). Conflict is usually a struggle between at least two parties who have indifferences in goals.Families tend to deal with this issue differently based upon communication patterns, perceptions and environment. As aforementioned the way conflict and communication is dealt with can differ within families based upon their communication styles or patterns. I thought it would be interesting to further study why this happens. Many families face difficult struggles, which can often be quite volatile and troubling. How family members deal with these struggles not only affects personal development but it can also affect younger children, what they learn from family conflict and how they can be impacted by exposure to such conflict.The first article I chose is Family Communication Patterns and Conflict Styles in Chinese Parent-Child Relationships written by Qin Zhang. The purpose of the study that was conducted was to investigate Chinese family communication patterns and the effects on children’s conflict styles and perceptions of parent-child relationships satisfaction (Zhang, 2007). The study found that Chinese family communication patterns are more conversation-oriented than conformity-oriented, and the collaborating and accommodating styles are the children's most preferred and the competing style the least preferred.A conformity-oriented family values the harmony and interdependence of family members, conflict avoidance and children’s ob edience to parents (Fitzpatrick, 2004; Koerner & Cvancara, 2002; Ritchie 1991). A conversation-oriented family values the individuality and independence of family members and spontaneous and unconstrained interactions (Koerner & Cvancara, 2002; Koerner & Fitzpatrick, 1997; Ritchie, 1991). The second article I chose was Family Communication Patterns and the Conflict styles Young Adults Use with Their Fathers by Rebecca Dumlao and Renee A.Botta. This study examines the link between family communication patterns between fathers and young adults to conflict styles and management. The levels of conformity and conversation encouraged by the young adults’ fathers also encouraged styles of managing conflict (Dumlao & Botta, 2000). Collaborating and accommodating were found to be the most consistent styles of conflict predicted by father type. Collaborating requires significant commitments of time and communicative effort to find a solution that mutually beneficial.A father who promot es substantial communication is more likely to raise children who us this skilled style (Dumlao & Botta, 2000). Accommodating is when on person gives in to another’s wants which often correlates with a family that encourages conformity. Young adults with fathers who encouraged conformity were often more accommodating during conflict. Comparison and Criticism: Both articles vary drastically but still offer good insight in regards to families and how factors such as cultural background or parent-child relationships can have a great effect on how conflict is resolved.In the first article, I found it interesting how culture can be a major influence on how conflict is handled and perceived. According to Hall (1976) â€Å"Chinese culture is high context, collectivistic and has large power distance†. Before reading the article I assumed, since the Chinese tend to be a more reserved and high context people that they would be more likely to avoid conflict. Traditional Chinese c ulture places great emphasis on harmony, face, relationship, and filial piety, which gives rise to the preference of conformity orientation (Ho, 1986; Hsu, 2002; Wu, 1996).That being said, it was very interesting to see that my assumptions were wrong. I was somewhat surprised to see that study findings show how Chinese parents have moved from conformity orientation to conversation orientation. Zhang (2007) states â€Å"The shift of family communication patterns might actually reflect the gradual transformation of Chinese culture from a highly hierarchical society to one that endorses equality and freedom†. Although the second article does not have to do with cultures it still touches on families and the way conflict is handled and resolved.What intrigued me about this article is that it takes about conflict with young adults and specifically their fathers. I’ve always been close with my father so I was interested to find out how different parenting skills can affect yo ung adults in how they deal with conflict now and in the future. There were various hypotheses during this study but one that stood out to me was that â€Å"young adults with protective fathers will use higher levels of both accommodating and avoiding styles with their fathers than those whose fathers are not protective†(Dumlao and Butta, 2000).I found this interesting mainly because I felt like I could relate to that assumption and it was fascinating to see the hypothesis to be proven true. In the findings it states that there are limited options for an individual who may come from this type of family those being to give in or don’t get involved at all. This spoke volumes to me because this is how tended to act/react in my relationship with my father, who was in fact, very protective. Once again, the articles are different but at the same time very similar. Both deal with conflict, families, and relationships between a parent and child.I don’t think us, as a s ociety, realize how cultural backgrounds, parent-child relationships, and environment can affect us at such an early age in how we deal with and resolve conflict with one another. I’m not too sure how I could apply this to my daily life or future endeavors since my conflict style has slowly been embedded in me since I was a child. I have taken the time to analyze myself though and reflect on how my culture and upbringing have effected the decisions I make and reactions towards conflict. Recently, in another class
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Human Origins Exhibit Project Essay
After visiting the new David Koch Hall of Human Origins Exhibit in the Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History, it can be inferred that the main concept being portrayed in the said display is the important role that the environment has played in the evolution of human species. Consequently, the previously mentioned idea has long been acknowledged by a number of scientists and researchers worldwide and was cited in various scientific studies and research investigations. Environment is a said to be the main substrate that brings about changes in the life of early humans (Smithsonian Institution, 2010). The environment being defined here includes all the living and non-living elements that affect the manner by which humans live their lives and these are characterized by climate changes, fluctuations in temperature, topographic features of the land, the animals that thrive in the area of concern, and the overall intra- and inter-specific interactions of these organisms (Sample, 2007). One specific example of the impact of environmental activities to human evolution is seen on the events that took place in eastern Africa’s ancient climate. These events are deemed to have occurred about 2. 5 million, 1. 5 million, and 1 million years ago, periods which are also considered to be the era when important human species have emerged (Sample, 2007). These early human species are composed of the Homo habilis, Australopithecus afarensis, and the Homo erectus, humans species who were expert on the various usages of stones and on hunting (Sample, 2007). The coincided emergence of these human species with the shift on climatic features of the Earth during these times clearly signifies an important role of the environment to the development of the lives of our early ancestors. In order to further illustrate the changes in the features of the environment that shaped the future of human species, it will be necessary to cite specific examples of the effects of climate changes on the path of human evolution. First, sudden shift in the temperature of eastern Africa about 3million years ago resulted to drastic changes in the landscape of the said area (Sample, 2007). Researchers found out that lakes of about 300 meters deep were discovered to have been present in many regions of the area but eventually vanished as a result of climate changes and temperature elevation. A direct consequence of the said event is the death of the organisms that were deriving food and water from the lakes, an event which has resulted to the subsequent rupture of the biological food chains and eventual death of the organisms (Sample, 2007). In this case, the aquatic-based population of living organisms, like freshwater fishes, depleted and left the humans with less food for consumption. Another notable event is the conversion of the forest landscapes to unfruitful land areas which are not suitable for supporting the growth of plants and other botanical species (Sample, 2007). Accounts on the investigations of the eastern Africa have shown that this area has encountered about 450C of atmospheric temperature which resulted to the depletion of natural resources. In the face of these occurrences, hominids tried to adapt themselves on the facets of the changing environment. Many were able to successfully withstand the alterations in the environmental setting by allowing the development of larger brains, more powerful jaws, and more diverse food choices (Sample, 2007). Others, however, failed to adapt and evolve thereby preventing the proliferation of their genetic linkage in the succeeding generations. In general, the exhibit showed that the early human species made adjustments in accordance to the changes that happen in their surroundings (Smithsonian Institution, 2010). Changes in the temperature gradient, water availability, and land fertility all contributed to the quality of life that the human species will have. Hence, any alteration or drastic changes on the features of these factors had brought about significant changes in human evolution. What is the theme or take-home message of this exhibit? It is believed that the take-home message of the exhibit is to remind the viewers of the importance of the environment in the lives of humans. In connection to present issues in global warming, the exhibit serves as a direct warning of the things that might happen to the human population today if we will not take care of our environment and will allow the destruction of our natural resources. While it is true that the environment provides humans with numerous resources, it is equally important for people to take care of the environment. Humans must work hand-in-hand to prevent the abusive utilization of our natural resources and everyone must be aware of the issues that concern our Mother Earth. Life on Earth is made possible by the numerous interactions that characterize our surroundings. Destruction or death of any of the elements on these interactions will surely result to notable changes. In like manner, it is important for humans to take care of the environment because all of us are gaining benefits from it. Lastly, the David Koch Human origins Exhibit is a simple everyone of what has the modern human species has achieved and the responsibilities that goes along with these evolutionary achievements.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Design
"The Web is so overloaded with clutter and information, brand becomes an important differentiator." What is the role of brand on the Web? It's huge. The wonderful thing about the Web is that anybody can create a website. The terrible thing about the Web is that anybody can have a website, and does. The Web is so overloaded with clutter and information, brand becomes an important differentiator. Who do you trust? Why go there? What do they deliver – not just the first time, but the second, third, fourth time? The Web has so much to choose from that in order to use it productively, you only want to visit the sites that keep their promises. That's what a brand is. A brand is a promise to the user that gets kept consistently. The companies that perform in ways that respect your time, intelligence and the limits of your technology are sites you're going to want to see again. â€Å"History of ANIMOSITY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Business people probably don't appreciate being told that they should learn to think like designers. Let's be honest, there's been a history of animosity. Business people look at a designer as somebody just interested in doing pretty things. And the designer looks at the businessperson as a barbarian willing to sacrifice quality to win at the bottom line. But in the New Economy, the capacity to talk to each other and see each other as necessary collaborators is more important than ever. What do successful entrepreneurs and business people in the New Economy do? They reconfigure reality. They reimagine the space in which their company is going to compete. They redesign their organizational operation. They reconceive a metaphor for their business. In fact, they operate in a land that's often pretty intangible. Venture capitalists and incubator companies are constantly trying to foresee what doesn't exist. They look for openings where there are opportunities. Now how does a good designer work? A designer often sta... Free Essays on Design Free Essays on Design "The Web is so overloaded with clutter and information, brand becomes an important differentiator." What is the role of brand on the Web? It's huge. The wonderful thing about the Web is that anybody can create a website. The terrible thing about the Web is that anybody can have a website, and does. The Web is so overloaded with clutter and information, brand becomes an important differentiator. Who do you trust? Why go there? What do they deliver – not just the first time, but the second, third, fourth time? The Web has so much to choose from that in order to use it productively, you only want to visit the sites that keep their promises. That's what a brand is. A brand is a promise to the user that gets kept consistently. The companies that perform in ways that respect your time, intelligence and the limits of your technology are sites you're going to want to see again. â€Å"History of ANIMOSITY†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Business people probably don't appreciate being told that they should learn to think like designers. Let's be honest, there's been a history of animosity. Business people look at a designer as somebody just interested in doing pretty things. And the designer looks at the businessperson as a barbarian willing to sacrifice quality to win at the bottom line. But in the New Economy, the capacity to talk to each other and see each other as necessary collaborators is more important than ever. What do successful entrepreneurs and business people in the New Economy do? They reconfigure reality. They reimagine the space in which their company is going to compete. They redesign their organizational operation. They reconceive a metaphor for their business. In fact, they operate in a land that's often pretty intangible. Venture capitalists and incubator companies are constantly trying to foresee what doesn't exist. They look for openings where there are opportunities. Now how does a good designer work? A designer often sta...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Assessing Organizational Culture Essay Example
Assessing Organizational Culture Essay Example Assessing Organizational Culture Paper Assessing Organizational Culture Paper Assessing Organizational Culture When thinking of culture, my mind tends to wander toward far off places only seen on television or on the internet. Culture represents an exotic and sometimes untouchable part of the world that each individual claims depending on their background, ethnicity, race, or family history. When applying culture to the workplace, however, the idea of culture applies, not only to individual persons, but to the way in which we react to one another, perceive one another, and communicate with one another. The culture of an organization is embedded in and expressed by patterns nd habits of communication. (Cheney, Christensen, Zorn, Jr. , Ganesh 2011) This paper will explain what it means to have culture within organizations as well as the presence of climate and socialization. Organizations adopt habits that work well with its requirements as an organization as well as those who have built the culture of the organization. For example, if the long-standing CEO has created a casual and relaxed atmosphere, others within the organization will adopt the same habits in order to fit the model the CEO is building. We deal with the meanings of things within our ultural system. Staying within a culture creates a certain amount of stability and predictability. Culture in the workplace can be explained easily by the differences in our co-workers and how to adapt to these differences. Differences may originate in family background religion, age, education, occupation, wealth, status, lifestyle, interests, etc. (Cheney, Christensen, Zorn, Jr. , Ganesh 2011) I will focus on the culture of age for a moment. Recently, I started a new position with a new organization. This position offered everything I was looking for; better pay, excellent benefits, proper se of my skills, and opportunity for advancement. Shortly after orientation, I began meeting those I would be working with. I noticed very quickly that all of my co- workers are from an older generation and I am the minority. In some cases it is fun to have conversations with them regarding our age differences and for them to Jokingly say, What year were you born? I graduated high school that year, my word you are young! , but this can also mean they do not take me as seriously as a protessional. But one time they become a physician. infirmary nurse. surgical technician. etc. they take on a new life and thereby absorb a new civilization into their lives. Subcultures. as defined by organisational theoreticians John new wave Maanen and Stephen Barley. are a subset of an organization’s members who interact on a regular basis with one another. place themselves as a distinguishable group†¦and routinely take action on the footing of corporate apprehensions unique to the group ( Cheney. 2011. 78-79 ) The organisational civilization in a infirmary is based on the premiss that the infirmary is at that place to supply a topographic point for the attention and healing of the ill or injured. Organizational theoretician Mary Jo Hatch puts Forth that there are five ( 5 ) Degrees of Cultural Integration and Differentiation ( Cheney. 77 ) identified as follows: Unitary. Diverse ( Integrated ) . Diverse ( Differentiated ) . Diverse ( Fragmented ) and Disorganized ( Multi-cephalous ) ( Hatch. 1997. 210 ) . A infirmary in its purest signifier would be good represented as a Unitary civilization because the staff as a whole all have the same values or beliefs. But single staff or even medical units may fall into any of the other civilizations identified every bit good. A peculiar unit. i. e. cardiac telemetry floor. may be a Diverse ( Fragmented ) unit due to a group of nurses who do non see their critical undertaking demands in the same manner and as a consequence the degree of patient infections or deceases rises. doing unrest among the staff. supervisors. patient households and ensuing in legal branchings thereby break uping the staff’s solidarity. Social psychologist Edgar Schein formulated a theoretical theoretical account that shows an organization’s civilization is built on three degrees: artefacts. values and norms. and premises and beliefs. Artifacts are normally the most common and seeable mark of a specific civilization. Schein puts Forth that things such as nursing uniforms. nomenclature. surgical protocols and more. really and accurately stand for the basic facets of organization’s civilization. The values and norms facet of his theory. while non ever seeable. can be seen through behaviour of the person or group ; it reveals what is of import to the group and how they treat each other within their organisation. Each facet of the profession may hold an operating process or environment nique to that country of specialisation. but still have the same values and norms for their actions. In a surgical room. sterilisation of the environment is much more of import than it would be in a patient’s room on a medical/surgical floor. but they still have the same belief in maintaining an unfastened lesion every bit clean as possible. While values in the medical profession make non change as a whole. values do specify accepted behaviour and action. Genuine premises and beliefs are nurtured by a individuals or organisations values and norms. Valuess vary merely somewhat in the assorted medical professions and installations. Depending on the medical forte country. operational norms and methods may differ harmonizing to developing precedences. equipment and environment unique to that forte. For case. the hospital in-patient lesion attention squad may hold the same desire to handle a patient’s lesions as a place wellness nursing squad. but the methods of intervention or medicines used may be different. Differences begin to come up when a patient is sent place on a negative force per unit area lesion therapy system. i. e. a lesion V. A. C.  ® . that aids in the healing of lesions via suction ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. kci1. com/KCI1/vactherapy ) . Many place wellness nurses does non cognize how to properly alter the intricate dressing or to the full understand this equipment or the detrimental consequences that can happen if non changed decently. Faulty premises are hence made based on the beliefs of the place wellness nurse of what should be done for the patient. When that happens. jobs arise in this peculiar scenario that could ensue in the patient being brought back to the infirmary for a farther period of hospitalization due to a dislocation of their lesions or even the creative activity of new lesions as a consequence of improper V. A. C.  ® arrangement. The paramount civilization of the medical field is based on the Physician’s Creed of First. make no harm ( writer uncertain but it is based on the Hippocratic Oath which states to abstain from making harm ) . This belief echoes throughout the medical field all over the universe. And while there are single exclusions or exclusions in countries such as carnal research for the improvement of world or the ethical issue of abortion. the credo has gone unchanged since the clip of the ancient Greeks and before. Schein’s three ( 3 ) degrees of artefacts. values and norms. and premises and beliefs. are apparent in every clinical scene. With farther geographic expedition. Hatch’s five ( 5 ) Degrees of Cultural Integration and Differentiation will besides be found. albeit non everyone will be seen on every infirmary floor or unit. Medical installations are a kaleidoscope or a microcosm of many subcultures under the roof of the chief civilization of being a topographic point for the attention and healing of the ill or injured. Without that organisational civilization giving counsel to all of the subcultures involved in this human-centered calling field. the decease rate for minor hurts and diseases would intensify exponentially.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
An Analysis of the Declaration of Independence
Analysis of the Declaration of Independence By understanding the time frame written in the Declaration of Independence, you can see its impact on the early American people and how they handle this famous sentence. In this article I will explain the basic idea included in the Declaration of Independence, the influence of the declaration on the American Revolutionary War, and the reason why the declaration is considered a radical document. These topics show the premise of the Declaration of Independence and are discussed and analyzed to explain why and how it was written. Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence was aimed at releasing colonists from King George's bondage. This document affects the cornerstone of the United States and is one of the most important documents in American history. The Declaration of Independence is the foundation of that country. But what Jefferson and other signers did not think about is this firmness and f irmness ... Do most of us want to know what inspiration for the Declaration of Independence is? Who did influence Thomas Jefferson, one of the great founders, or who created such an important document in American history. To truly understand what affects Thomas Jefferson, you must understand some of the people who motivated him when writing this document. Declaration of Independence - Declaration of Independence In May 1776, the Virginia Treaty of Williamsburg passed a resolution requiring that 13 United States colonies declare that the colonies are free and independent of the British royal family. At the 2nd Continental Congress, the resolution was passed and a committee of five people, led by Thomas Jefferson on 11th June 1776, was established to write the Declaration of Independence. - In his essay Evil and Almighty, Maggie built views that opposed the possibility of the existence of God with the characteristics of the main religion: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. These feature s are completely gentle that God is omnipotent, or evil, be able to stop the kindness of almighty, or want to destroy evil.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Financial Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Financial Analysis - Essay Example For this purpose, the performance of the company for the last few years has been taken into consideration. The results are compared with that of its competitors to determine the relative position of the company within the industry. Comparison will also be made with the industry standards to determine the effectiveness with which it manages its performance. Marks & Spencer (M&K) is a UK based retail company that offer products known for their high quality. The product portfolio of Marks & Spencer is highly diversified, comprising of food products, household related goods, apparel and many more. The company started as a single retail store in early 1884 and became an international retail chain in a matter of few years. Within a time span of 125 years, the company had diversified itself and entered more than 41 overseas territories. It boasts of 21 million footfalls per shop per week (M&S-a, 2010). To determine the short term performance of the company, its financial statements for the last three years will be taken into consideration. This time period will be stretched to 5 years to understand its long term trend. To determine the current position of the company, its present performance in 2009-2010 is compared with that of 2007-2008. Such comparison is initiated to understand the effect that economic recession had on the company. This will also help to analyse how the company managed to overcome the recessionary phase. Reports have revealed that recession had no major impact on the total revenue of the company. Only, a fall of 0.44 percent was registered in the total revenue. However, the operating profitability did suffer a fall of 28 percent. In the same way, the net profit (profit after tax) also reduced by 38 percent. As the operational cost increased, the management reduced its net debt by 19 percent. From the above fact and figures, it can be concluded that the revenue of M&S was affected marginally
Oliver Sacks-Anthropologist on Mars(topic cont. below) Essay
Oliver Sacks-Anthropologist on Mars(topic cont. below) - Essay Example however, attempts to portray these people’s perception not as abnormal but merely different, and he hopes that people are able to discover how a different perception could lead people to extreme creativity or intelligence by people that might have been considered mentally deficient. In Sacks’ essay â€Å"To See and Not See,†Sacks discusses Virgil, a man who had his vision restored to him after forty-five years. Of a person having their vision restored, Sacks asks the question â€Å"Would it be ‘normal’ from the moment vision was restored?†(†¦). To a person that has never had any difficulty in seeing, the thought of not being able to see does not make sense. We might close our eyes and wander around vaguely, but this is not how blind people perceive the world. People view reality as normal, what’s just right there in front of their faces. That’s why the people surrounding Virgil were dismayed when he regained his vision but had to attempt to learn how to use his eyes. Sight is, however, something that the brain must construct and interpret. While people with sight might feel as though they are groping around while walking with eyes closed, Virgil felt the same way about walking with his eyes but no cane: â⠂¬Å"he said that in general he found walking ‘scary’ and ‘confusing’ without touch†(†¦). Similarly, Sacks mentions a case from the eighteenth century of a young boy having his vision restored to him that closely resembled Virgil’s experience: â€Å"the boy encountered profound difficulties with the simplest visual perception. He had no idea of distance. He had no idea of space or size. And he was bizarrely confused by drawings and paintings by the idea of a two-dimensional representation of reality†(†¦). Virgil had all sorts of experiences that were disconcerting to him because that did not match up with his the perception of the world he gained through touch. He was often surprised when he saw people with imperfections in
How does the specific geographical location of this particular country Essay
How does the specific geographical location of this particular country influence and inform its foreign policy aims and objectiv - Essay Example Curling away from the mainland China to neighboring Japan, Korea has been the area across which invading armies have coursed back and forth. At the same time, the invasions did not prevent Korea from retaining a high degree of homogeneity in ethnic sense. This â€Å"Koreanness†, as Feffer calls it, makes the division in two states painful for citizens in either part (Feffer, 2011: 22). For South Korea, its geographic location close to North Korea is the major factor that shapes its foreign policy. At the same time, surrounded by water, this country is located around 200 kilometers from two Japanese islands of Kyushu and Honshu. Closeness to Japan and China has its own impact on the foreign policy of South Korea. As for the geographical identity of South Korea, it is conditioned by South Korea’s location on one half of the Korean Peninsula, the one that is southern and has a land border with the only state - North Korea. This paper investigates how geography of South Kor ea shapes and informs its foreign policy aims and impacts its geographical identity. First, let us explore the geographical location of Republic of South Korea in detail. While South Korea hosts more than 45 million people, its size is slightly bigger than that of Indiana in the United States and is similar to the size of Hungary (about 93.000 square kilometers) and Jordan (around 97.700) (AsiaInfo, 2013: no page). Its territory is 99.391 square kilometers (Davis, 1999: 7). This accounts for 45% of the overall territory of the peninsula. The capital is Seoul. The land of the country covers the southern part of the Korean Peninsula; it is surrounded by water on its three sides. The Korean Peninsula stretches to the South from the east coast of Asia. Its second half is occupied by North Korea. The territory of South Korea encompasses nearly 3.000 islands which are located predominantly around the sea known as the Yellow Sea. Few islands lie of the East Sea. The largest and most import ant islands in South Korea are: Ullungdo (in the East Sea, serves a key fishery base), Tokdo (hosts a major fishery base, too), and Chejudo (the biggest island in size, is located off the southwest corner of the Korean Peninsula). Historically, the two countries on the Korean Peninsula used to be a single country under the name Korea. Yet, for political reasons, Korea got divided and became two countries. Specifically, with the end of World War 2, the overall territory got divided in two zones: the northern one got occupied by the military forces of the USSR; the southern part, in its turn, got occupied by the American army. The boundary between the two military zones was fixed at the 38th parallel. Back in 1953, the boundary was more or less fixed by the marked DMZ, which is 4-kilometer wide land strip running along the cease-fire lines from one coast to another (from the eastern part to the western part). That strip is around 241 kilometers east to west; it was fixed on a semi-per manent basis (AsianInfo, 2013: no page). The territory of South Korea is covered mostly with mountains and forests. Along its southern and western coasts, there stretch low and flat lands. South Korean climate is largely shaped by monsoons, which bring wet weather in summer season and dry weather in winter (Davis, 1999: 7).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Specific Strategies Used by JetBlue Research Proposal
Specific Strategies Used by JetBlue - Research Proposal Example Almost all information can be accessed online and it would, therefore, save a customer the need to have to go to the customer care service desk to always make inquiries and get assistance. People would opt for saving when making choices other than just having empathy for a given brand. The use of social network has enabled Jet Blue to effectively influence buyers and maintain good and lasting customer relationships. Jet blue gives critique to customer’s voices and that is what lead to the establishment of the software that helps the analysts to have better insights of feedbacks obtained from customers. This helps in making critical decisions driven to ensure full customer satisfaction in the bid to fight competition from other airline service providers (Parekh, 2012). Marketing is a process which involves all the necessary steps to ensure final sales. It involves planning, pricing, promotion, distribution and sales that ensure the satisfaction of both the customers and the producers, in terms of profits and consumer satisfaction. The general concept of marketing lays emphasis on selling satisfaction other than just selling the products. It involves determining the needs and wants of customers and giving out more desirable outcomes than any other competitors, in trying to achieve the organizational goals. JetBlue as an airline company acts to provide customers with the best flight services and this they achieve through a number of ways such as offering compensations and seeking customer feedbacks after service delivery (Brizek, 1998). This makes it clear that the airline is giving more concern about the kind of products they offer. They measure whether their outcomes are close or up to those desired by their customers. The type of products offered is the key concern for this organization. It is for this concept of products that they are going far in trying to save costs for their customers by conducting online marketing and providing full information and inquiries through their network. This is done in order to facilitate quality products in terms of the services.
The argument for the institution of a world currency Assignment
The argument for the institution of a world currency - Assignment Example What this will essentially do is to make sure that any impediments that remain within the midst of currency discussions are resolved in an amicable way. It will also touch upon the essential aspects related with the dealing of financial litigations that take place every now and then. What is even more interesting is the ideology that a single world currency would do away with the exchange mechanism which is present in different countries of the world. There would be fewer financial lapses and the world will become a much better and economically safer place. However, for now what is really required is a vision to have a world currency that can resurrect the structures of these markets. It would mean that this world currency takes into perspective the ideology that no currency is bigger than the other and all individuals within this world have uniform status. When this happens, the people will understand the dictum of change that is coming about within their ranks and that too for all the right reasons. Hence what remains now to be seen is the fact that the institution of a single currency would bring benefits for the sake of the people, and if the same happens, what are the negative repercussions in the aftermath of the adoption of one such currency. The first and foremost problem that could come about in the wake of having a single currency would be to properly demarcate the basis of the wealthy and poor economies in this day and age (Semmler, 2011). This would mean that the dominant superpower nations of the world which have renowned currencies of their own would have to let go their respective ones. This world currency would have the power to turn heads and have a singular belief that all types of people are catered to, without any discriminations whatsoever. It would also make sure that any predicaments that do arise within the wake of adoption of this world currency are taken care of at the earliest because apprehensions regarding the same cannot be deemed as affordable at all. This is so said because the world currency would present a singular vision of the world and keep the rich and the poor on the same platform. It would tell them how they have to conduct their own selves for the global good, which is of a collective nature nonetheless. This is important because in the current times, there is a great deal of anarchy that one can see when it comes to the financial regimes. The adoption of a world currency would mean that there are fewer issues that surround the currency domains and more collective harmony for the people at large. However, some people might have different views altogether because they think distinctively and thus have a viewpoint which is not in line with the same. But then again, there are some people who would believe in the dictum of having a world currency for the wellness of the human beings on this planet earth. The institution of a world economy would guarantee that the divide between the rich and the poor is resolved in an amicable way. This would mean that the currencies that are rampant in the world are given a relief because much has been credited upon their shoulders, and not entirely for all the right reasons. There are immense negatives that have come about in the wake of understanding the dictum of too many currencies spoiling the world image (LeRoy, 2011). The people have realized these anomalies as well and are doing their utmost to resolve the ambiguities which are widespread in the lengths and breadths of the different nations of the world. Now is the time to bring about a change and this change can only happen when there are more good points than bad. The adoption of a world currency is one such positive that can be cashed upon. It will make this world a better economic
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Should Feminists Be Against Pornography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Should Feminists Be Against Pornography - Essay Example Sometimes, it has also been the issue of equal rights between male and female and who is worth to have more power. The various issues arising out of feminism have also invited many theorists as well as political reformers formulate theories related to feminism which has been eventually linked up with politics. The research will investigate the different perspectives and issues related to pornography a subject closely linked with feminism, and whether the two go hand in hand. The issue of feminism is sometimes seen to be taking a liberal approach, which is again recognized as liberal feminism. Liberalism essentially refers to a differentiation of the body from the mind, overhauling the role of mind in defining human nature, while denying the importance of bodies. Precisely because it denies any connection between mind and body, liberalism assumes too many similarities between men and women. (Ring, 1991, 28) Women and men are no different from each other, and are treated equal irrespec tive of having two different bodies is what the liberalists believe. This ideology also has resemblances with Marxist theorists. According to Marxism, there is practically no difference between men and women. ... (Ring, 1991, 28) Looking from the Marxist approach, the body does not assume any significant image and even liberal feminists also share the same view. Whether one is a man or a woman holds no significance in the Marxist world. Instead, it is far more important to see whether one belongs to the upper class or the lower class based on his economic status. It denies any difference based on gender, and refutes any conflict that might be related to what rights a woman can enjoy as compared to her male counterpart. Considering from this angle, a woman has as much rights to wear clothes as a man, irrespective of how much part of her body the clothes might reveal. Following this perspective, one can notice the difference if one visits a capitalist country like USA and a country like UAE who believes in a more radical approach like difference between genders are strongly existent. In other words, a woman in USA would feel quite comfortable in exposing clothes like bikinis at a beach, while a woman from UAE might consider it unthinkable. However in the 1960s, feminists have been active in responding to the issues of the use of veil in Islam apart form issues like female genital mutilation carried out in Africa and female infanticide in Asia. However Marxist feminists believe that the two genders are equal but â€Å"we do not deny that men are the agents of women’s oppression, or that, within the framework of existing social relations, men benefit form it, both in material and psychological terms†(Marxism, Feminism & Women’s Liberation, n.d., 1). These feminists also hold that these gains are â€Å"petty, hollow and transitory†involving high costs. In this context of
The argument for the institution of a world currency Assignment
The argument for the institution of a world currency - Assignment Example What this will essentially do is to make sure that any impediments that remain within the midst of currency discussions are resolved in an amicable way. It will also touch upon the essential aspects related with the dealing of financial litigations that take place every now and then. What is even more interesting is the ideology that a single world currency would do away with the exchange mechanism which is present in different countries of the world. There would be fewer financial lapses and the world will become a much better and economically safer place. However, for now what is really required is a vision to have a world currency that can resurrect the structures of these markets. It would mean that this world currency takes into perspective the ideology that no currency is bigger than the other and all individuals within this world have uniform status. When this happens, the people will understand the dictum of change that is coming about within their ranks and that too for all the right reasons. Hence what remains now to be seen is the fact that the institution of a single currency would bring benefits for the sake of the people, and if the same happens, what are the negative repercussions in the aftermath of the adoption of one such currency. The first and foremost problem that could come about in the wake of having a single currency would be to properly demarcate the basis of the wealthy and poor economies in this day and age (Semmler, 2011). This would mean that the dominant superpower nations of the world which have renowned currencies of their own would have to let go their respective ones. This world currency would have the power to turn heads and have a singular belief that all types of people are catered to, without any discriminations whatsoever. It would also make sure that any predicaments that do arise within the wake of adoption of this world currency are taken care of at the earliest because apprehensions regarding the same cannot be deemed as affordable at all. This is so said because the world currency would present a singular vision of the world and keep the rich and the poor on the same platform. It would tell them how they have to conduct their own selves for the global good, which is of a collective nature nonetheless. This is important because in the current times, there is a great deal of anarchy that one can see when it comes to the financial regimes. The adoption of a world currency would mean that there are fewer issues that surround the currency domains and more collective harmony for the people at large. However, some people might have different views altogether because they think distinctively and thus have a viewpoint which is not in line with the same. But then again, there are some people who would believe in the dictum of having a world currency for the wellness of the human beings on this planet earth. The institution of a world economy would guarantee that the divide between the rich and the poor is resolved in an amicable way. This would mean that the currencies that are rampant in the world are given a relief because much has been credited upon their shoulders, and not entirely for all the right reasons. There are immense negatives that have come about in the wake of understanding the dictum of too many currencies spoiling the world image (LeRoy, 2011). The people have realized these anomalies as well and are doing their utmost to resolve the ambiguities which are widespread in the lengths and breadths of the different nations of the world. Now is the time to bring about a change and this change can only happen when there are more good points than bad. The adoption of a world currency is one such positive that can be cashed upon. It will make this world a better economic
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Two Items on the Same Desk Essay Example for Free
Two Items on the Same Desk Essay The first six weeks of school are always a joy . They are the spring time of teaching. The last six weeks? Those weeks can be, in the immortal words of Thomas Paine, â€Å"The times that try mens souls.†Those are the days when teachers consider retirement regardless of whether theyve been teaching for three years or thirty. Mr. Hemphill was nearing the 30 year mark. Today Mr. Hemphill, as students always called him to his face, felt more like the â€Å"old Mr. Hemphill†he knew students often called him behind his back. Not quite 60, his friends, all of whom referred to him as just â€Å"Bob,†often commented on how young and fit he appeared for a man his age. To the high school students at Olympus High he was ancient. Ninety percent of the other teachers were youngsters under 40, most under thirty. â€Å"How old are you?†he was often asked. â€Å"Older than you can imagine,†hed reply. â€Å"I used to teach Shakespeare.†â€Å"You still teach it; we read Romeo and Juliet first semester.†â€Å"No, no,†he would grin. â€Å"I used to teach Shakespeare the MAN. Thats why he uses so many puns in his plays.†Mr. Hemphill never gave a quiz or test without including a bonus question, always a pun of some kind. He didnt feel very punny today. He just felt tired, weary to the bone. On his now cleared, moments earlier cluttered desk, were two items. The first was the true source of his fatigue. Seventh (the final) period of his day Mr. Hemphill had been doing his best to lead a literary discussion with a class of 38 students. Most of them hadn’t read the mere seven pages of the novel hed assigned for homework and upon which the discussion was about. Suddenly a piece of paper floated into the air from somewhere in the middle of the room, and past three or four desks. It lighted softly as a tiny bird at his feet. He picked it up. The paper, which had floated like a bird, was as welcome to Mr. Hemphill as bird poop. Indeed, the less euphemistic form of the word â€Å"poop†came to mind as he saw what was on the paper. In graphic, splendidly detailed tagger art color was a picture of a penis and scrotum on a skateboard. Mr. Hemphill commented on the quality of the art and expressed his wish that the author would channel his obvious talents in a more productive manner. What he almost said was that the artist must surely have spent hours and hours studying and handling his subject in order to depict it so 2. accurately. He didnt say it however because Mr. Hemphill in his core saw himself as a professional. His clothes, though not expensive, were ironed and neat, his shoes polished. The years hed spent in front of classrooms had taught him losing his temper was not professional. More importantly, it did you no good. He had taken a copy of the paper to the vice principal with the names of those he was certain were responsible. To the class as a whole he expressed his disappointment that some of them who had such grand potential for greatness were choosing to waste it on depravity. He meant it too and said it with great sincerity. A few looked as if they agreed with him. Several others, and probably the ones responsible, snickered albeit surreptitiously. â€Å"They think Im just an old, old guy from another planet,†he thought at the time. When he looked at the item now he felt disappointment once again, and anger, most definitely, and hurt. For some reason it definitely hurt. Of course it most likely had not been meant for him. It had a boys name on it, Nick ________, and it was likely a gang thing. When a gang member gives a guy a picture of a male private part it is a message. Hes calling the guy out, insulting him, asking him what hes going to do about it. Sometimes a gang guy draws a picture of the female equivalent. That is a worse insult, and implies the recipient wont or cant do anything about it because he’s just a P______. â€Å"Dont judge these guys†Mr. Hemphill told himself. â€Å"You dont know what the house or apartment they go home to is like. You dont know whats been done to them, what happens on their block, in their hood every day.†â€Å"Now why did they pose the penis on a skateboard?†he asked himself. The skateboard could be said to add an element of humor to the drawing. Humor to the deprived and ignorant who felt any fellow who farted was funny. But humor reflects that there is humanity somewhere in there. Maybe divinity too? Mr. Hemphill shrugged, and sighed, and turned the distasteful drawing over. Next to it was a letter from a former student, Sean. Hed found Mr. Hemphill earlier that day at break and came up to him to give him the letter. The letter wasnt to Mr. Hemphill. It was a letter to a college he was applying to. He was supposed to tell the college a little about himself and why he would be a great student to accept. Though the letter wasnt to Mr. Hemphill, the first half of it was all about him. â€Å"I owe my knowledge and ever-lasting developing love of the Literary Arts to Mr. Hemphill†the letter said. â€Å"He taught me the power stories have, and helped me learn the basic skills every writer needs. Because of him hopefully I will be able one day to consider myself a successful screen writer.†Mr. Hemphill re-read those lines three times savoring every word. He remembered Sean as he had looked as a freshmen. Short, pudgy, big glasses. It was a clichà © perhaps, but at first glance Mr. 3. Hemphill had thought that if he had a book of slang and looked up the word, â€Å"nerd†Seans photo would be beside the definition. He was smart and determined and wanted to learn. Sean wasnt as short or pudgy any more. He was starting to look like a handsome, confident young man. He would come into his own in college. â€Å"I didnt teach him anything, not really,†Mr. Hemphill reflected, â€Å"I just steered him a little.†What were the odds of receiving both these items on the same day? Mr. Hemphill remembered the year hed had Sean, his freshmen year. In the fall while he was absent and had a sub, some students who werent his students came to his fourth period pretending to be his students. Two of them distracted the substitute while the others stole some things off and in his desk. Somebody even snatched a big Muhammad Ali poster hed had on the wall for years. â€Å"Im so fast when I turn off the light switch on the wall, I can go jump into bed before its dark!†Ali said on the poster. Hemphill had used it for years to instruct students about hyperbole, and pride. The worst thing about the incident was that they took his pencil can. It wasnt worth anything, but it was something his oldest daughter had made for him when she was in kindergarten or first grade. Shed put paper around a small can and drawn hearts all over it, and it said, â€Å"I love you daddy†on it. Hemphill kept it on his desk with pencils in it for years. Every time he looked at it he remembered the way his Samantha, now a young mother, had looked the day she gave it to him. Why had they stolen that? Eventually the guilty students got ratted out and punished, but the stolen items were forever lost. Spring of that same year in his sixth period students got together and bought him a big brand new Muhammad Ali poster, nicer than the other one. They had gotten a card and all the students signed it and presented it to him during finals week. Those were the worst and the best things students had ever done to or for Mr. Hemphill throughout his whole career. They had happened during the same school year. These two items on the desk happened during the same school day. Looking at the two items, the gross picture and the letter were a dà ©jà vu of that previous school year. The two items in a way represented of all the days and all the years he had been a public school teacher. How many of his students’ fathers had pencil can mementos on their desks? How many of his students, if asked to write an essay or a quick write about a hero, someone they admired, would turn in a blank sheet of paper? He remembered that he had asked to go to this school in this part of town. He’d started out at Capital High where students came from the town’s nicer neighborhoods and most of the parents had jobs. Innocent and idealistic, he’d wanted to go where he could combat ignorance and be a â€Å"light in the darkness.†After 30 years the idealism still smoldered in his heart. When that flame went out it would be time to quit. 4. Mr. Hemphill pushed himself away from his desk. Along the side wall uncorrected papers mounted up in little baskets. They would have to wait. He was too tired today to correct papers. Mr. Hemphill walked to the back window. There he looked out at the blue sky. He placed his hand over his heart, and then flung the hand outward like a fishermen who has just cleaned a fish and then flings the raw guts out into the open sea. It was a ritual started when his kids were small, a way to not carry the cares of the day home in the evening. Then he went home. He looked forward to kissing his wife and listening to his youngest daughter, a high school senior, tell him about her day. When he left the room one of the items on his desk was now in the waste basket beside the door. The other was inside his grade book tucked under his arm, gripped tightly beside his heart.
Monday, October 14, 2019
School Dietary Restrictions Analysis
School Dietary Restrictions Analysis Americas government is helping kids lives by having dietary restrictions in school cafeterias. Just like you need to put fuel into your car or recharge your phone, your body needs to be fed food that provides it with energy every day. Giving your body tones of sugar, or lots of calories a day is not healthy for you. Food like soda, candy, and fatty foods dont do well for your body. It makes your body gain weight and have unnecessary fat. Your body needs certain things that should be incorporated into your daily intake. Men/boys and women/girls have certain needs but not quiet the same. Men need an average of 2,400 calories per a day to maintain a healthy body weight.( Women need between 2,000-2,200 calories per a day. ( Your body needs five main nutritional needs daily. Fiber, can lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. Which fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes which is a member to the pea family. Vitamin D, which your body needs everyday. Easiest way for your body to produce vitamin D is through 15 minutes of sun exposure. Essential for healthy bones and neuromuscular function. This one is a no brainer which is water, the most important thing to intake each day. The health authorities commonly recommend 8-ounce glasses, which equals 2 liters, or half a gallon a day. Which this is called the 88 rule which is easy to remember. Also depending on your overall hea lth, activity level, and where you live depends on how much water you should drink daily. Calcium, is important for proper growth also development of the skeletal system, which the average persons body stops growing around the ages 18-24. Calcium, can aid in weight loss. Calcium also prevents certain cancers like colon cancer which is a cancer of the rectum and colon. It often begins as a polyp-a tissue growth in the colon or rectum. Rich foods like milk, bean curd, or dried apricots all have calcium. Which is crucial for brain and heart health. Sources of Omega-3 include fish oil, and certain plant/nut oils, reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and lowering blood pressure which many kids in school suffer from low/high blood pressure. As there are many things that your body needs, your body also doesnt need many things as well. There is a long list of bad things for your body. One of the main things that you should never start your day with is sugar! Sugar is the devil to your body. Sugar has many bad effects to your body especially that you dont need during school. Sugar can cause anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and causes crankiness in children. Sugar can cause tooth decay, also can weaken eyesight. Many kids in school suffer from obesity. About 30% of America are obese. From the slightest to the largest. Sugars are proven to make us fat, sugars also contribute to heart disease. What most humans eat day to day without thinking twice about it is fried foods. Fried foods dont just damage your body but also your brain in many different ways. Just as a car needs good oil to run efficiently and not break down, your body needs food that can be digested properly and not clog the one and only machine you have for your entire life. Fried foods do many things to your body it can clog your arteries, also can clog your veins which can lead to heart attacks. Fried foods leads to obesity. Obesity, basically means people are storing fried foods and carbohydrates as body fat. First lady Michelle Obama launched a campaign to end childhood obesity entitled the lets move campaign the goals are to, improve school food quality, making healthy foods affordable and accessible, focusing of physical education and getting parents informed about nutrition and exercise. By empowering childrens parents and caregivers the information and tools they need to make good choices for themselve s and their families. They will help our children develop lifelong healthy habits, which will bring us closer toward becoming a healthier America. Schools need to improve food quality. Not just to make them healthier, but also to make the portions larger. Many kids in school only eat at school because, they cant afford food at home. An abundant amount of kids rely on one meal a day, which is at school. There should be larger portions, because when kids dont have proper nutrition they lack focus. Everyones body is different and we all need the same needs in most cases but in all different portions. All depending on your weight, height, and much more. Learning portion control can help with obesity as well. Kids who are over weight are usually getting too many calories or, arent active enough, or both. When calories are a problem, it can be that they are drinking too much whole milk, juice, soda, or eating high-calorie foods, high-fat foods, and junk foods too often or in portions that are too large. Good nutrition means eating the right kinds and amount of food. It keeps you in good shape by limiting the amount of calories. To keep children in school from getting too many calories, understanding portion sizes can be a good place to start. Kids in school need a daily intake of vegetables, fruit, and calcium. To have a balanced meal throughout the day. Several studies show that nutritional status can directly affect mental capacity among school-aged children. Provide a balanced diet for better behavior and learning environments. Promote diet quality for positive school outcomes. School cafeterias need to balance out their food proportions, and what children should have a daily intake of. Nutrition is the process of consuming food and having the body use it as raw materials for growth, fuel, and function. But there are various parts that comprise overall nutrition, including actual nutrients, reasons to eat healthy, ways to eat smart, and much more. There are many benefits to eating healthy. Healthy eating can help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, consume important nutrients, and reduce the risk of developing health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and iron deficiency. Healthy eating in schools is important for proper growth and development also to prevent various health conditions. The 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans recommend that people aged two years or older follow the healthy eating pattern that includes varieties of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy products, variety of protein foods, and oils. There are many different ways schools need to change their food. Since there are many students that have allergies, also are many vegetarians, religious believes where students can only eat certain things, and many students have diseases where they cant eat various of things. The government doesnt realize what they need to provide for their students in school. Also the procedures that teachers and staff members need to train on if there is every an emergency, like if there is a student having a severe food allergic reaction. Many schools dont realize is that many kids in school have severe allergies and cant eat various things. One in every 13 children have severe food allergies. Very small amounts of food allergen can cause anaphylaxis (severe, life threatening, allergic reaction). (Michael Pistiner MD,MMsc). To prevent accidental exposure those responsible for students must effectively read labels, prevent cross contact, use efficient cleaning strategies, and communicate clearly with others. Those responsible for students must be able to recognize a allergic reaction, have treatment of choice for anaphylaxis available, know when and how to use it, and know to contact emergency services immediately. These strategies are always necessary. Educating and understanding school communities (nurses, administration, staff, cafeteria workers, parents, and students) can create safe and supportive environments for children with severe food allergies. Especially letting the cafeteria workers know that a student has a severe food allergy can help the student avoid contact with the allergy reactant. By having a separate area in the cafeteria where students with severe allergies can sit and get different care thats needed. Care thats needed for children with severe food allergies would be having a different food line than others, that can help with there allergy needs. By doing this and changing the cafeteria food to help others with their allergies will reduce emergency allergic reactions in schools. There are many diseases that children in school have. Celiac disease is one of the top diseases in school that students have, which the immune reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barely and rye. This causes bloating and diarrhea. (The editors of encyclopaedia britannica). Which making school food in the cafeteria all gluten free will help students with this disease eat what theyre able to eat. Students have there different religions not everyone believes in the same things. Many religion like the religion Judaism, are restricted from eating unclean foods like the pig. Also the Hindus dont eat beef because, the cow is a sacred animal. By the school having different food lines to provide students with meals or having a paper/sign to tell the students with this disease or different religion what they can and cant eat will help them greatly. By doing this it will help outbreaks of their disease. Many students have daily encounters of foods that theyre not able to consume. By having dietary restrictions in school cafeterias, itll help students lives by helping them with their daily needs. Just by changing the menu slightly will help students in various of ways. Students with allergies that arent able to eat certain things will be able to have more choices. Just by adding more food lines in the cafeteria to avoid encounters of nut allergies will help with less allergy breakouts. Also by helping students with certain diseases and giving them a daily chart of whats in the cafeteria, or making all foods gluten free will help their daily lives. Just by making these simple changes in school cafeterias it can help change the world. (Michael pistiner MD, MMsc) Very small amounts of food allergen can cause an anaphylaxis (severe life threatening, allergic reaction) (The editiors of encyclopaedia britannica) immune reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barely, and rye. This causes bloating and diarrhea. Men need an average amount of 2,400 calories per a day to maintain a healthy body weight. Women need between 2,000-2,200 calories per a day
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Answer Americas Call :: essays research papers
Answer America's Call      Throughout the history of America there have been several different answers to her call. Every different time period has had it's own call, from the days of Jefferson and the Constitution, to the days of Kennedy and the Vietnam conflict. What is this generation's call? With the Cold War dead and behind us, America is calling from a different line. No longer is America in need of a sophisticated high budget military, but for new minds and ideas. Long gone are the days of fighting in the streets over a lone silver dollar. Instead America is in the race for new technology and the minds and sophistication that go with it. So long M-16, hello IBM, satellites, and laser technology.      Earlier generations had no idea of what electronics could provide. The strongest country in the world was the one with the most men. Then came guns, then nuclear weapons, and finally computers. No longer do we need to send most of our country's men off to fight. Rather we can just sit some of them down on a computer and do just as much damage. With computers and the viruses that go with them, people can destroy the economies of whole countries without wasting a single American life. Countries can crumble with the push of a few simple buttons on a keyboard.      But to understand all of this new technology requires a great deal of knowledge. Not just anyone can sit at a computer and make a country crumble. It takes an intelligent person to even turn on a computer. No longer can America turn to just anyone off the street to help the country. So with this in mind, we strive to answer Americas call, education.      When forming the government, it was feared people would not be smart enough to understand the rights and privileges granted to them; people now should be as equally concerned. Not that the government will not survive, but rather if it is going to prosper, as it has, with all of this new technology. No longer will a high school education prepare people for the workplace, as it did just ten to twenty years ago. Now people need not only a high school education, but a college degree, and more to prepare themselves.      With the thousands of colleges and universities to be found, everyone should be able to receive this education required for the everyday changing society. But not everyone is seeking the education required. People have lost interest and the desire to stay in school. But with the society changing, people must have the training to produce and use new technology.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
Summary RDA is a new content standard for resource description and access designed for the digital world. RDA supersedes AACR2; it builds on what was good in AACR2 and takes different approach to resource description. It focuses on user and the information they need. The guidelines are based on principles that guide not rule that constrict. When look at these principles, starting with â€Å"Convenience of the user,†it is clear that used terminology should be easy for users to understand. RDA provides more flexible framework to address the challenges of describing digital resources data that is compatible with existing records already in online library catalogs because of RDA’s foundations in the principles set by AACR. RDA is designed as an online product for use in a Web environment. It is based on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and related new data models Instructions for recording data presented independently of guidelines for data display to provide mor e flexibility for records used in a variety of online environments. More â€Å"user-friendly" layout and formatting, with instructions written in â€Å"plain†English so that the code can be used more easily beyond the library world. It is important that information we provide to be bibliographically significant to the needs of our users. To standardize descriptions and the constructions of access points as much as possible. Such consistency increases the ability to push bibliographic and authority data worldwide. The International Cataloguing Principles expand beyond just author and title access to declare that we want to find resources by subject and even want to enable limiting a search or filtering a search by other criteria like language, country, date of publicati... ...the descriptive rules, some punctuation rules from ISBD, new 3xx MaRC codes, and the general concept of recording relationships. While the Scholastic library staff is far too small to allow drawing any concrete conclusions, the fact that the intern catalogers often produced RDA-compliant cataloging without ever reading an RDA rule is surely a hopeful sign that training new catalogers to use the new code will be relatively easy. If the basics of description, some punctuation, and the general idea of specifying relationships are likely to be understood immediately and done correctly with little more than a cursory introduction, training and teaching will be able to concentrate on those aspects of RDA that are more difficult to grasp. In addition, supervisors and teachers will be able to put increased emphasis on the important question of why the code is the way it is.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Carrie Chapter Eighteen
‘I came to kill you, Momma. And you were waiting here to kill me. Momma, I †¦ it's not right, Momma. It's not †¦ ‘ ‘Let's pray,' Momma said softly. Her eyes fixed on Carrie's and there was a crazed, awful compassion in them. The fire light was brighter now, dancing on the walls Up dervishes. ‘For the last time, let us pray.' ‘Oh Momma help me!' Carrie cried out. She fell forward on her knees, head down, hands raised in supplication. Momma leaned forward, and the knife came down in a shining arc. Carrie, perhaps seeing out of the tail of her eye, jerked back, and instead of penetrating her back, the knife went into her shoulder to the hilt. Momma's feet tangled in the legs of her chair, and she collapsed in a sitting sprawl. They stared at each other in silent tableau. Blood began to ooze from around the handle of the knife and to splash on to the floor. Then Carrie said softly: ‘I'm going to give you a present, Momma.' Margaret tried to get up, staggered, and fell back on her hands and knees. ‘What are you doing?' she croaked hoarsely. ‘I'm picturing your heart, Momma,' Carrie said. ‘It's easier when you see things in your mind. Your heart is a big red muscle. Mine goes faster when I use my power. But your is going a little slower now. A little slower.' Margaret tried to get up again, failed, and forked the sign of the evil eye at her daughter. ‘A little slower, Momma. Do you know what the present is, Momma? What you always wanted. Darkness. And whatever God lives there.' Margaret White whispered: ‘Our father, Who art in heaven-‘ ‘Slower, Momma. Slower.' ‘-hallowed be Thy name-‘ ‘I can see the blood draining back into you. Slower.' ‘-Thy Kingdom come-‘ ‘Your feet and hands like marble, like alabaster. White.' ‘-Thy will be done-‘ ‘My will, Momma. Slower!' ‘-on earth-‘ ‘Slower.' ‘-as †¦ as †¦ as it†¦' She collapsed forward, hands twitching. ‘-as it is in heaven.' Carrie whispered: ‘Full stop.' She looked down at herself, and put her hands weakly around the haft of the knife. (no o no that hurts that's too much hurt) She tried to get up, failed, then pulled herself up by Momma's stool. Dizziness and nausea washed over her. She could taste blood, bright and slick, on the back of her throat. Smoke, acrid and choking, was drifting in through the windows now. The flames had reached next door; even now sparks would be lighting softly on the roof that rocks had punched brutally through a thousand years before. Carrie went out the back door, staggered across the lawn, and rested (where's my momma) against a tree. There was something she was supposed to do. Something about (roadhouses parking lots) the Angel with the Sword. The Fiery Sword. Never mind. It would come to her. She crossed by back yards to Willow Street and then crawled up the embankment to Route 6. It was 1: 15 A.M. It was 11:20 P.M. when Christine Hargensen and Billy Nolan got back to The Cavalier. They went up the back stairs, down the hall, and before she could do more than turn on the lights, he was yanking at her blouse. ‘For God's sake let me unbutton it-‘ ‘To hell with that.' He ripped it suddenly down the back. The cloth tore with a sudden hard sound. One button popped free and winked on the bare wood floor. Honky-tonkin' music came faintly up to them, and the building vibrated subtly with the clumsy-enthusiastic dancing of farmers and truckers and millworkers and waitresses and hairdressers, of the greasers and their townie girl friends from Westover and Motton. ‘Hey-‘ ‘Be quiet.' He slapped her, rocking her head back. Her eyes took on a flat and deadly shine. ‘This is the end, Billy.' She backed away from him, breasts swelling into her bra, flat stomach pumping, legs long and tapering in her jeans; but she backed toward the bed. ‘It's over.' ‘Sure,' he said. He lunged for her and she punched him, a surprising hard punch that landed on his cheek. He straightened and twitched his head a little. ‘You gave me a shiner, you bitch.' ‘I'll give you more.' ‘You're goddam right you will.' They stared at each other, panting, glaring. Then he began to unbutton his shirt, a little grin beginning on his face. ‘We got it on, Charlie. We really got it on.' He called her Charlie whenever he was pleased with her. It seemed to be, she thought with a cold blink of humour, a generic term for good cunt. She felt a little smile come to her own face, relaxed a little, and that was when he whipped his shirt across her face and came in low, butting her in the stomach like a goat, tipping her on to the bed. The springs screamed. She pounded her fists helplessly on his back. ‘Get off me! Get off me! Get off me! You fucking greaseball, get off me!' He was grinning at her, and with one quick, hard yank her zipper was broken, her hips free. ‘Call your daddy?' he was grunting. ‘That what you gonna do? Huh? Huh? That it, ole Chuckie? Call big ole legal beagle daddy? Huh? I woulda done it to you, you know that? I woulda dumped it all over your fuckin squash. You know it? Huh? Know it? Pig blood for pigs, right? Right on your motherfucking squash. You-‘ She had suddenly ceased to resist. He paused, staring down at her, and she had an odd smile on her face. ‘You wanted it this way all along, didn't you? You miserable little scumbag. That's right, isn't it? You creepy little onenut low-cock dinkless wonder.' His grin was slow, crazed. ‘It doesn't matter.' ‘No,' she said. ‘It doesn't.' Her smile suddenly vanished, the cords on her neck stood out as she hawked back – and spat in his face. They descended into a red, thrashing unconsciousness. Downstairs the music thumped and wheezed (‘I'm poppin little white pills an my eyes are open wide/Six days on the road and I'm gonna make it home tonight!'), c/w, full throttle, very loud, very bad, five-man band wearing sequined cowboy shirts and new pegged jeans with bright rivets, occasionally wiping mixed sweat and Vitalis from their brows, lead guitar, rhythm, steel, dobro guitar, drums; no one heard the town whistle, or the first explosion, or the second; and when the gas main blew and the music stopped and someone drove into the parking lot and began to yell the news, Chris and Billy were asleep. Chris woke suddenly and the clock on the night table said five minutes of one. Someone was pounding on the door. ‘Billy!' the voice was yelling. ‘Get up! Hey! Hey!' Billy stirred, rolled over, and knocked the cheap alarm clock on to the floor. ‘What the Christ?' he said thickly, and sat up. His back stung. The bitch had covered it with long scratches. He'd barely noticed it at the time, but now decided he was going to have to send her home bowlegged. Just to show her who was boss.. Silence struck him. Silence. The Cavalier did not close until two; as a matter of fact, he could still see the neon twinkling and flicking through the dusty garret window. Except for the steady pounding (something happened) the place was a graveyard. ‘Billy, you in there? Hey!' ‘Who is it?' Chris whispered. Her eyes were glittering and watchful in the intermittent neon. ‘Jackie Talbot,' he said absently, then raised his voice. ‘What?' ‘Lemme in, Billy. I got to talk to you!' Billy got up and padded to the door, naked. He unlocked the old-fashioned hook-and-eye and opened it. Jackie Talbot burst in. His eyes were wild and his face was smeared with soot. He had been drinking it up with Steve and Henry when the news came at ten minutes of twelve. They had gone back to town in Henry's elderly Dodge convertible, and had seen the Jackson Avenue gas main explode from the vantage point of Brickyard Hill. When Jackie had borrowed the Dodge and started to drive back at 12:30, the town was a panicky shambles. ‘Chamberlain's burning up,' he said to Billy. ‘Whole fuckin town. The school's gone. The Centre's gone. West End blew up – gas. And Carlin Street's on fire. And they're saying Carrie White did it!' ‘Oh God,' Chris said. She started to get out of bed and grope for her clothes. ‘What did-‘ ‘Shut up,' Billy said mildly, ‘or I'll kick your ass.' He looked at Jackie again and nodded for him to go on. ‘They seen her. Lots of people seen her. Billy, they say she's all covered with blood. She was at that fuckin prom tonight†¦ Steve and Henry didn't get it but †¦ Billy, did you †¦ that pig blood †¦ was it-‘ ‘Yeah,' Billy said. ‘Oh, no.' Jackie stumbled back against the doorframe. His face was a sickly yellow in the light of the one hall lightbulb. ‘Oh Jesus, Billy, the whole town-.' ‘Carrie trashed the whole town? Carrie White? You're full of shit.' He said it calmly, almost serenely. Behind him, Chris was dressing rapidly. ‘Go and look out the window,' Jackie said. Billy went over and looked out. The entire eastern horizon had gone crimson, and the sky was alight with it. Even as he looked, three fire trucks screamed by. He could make out the names on them in the glow of the street light that marked The Cavalier's parking lot. ‘Son of a whore,' he said. ‘Those trucks are from Brunswick.' ‘Brunswick?' Chris said. ‘That's forty miles away. That can't be . . .' Billy turned back to Jackie Talbot. ‘All right. What happened?' Jackie shook his head. ‘Nobody knows, not yet. It started at the high school. Carrie and Tommy Ross got the King and Queen, and then somebody dumped a couple of buckets of blood on them and she ran out. Then the school caught on fire, and they say nobody got out. Then Teddy's Amoco blew up, then that Mobil station on Summer Street-!' ‘Citgo.' Billy corrected. ‘It's a Citgo.' ‘Who the fuck cares?' Jackie screamed. ‘It was her, every place something happened it was her! And those buckets †¦ none of us wore gloves†¦' ‘I'll take care of it,' Billy said. ‘You don't get it, Billy. Carrie ‘Get out.' ‘Billy-‘ ‘Get out or I'll break your arm and feed it to you.' Jackie backed out of the door warily. ‘Go home. Don't talk to nobody. I'm going to take care of everything.' ‘All right,' Jackie said. ‘Okay. Billy, I just thought-‘ Billy slammed the door. Chris was on him in a second. ‘Billy what are we going to do that bitch Carrie oh my Lord what are we going to-‘ Billy slapped her, getting his whole arm into it, and knocked her on to the floor. Chris sat sprawled in stunned silence for a moment, and then held her face and began to sob. Billy put on his pants, his tee shirt, his boots. Then he went to the chipped porcelain washstand in the corner, clicked on the light, wet his head, and began to comb his hair, bending down to see his reflection in the spotted, ancient mirror. Behind him, wavy and distorted, Chris Hargensen sat on the floor, wiping blood from her split lip. ‘I'll tell you what we're going to do,' he said. ‘We're going into town and watch the fires. Then we're coming home. You're going to tell your dear old daddy that we were out to The Cavalier drinking beers when it happened. I'm gonna tell my dear ole mummy the same thing. Dig.' ‘Billy, your fingerprints,' she said. Her voice was muffled, but respectful. ‘Their fingerprints,' he said. ‘I wore gloves.' ‘Would they tell?' she asked. ‘If the police took them in and questioned them-‘ ‘Sure,' he said. ‘They'd tell.' The loops and swirls were almost right. They glistened in the light of the dun, flyspecked globe like eddies on deep water. His face was calm, reposeful. The comb he used was a battered old Ace, clotted with grease. His father had given it to him on -his eleventh birthday, and not one tooth was broken in it. Not one. ‘Maybe they'll never find the buckets,' he said. ‘If they do, maybe the fingerprints will all be burnt of. I don't know. But if Doyle takes any of 'em in, I'm heading for California. You do what you want.' ‘Would you take me with you?' she asked. She looked at him from the floor, her lip puffed to negroid size, her eyes pleading.
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