Wednesday, July 31, 2019
How Far Do You Agree World War One Was Mainly Responsible for the 1917 Revolution?
How far do you agree that world war one was mainly responsible for the 1917 revolution? World war one was one of the main reasons for the breakout of revolution in 1917, however other factors can be brought about to suggest that it wasn’t only the main reason for the breakout of revolution in 1917. Aspects such as the decisions and actions of Tsar Nicholas can also be identified as important features for the breakout of revolution alongside the social and economic strains and the lack of political reform.All factors have characteristics to suggest that they were the main reason for the breakout of war, however the impact of world war one can be viewed as playing the larger role on the reason for breakout in 1917. The actions of the tsar Nicholas prove to be an important factor for the breakout of revolution in 1917. In 1915 when the Tsar decided to take full control of the army he was creating even further inconveniences for himself. Due to the fact that the Tsars main attenti on was spent on the army, the day to day running of the government was left to his Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna.The problem was created through the fact that the Tsarina was greatly influenced by Grigori Rasputin. Rasputin damaged the Tsars reputation as anybody who wanted to gain power would have to befriend Rasputin. Many governors and politicians either resigned or were relieved of their position due to Rasputin. This had a large effect on the Russian people as the Tsars attention was fully towards the war and not on the problems faced by the people.This would have been a growing source of discontent which backs up the argument that the Tsars neglect of the Russian troubles back in Russia would have been one of the main reasons for the outbreak of revolution in 1917. The impact of world war one in Russia can be viewed as one of the characteristics that play a large role in the reason for outbreak of revolution in 1917. The war for the Russian people meant that all fuel, food and coal were being concentrated on being provided to the soldiers on the front line.The effect of this was that Russian people were being neglected of these goods which they needed almost as profusely as the Russian soldiers did. Growing dissatisfaction would have occurred throughout the Russian people as nothing took place to try and relieve these hardships that they were experiencing. This would have led to the even further loss of faith and support in the Tsar and would provide an evidently profound reason for revolution. Furthermore, during world war one over a million soldiers were either killed or taken prisoner.This largely lowered morale between the soldiers and many of them fled. The support of the army would have been lost due to these results as the Tsar was seen mainly as the responsibility for the horrific results of war. Dissimilar to the 1905 revolution were the Tsar had the army on his side, the fact that the Tsar lost the support of the army made his chances of survivi ng the revolution very thin. Moreover, another leading factor for the breakout of revolution in 1917 was the social and economic strains faced by the Russian people.The outbreak of revolution during 1905 was partly due to the social and economical strains experienced by the Russian people however, conditions decreased further during the build up to revolution in 1917. The war was costing profoundly more than they could afford, Russia left the gold standard and started to print money which caused inflation. This added to the discontent of the Russian people as it meant that the price of living also went up yet they had no income to afford basic goods.This was due to the fact that many factories were closed down and the crop yield was being directed to the soldiers at war. This left the Russian people isolated as they had little, if any means of income to buy basic necessary items. Too make matters worse for both the Tsar and the Russian people, little action was taken in aid of these inconveniences. Before the war Moscow had been receiving 2200 railway wagons of grain per month in 1914; however by Christmas 1916 this reduced to only 300.This therefore resulted in the accumulative discontent of the Russian people which only made matters worse for the Tsar as the likely hood of the occurrence of revolution was high. The lack of political reform can accountably be taken in as one of the main reasons for the outbreak of revolution in 1917. The union of zemstva provided medical facilities for the army; however the government did not know how to incorporate them into its own war effort. Moreover, the progressive Bloc called for a government of public confidence in which the ministers would be responsible for the Duma.However, Tsar Nicholas refused to listen to any of their demands, this resulted in the ministers who campaigned for change and reform; were either dismissed or resigned. Due to the fact that no reform was made, all the blame was directed to the Nicholas. Reform was needed greatly at this time yet no reform occurred, this accumulated the ever rising dissatisfaction of the Russian people. Furthermore, as a result of Nicholas’s lack of political reform the support of political parties became very minute.In conclusion, I agree that world war one played a large characteristic in the reason for breakout of war; however it does not act as the aspect mainly responsible for revolution. Other reasons such as the lack of reform, the economic and social strains and the actions taken by Tsar Nicholas played an equal role in the reason for the outbreak of revolution in 1917. World war one can be interpreted as a ‘trigger’ towards the revolution rather than being the main cause. Revolution would likely occur even without the impact of world war one, yet due to the timing, acts as a catalyst towards the revolution in 1917.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
General Psychology and the Study of Human Behavior Essay
Psychology is the study of the human behavior especially how the mind of the human beings works. For many years, the behavior of human beings has been studied by very many scholars and they have come up with very many reasons as to why people behave in such a manner. However, as a student my main ambition is to become a drug and alcohol counselor. Therefore, this class of general psychology has helped me in building my career very much due to the course content value. Variation is one of the most obvious characteristics of human behavior. An individual’s every day life is marked by an expansive fluctuation in almost every aspect of behavior such as the intelligence he exudes, the speed with which he moves, his expression of emotions, goals he pursues, humor, energy, anxiety, shyness, among others. Even the most intelligent of human individuals have ordinary thoughts most of the time as they too are confronted with the normal activities like choosing the right mode of dressing, brushing in the morning and carrying out normal transactions. There is sufficient evidence towards the fact that one of the most striking features of a child’s behavior is its dynamic aspect of the stream of behavior recorded continuously (Barker, 1968). Any individual with no knowledge of psychology comprehend this dimension of human variation from their observation and experience. However, this is not prominent in scientific psychology. The concern of scientific psychology is another dimension of behavior variability with emphasis on individual differences. This is a major step in psychology that despite the variations that occur within every individual’s behavior, the methods for measuring and identifying individual behavior constants have been devised. Scientific psychology’s concern is with the varied number of constants measured and how they relate with each other. There is however a difficulty in achieving a stable behavior measurement. For the stability of behavior measurement to be achieved, their must be an imposition of stable measurement upon the individual, land the same conditions must be reintroduced every time the measurement is being repeated. The employment of this method offers measures of individual constancies under certain conditions but terminates individual variations under varied conditions thereby destroying the such contexts of behavior that occur naturally. This problem is not however unique to psychology. A beam’s strength can be measured under given specific conditions and under this very condition each time the measurement is being carried out. However, depending on the structural context, a beam possesses many strengths. This is also true for the meaning of words since words too have a range of meaning, the actual one being determined by the context in which it has been used. With this regard, an individual is like a beam or a word, possessing many strengths, intelligences, moralities, speeds and social maturities. However, it is clear where this intra-individual behavior variation comes from. An individual’s behavior is both internally and externally connected, though in a very complicated way. The internal parts of an individual such as the neurons, hormones or muscles and the external context such as the class, field or the game he is playing has a complex connection. The psychological individual who reads a book, plays some game and walks on some road poses as an identifiable entity between the interior parts and the exterior contexts that are unstable, being linked to both the entities, yet profoundly separated from them. This separation emerges from the fact that the internal parts and the external contexts of an individual involves an entity that functions according to laws that are not the same as those that govern his behavior (Cromwell-Davis, 2008). Such things like the actions of the brain, contraction of muscles and the concentration of hormones are not psychological phenomena. With the current state of understanding, the operation of such phenomena involve laws that are not compatible with that of psychology. The same applies to the environment with which an individual operates. The school or class where an individual is a student, the library he studies and the road he walks operates according to laws that are foreign with regard to that govern his behavior as an individual. The external context involves what has been referred to as the molar ecological environment which includes those phenomena that occurs naturally outside an individuals skin with which his molar actions are incorporated but operate according to laws that are incompatible with those laws that dictates his molar behavior (Baker, 1965). There is a difference between the psychological and ecological environment. One of the interesting aspects of human behavior is the course it takes when different variables are introduced within the environment. In the study below, behavior of individual was observed with regard to the distance between them and other human subjects. Theory Statement An individual’s mode of behavior is dictated by the distance between him and other subjects. According to Adam Kendon, every human behavior is located (Kendon 1990, p. 210). Human behavior takes place within a given space which has objects and people upon which the behavior is directed. The space and what it contains on the other hand influences the behavior of an individual. The space occupied and maintained by an individual’s behavior can in this respect be termed as the transactional space. The transactional space between two individuals influences their behavior. Experiment In the following experiment, a study was conducted to investigate the extent to which transactional space influences the behavior of individuals in college. The investigator walked through the college in different areas where different activities were being carried out. The exercise took three hours and findings were recorded. The experiment was conducted in the campus park because of the diversity of activity and human interactions that takes place in it. Methodology Since the study involved the study of behavior in face to face interaction, a major problem encountered was how to define the structural units in which the subjects were organized. In particular, it became difficult to delineate the distinct units of interaction with regard to the organization of observable behavior into their components for analysis. However, the observations were made randomly with neither of the subjects aware of the experiments. As such, the experimenter walked from one point to another, looking at the group formation and identifying individuals who did not have any company. The behavior which was recorded included eye focus, body movement and the degree of engagement in a particular action. In particular, the reaction of the subjects were observed whenever the experimenter approached an individual or a group of individuals. In all the instances, the experimenter did not engage the subjects in any form of conversation. Observations and results Behavior of individuals was varied depending on the activity and whether one was alone or in groups. Among the individuals who were alone, there seemed to be an absorption with either something that was going on around them or an absorption with an activity that they were involved with. They also seemed to react whenever an individual came within three meters of their transactional space. Of the notable behaviors, five out of six subjects looked directly at the individual who came within three meters of their transactional space. Among groups of individuals, there was a variation in behavior with regard to the number. In a group of two, the subjects engaged in conversation with momentous eye contact. Whenever one passed within a distance of three meters, they all turned and depending on the behavior or gender of the individual, some responded with either greeting the individual or looked briefly and continued with their conversation. The latter instance was rare with groups of three or more. Discussion A behavior setting is composed of one or more standing patterns of behavior. There are numerous patterns of behavior that have been recognized such as a molar unit or group activity. This is a bounded pattern in holistic human behavior. It is thus a discrete behavioral unit with coordinates which are univocal within space and time. As such, a standing pattern of behavior cannot be said to be a character of the subjects involved but rather, it is a phenomenon outside the individual with unique characteristics which remain whenever there is an alteration of the participants. One apparent thing among the subjects observed is that their behavior with regard to reacting to an individual coming within their transactional space is dependent among various factors which may not be open to the experimenter as human behavior is derived from both external and internal conditions. As such, every observable behavior exhibited by an individual has various roots even though behavior can be predicted to some extent. The first thing that the course has helped to understand in relation to drug and alcohol is the different terms that are used when counseling a person. This are the general terms that are used when counseling a patient. For example, it is not good to use terms like â€Å"you are wrong,†â€Å"you do not know†or â€Å"you are foolish.†The course has helped to learn the new terms that I will be using like, â€Å"instead of saying you are wrong,†you can say, â€Å"that is another good reason.†Additionally, it has helped us to learn the tone of language that is to be used. When counseling a patient, one should always be calm and always be positive about what the patient is feeling and thinking. It is also in this unit of general psychology that we have learnt how very different people behave in the different ways. This is where the course has taught me why different people behave as they do and why they end up drinking. Stress is one factor that makes people to end up becoming alcoholic or turning into drugs. Additionally, drug abuse and alcoholism has also been known to be hereditary from the resent research studies that have been done by the different scholars. It is through this course that we have learnt the very many reasons as to why people behave in different ways and why they take drugs or alcohol. I have learnt the different forms of therapy that are used in counseling in this course. This is where the introduction to therapy is done. One way of helping a drug or an alcohol addict to stop the addiction is through therapy. Therapy is the solving of personal problems of a person that occurs daily. In therapy, talking with a trained professional is the method that is usually used to solve the different problems. Therefore, this unit of general psychology is helping me gain that knowledge and become a professional therapist in treating the different problems that different drug and alcohol addicts have. It is also in this lesson of general psychology that I have learned the intelligence of the human thinking. In the growth graph, since the time somebody is born, the brain usually undergoes several stages intelligence. For example, when somebody is at the age of the teenage the brain starts to develop the ability to solve problems in reality. This means that the thinking capacity has grown and the person is able to think critically as compared to the person was young. Therefore, this lesson has helped me understand the different stages of intelligence in the human beings, making it easy for me when it comes to counseling the different people. Motivation is another very important factor in counseling especially in the counseling of drug abusers and alcoholics. It is in this class where the subject of motivation is introduced and taught in detail to prepare the students as they go ahead with the studies of psychology. I have learnt the different methods that are used in motivating the different drug and alcohol addicts. This is very important because when counseling people who are drug or alcohol addicts, the people need to be motivated so that they can be able to quit easily without the need of turning back. Therefore, this lesson of general psychology has taught me a greater lesson in motivation and how it should be applied in the field of practice. This class of general psychology has taught me a great number of different personalities that different people tend have. It is important to note that there is no way that two people can have the same personality. According to this chapter, it is because of how the different kinds of people have very different thoughts from one another. For this reason, the study of this lesson has been a very influential topic in my career as a counselor of drug addicts and alcoholics In addition, this class has opened up my mind on the different perceptions that I always had about drunkards. When I had started this class, I had the wrong impression/perception of how the drug addicts and alcoholics behave. I thought that this people, are people who are just lazy in life and they only abuse drugs as an excuse to their many problems. However, this class of general psychology has changed my perception about the different drug addicts and alcoholics and it has given me an open mind, which is required by counselors when it comes to helping others during therapy. Lastly, this lesson has been able to introduce some of the topics that are very useful in the study of counseling, and they are going to be learnt deeply in other classes especially at the level of specialization. Additionally, it is this unit, which has helped me realize that people are not always drug addicts or alcoholics because they want to be, but it is because of the different behaviors that they exhibit, which are affected by external factors like stress. These external factors can drive somebody crazy leading to drug abuse or alcohol abuse. Therefore, this subject has introduced me into the topic of human behavior in relation to drug abuse, alcoholism and how the following problems can be solved by the use of counseling.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Adaptation As A Natural Instinct In The Movie Cast Away
Adaptation As A Natural Instinct In The Movie Cast Away Adaptation is a natural instinct that all living beings have, but only to a certain extent. In the movie Cast Away, the protagonist named Chuck Noland, is forced into adapting to an environment, which is nearly impossible to survive on for more than a few weeks. He finds himself stranded on an isolated, tropical island after a disastrous plane crash kills all passengers but him. He remains trapped on the island for four years, and does so with the help of three important things. Initially, it is the picture of his girlfriend Kelly that motivates him to survive to get back to her. Secondly, it is a volleyball named Wilson, which served as a link to society as well as his only friend. Lastly, and the most important aspect which exemplified his adaptation, was his large and crucial character change. A pocket watch Kelly gave him just before his flight tellingly represents his loss and his new understanding. In it he keeps her picture, like a shrine to his hopes for leaving the island. However, the pocket watch no longer keeps the time, because time stands still for Chuck. He has nowhere else to be, no longer a schedule to keep. With Kelly in mind, Chuck strives to survive and adapt to the land in order to get back to Kelly. Although Kelly is rarely seen in the movie, she played a key role in Chucks mind. Her photo was his motivation on the island to survive; it was the last thing he saw before bed, and the first thing he saw when he awoke. Secondly, one of the most notable aspects of the film is the volleyball named Wilson. Wilson was inside a parcel from the plane, and when Chuck discovers it, he immediately connects to it. His lack of human contact causes him to turn to Wilson, the painted with a face as his only friend and he is in constant conversation with it. One of Chucks ways to adapt to his new environment is to allow himself to be comfortable, and regain a sense of recognition. In this case, Wilson plays an important role in keeping Chuck, somewhat, sane during his stay on the island. Taking up conversation with a ball is what many would consider insane, but in Chucks case this is an ideal way to cope with the segregation from the rest of the world. It is Wilson who saves Chuck from insanity by waking up his emotions. Chuck is a man driven by time used to often tell his fellow FedEx employees, Time is our enemy. He didnt even have the time to propose properly to his girlfriend, and its almost as if the movie suggests Chuck has lost a sense of how to put his time to good use. When Chuck lands on the deserted island, he is finally forced to rethink his priorities, and quickly learns that his old value system is inadequate. His main concern is suddenly practical, and his skills in his old life are basically irrelevant to survival in his new one. The isolated setting of the island served as a contrast to the previous hectic world he used to live in. The drastic character change Chuck goes through demonstrates the effect of the island on him. Initially, on the island, he is frustrated when he cannot start a fire, or catch fish. It is clear that he is placed in a world that he is not familiar with, and does not know what to do with himself. As the years pass, he becomes skilled at catching fish, making fires, and even performing dentistry on himself. Basically, Chuck gains the appearance of a cave man, and has dropped half his weight. He has adapted to the island life, although not necessarily content with his new life, he is no longer a blabbering mess. Time was the only thing he had. When he was rescued from the island, he understands he must cherish, and be grateful for his life with Kelly, only to find out she has moved on. Although it took a four-year endurance on a deserted island, Chucks character has gone through a drastic change, and now realizes the importance of life and loved ones. Clearly, there are many factors that lead one to survive such an extraordinary situation as being stranded on an island, and three important things mark Chucks adaptation to his new world. First, Chucks girlfriend helps him through his though ordeal on the island by her presence is his mind and a picture he keeps of her. Another thing that assists in Chucks survival and adaptation is his friend Wilson, the volleyball, by connecting him back to the familiarity of society and his emotions. Finally, through a great change in appearance and character, Chuck shows how adaptation to an unfamiliar world can alter who a person really is. Ultimately, the movie Cast Away is a prime example of human adaptation, and how it can go beyond alls expectations when faced with motivation.Ã ¦
International Banking Law and Capital Markets Assignment
International Banking Law and Capital Markets - Assignment Example There is a need to develop more stringent standards for the banks to address the deficiencies that come on the surface in the financial crises of late 2000. The introduction of Basel-111 aims at to strengthen the capital requirements of the bank and the regulatory requirement of bank liquidity and bank leverage. In Basel II, the risk management was out sourced to third party. The Ratings of financial instruments were conducted by the outsource agencies Fitch ibca, moody and poor and standard without intervention of official agencies. The AAA ratings on mortgage backed securities, credit default swaps and other instruments in practice evidencing extremely bad credit risks. The implementation of Basel III surely will decrease annual GDP growth to the extent of 0.05 to 0.15 percentages. It is responsibility of the directors of the company to keep an eye on market liquidity condition that enables them to hold major assets for the accountability of material losses2. Require ment of Basel III The Basel III primarily addresses and focuses on the liquidity risk, capital adequacy ratios and stress testing. It requires banks to follow the requirement of Basel III and to compute the liquidity and leverage ratios accordingly. Therefore, the banks are to keep themselves align with the new requirement in order to integrate all relevant data to develop a new approach of data analysis and modeling. Basel III demands sufficient transparency and zero rated documentation ever than before to ensure that the deployment of funds would bear fruits3. Banks must ensure creation of new models that ensure compliance of Basel III requirement. It is a matter of fact that most of the institutions are reluctant to implement it in its true spirit due to reasons best known to them. However, they have no other option but to implement it in order to avoid penalty from compliance and monitoring watch dogs. In other words, compliance of Basel III requirement is mandatory and not opti onal. Keeping in mind the necessity, the banks are developing infrastructure and models for the banks to make best use of its capacity to pin point and respond to the profit making opportunities4. According to Simon Nixon, â€Å"no one disputes the broad thrust of Basel III, that banks should hold much higher levels of higher-quality capital. Indeed, all major European banks have well-developed plans to meet the new rules ahead of time.†5 It is a matter of fact that in today’s world each and every organization including banks heavily relies upon latest technology to meet the requirement of customer satisfaction besides regulatory compliance by the banks. The more efficient business decision making are based on the reliability of their quality data. Any bank who successfully receives the data through reliable domestic sources within the bank to position its data warehouse on sound footings coupled with technology infrastructure stands to deliver the goods efficiently in terms of compliance and better business6. â€Å"Basel III tightened up the rules on what could be counted as core capital, increased the risk-weights that determined how much capital a bank should hold against a particular exposure and finally introduced a tough new minimum ratio of core capital to risk-weighted assets, set at 7% for small banks and rising to 9.5% for the largest banks deemed
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Schindler's List Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Schindler's List - Movie Review Example Events of the film are developed through the character of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman. From the beginning, Schindler is presented as a money making man who support Nazi Party and acts indifferent towards the afflictions of Jewish people. The event of Operation Reinhard in Krakow under the control of Amon Goeth affects Schindle’s mind deeply. As a result of this many Jews were transformed to force Labor camps, others were killed or shipped away. Killing of Jewish people in Nazi camps haunted Schindler’s mind and his mind undergoes some changes. He decided to save Jewish people through employing his company. Through his relationship with Amon Goeth, Schindler secretly recruits Jews and saves men, women, and children from death. The film keeps its difference from other war movies through its fact-based images. Its realistic presentation, especially the murder scenes force the viewers to the world of pity and fear. As Yosefa Loshitzky comments; â€Å"Schindlerâ⠂¬â„¢s List was evaluated in conjunction with only a certain type of image-a fact-based one that differed from earlier Speilberg productions†(Loshitzky, 27). The film makes available the realistic picture of human lust, greed, envy, anger, helplessness, and empathy and love.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Postpartum Depression Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Postpartum Depression - Coursework Example Women are likely to get affected by the disorder during their prime age of reproduction, ranging between 25 to 40 years of age. The case of Mandeep Singh is a classic case of Postpartum Depression, identifiable by the feelings that she has, of harming her newly born child and the observable characteristics of being agitated and withdrawn, as well as the consideration, that she is within the prime age of productivity, being 28 years old (Arentsen, 1968). Several factors can contribute to Postpartum Depression to Mandeep. Hormonal changes are among the factors that contribute to this disorder (Duffy, 1983). There occurs a great hormonal change in the body of a woman immediately after giving birth. The hormonal changes are characterized mostly by a greater reduction of serotonin levels in their bodies after they give birth (Harris, 1986). Consequently, the woman may be engulfed by the feelings of agitation, restlessness and hatred for her newly born baby. Status transition is another ca use of this disorder. Since the birth of a child is a transition of a woman, from a girl to a mother, then it is associated with stress, on how the woman is going to fit in the new status and roles. If by any chance any other circumstances that can cause stress occurs at the time as this transition, then the woman develops overwhelming stress which ends up as depression, as was the case of Mandeep due to a low economic status (Kumar, 1994). Another factor that contributed to the disorder is the ongoing life stress. Whenever a woman is faced by a long time of stress in her life, then, it accelerates when she gives birth, subscribing to Postpartum Depression. Dysfunctional love relationship is yet another factor that could have contributed to Postpartum Depression for Mandeep, as the long duration she would spend without her husband contributed to stress (Boyce, 2003). 2. The three nursing priority assessments in the case of Mandeep, which would help to devise the actual disorder from which she was suffering, include age. Since this disorder is mostly common for women who are in their prime age of productivity, then assessing the age of Mandeep would serve to indicate if she falls within that age bracket (Mauthner, 1999). Another assessment would be the socio-economic status of Mandeep. This assessment is necessary since the lower economic status of many women is contributory to stress, as they ponder the challenges of bringing up the newly born child, with such economic hurdles. Through the assessment of the economic status of the woman, then, the nurses can trace the actual causative factors to the disorder from which Mandeep is suffering. A significant assessment undertaken by the nurses is the nature of the relationship between Mandeep and her husband. The relationship between a woman who has recently given birth and her partner significantly affects the state of mind of a woman who has recently given birth (Sluckin, 1990). If there is tension and bad blood between the woman and her partner, then, there are greater chances that such a woman will suffer from the disorder. Thus, carrying out the assessment of such factors underlying the life of Mandeep would help the nurses determine the causative factors of the behavior she is exhibiting. 3. Whenever it is evident that the woman having recently given birth harbors the feelings of harming herself or the newly born baby, then treatment interventions becomes necessary. Some nursing interventions are necessary for the treatment of the disorder that Mandeep is suffering. The priority intervention will be given to the administration of
Friday, July 26, 2019
How Much Does Budget Affect the Artistic Content of a Film Dissertation
How Much Does Budget Affect the Artistic Content of a Film - Dissertation Example This paper shall discuss how films get funded and the impact of the budget to the overall artistic content of the movies. Body Films usually get funded by major film studios. These studios have a significant amount of money at their disposal and have insurance financing options to secure their investments (Vaux, 1999). Having their financial support can help cover any film’s requirements ensuring that all important details, as well as the mundane details and expenses of any movie would be covered. Independent distributors, as well as talent agencies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations can also contribute the necessary funds for the making of these films (Vaux, 1999). Budgeting for any film can bring about a variety of benefits. A bigger budget can mean that the best crew can be hired to assist in the filmmaking process. It also means that the filmmakers can allocate more resources into making the best film which they can possibly make (The Guardian, 2010). They can spend more money for special effects, visual effects, and for other technical elements of the movie. In other words, a film’s budget can impact on the visual quality of the movie. The process of budgeting has various goals and it establishes a clear framework for the movie decisions (Garon, 2008). As a result, if an independent film would be made on a very small budget, then some items for the movie must be reduced to a near zero allocation. This would lead to the film being shot locally or with one or two areas doubling for other locations. This also means that the film has no budget for travel expenses or accommodation expenses for its actors and film crew (Garon, 2008). In these instances, the location shoots cannot be maximized for the movie and the extent to which the film crew can go to make the movie better is limited. The film budget usually sets the tone of the movie. Labels like no-budget, low-budget or high-budget usually establishes early assumptions about the movie. With ‘no-budget movies’, a rough ambiance is usually expected and moderate success in their actual release can already translate to large returns (Garon, 2008). On the other hand, high-budget films have to have huge box-office returns in order to support the expense of filmmaking. Some studios often even exaggerate their budget in order to increase their advances and put across the message that the filmmakers had the necessary budget to work with (Garon, 2008). The budget of films is generally significant in making the best film which can possibly be made. However, most filmmakers agree that budget is a tool which can be changed at various stages of the movie making. For independent artists, various budget scenarios which are supported by best case financing and worst case financing ideas can be changed at different stages of the filming process. Some scenes may therefore be reshot according to budget adjustments (Garon, 2008). And writers may end up rewriting a nd the script based on financial limitations, revising the storytelling process to accommodate the film’s budget. For example, if the script calls for a cafe in France, the writer may shift to a local coffee shop for a story or scene to unfold. As to whether the artistic content of the movie is compromised in the process is often based on how the scene is shot with its essential elements in place, as well as its ability
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Social Work Interviewing Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social Work Interviewing Skills - Essay Example The role that social workers play in improving the lives of socially challenged people cannot be undermined. Their responsibilities include working with specifically identified people from all ages who need support due to a wide range of dilemmas and guide them professionally to manage their own lives. In order for social workers to determine the scope and root cause of a client’s problem, they must have acquired the necessary skills to interview and solicit appropriate responses to enable them to apply uniquely designed interventions. For this particular endeavor, a 15-minute interview with an adult client diagnosed to be addicted to cocaine was developed with the purpose of setting goals for the intervention with the client and assisting the client to develop his skills in problem solving. In this regard, this essay is written to discuss responses to the following questions: (1) how did information from the literature/research on goal setting and intervening inform the contents of your interview? (2) How did the purpose and profession of social work inform your practice in this interview (support your discussion with evidence from the literature and examples from the video)? And (3) how were your strengths and area for development as a social worker shown in the interview (provide examples). The life of action requires more than analytical intelligence. It is not enough to have an idea and be able to evaluate its worth. Social workers are tasked with the responsibilities for the achievement of goals, the accomplishment of results, and the solution of problems. It is therefore a critical step to understand theoretical concepts underlying goal setting to serve the following purposes: assist social workers and clients in ensuring that they agree on the identified problems and â€Å"the changes that must occur to produce a suitable outcome†, to validate and empower the client through appropriate
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Racism in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Racism in Australia - Essay Example Prejudices include bias and negative attitudes towards other culture or a cultural group based on negative stereotypes and different value systems. In Australia, racism and prejudices are caused by different racial origin and geographical location. Country of birth is significant because it quite often coincides with some or all of the factors mentioned but this clearly need not be the case. People may be born outside a country or a nation-state yet still identify with it; boundaries and borders change (Almaguer, 1994). The world history of migration and the general movement of peoples have made any simple approach to culture and to ethnic identification not possible or viable. Individuals identify multiple ancestries, as evidenced by responses to the 'ancestry' question included in the 1986 national census; the 'cultural background' of many people is diverse. To take one example, there are people in Australia who were born in Eastern Europe, emigrated with their families to Central America when they were children, and then emigrated to Australia as adults with children of their own (Banks, 1996). Underlying many of these pressure points is the conflict which arises for families from collectivist-oriented cultures when confronted with the individualism which predominates in Australia (Pattel-Gray 1995). Achieving security and prosperity may be the only fundamental Chinese family value that has not been weakened in Australia, because western societies also value achievement. Language plays a crucial part in the ethnic identity of many communities, although its importance in this regard seems to vary across cultures In Diaspora, such as the Chinese, it has served to unite people from very different countries. Maintaining the first language and the learning of English have key roles in settlement, family experience and acculturation of immigrant groups. There is also a lack of tolerance or understanding for 'unusual' family arrangements which had arisen through th e disruption of the lives of many Eastern European immigrants and for the many men who remained single. The focus for a sense of belonging may be on common physical characteristics, the possession of a distinct language or dialect, a particular religion, a sense of geographical and historical continuity through living in a particular place, or a distinct lifestyle (Donald and Rattansii 1992). Discrimination Discrimination is a direct result of prejudices and cultural differences take place in Australian society. In spite of great changes in social structure, Aboriginal people are discriminated in education, healthcare and employment (Pattel-Gray 1995). Complete cultural assimilation did not take place. However, the predominance of Anglo-Celtic values, in all Australian institutions but particularly in the workplace and the schools, often placed great pressures on immigrant families, created conflict between family members and sometimes threatened positive identification with their own cultures. The failure of cultural assimilation, the threat to Australian living standards with the onset of the recession and world economic restructuring, and social segmentation linked to gender, ethnicity and race led to a new national approach to diversity and to the development of policies
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Personal Philosophy of higher education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Personal Philosophy of higher education - Essay Example In particular, learning is an evolutionary process that enables the humans to survive naturally under this phenomenon, and individuals lacking in such natural skill are dead. On the other hand, education is a wider concept existing in contrast with the phenomenon of learning, as it includes different aspects that are absent in learning, such as teaching, knowledge, discipline, and procedural proficiency (Daniels, 1996). In other words, education involves intellectual, ethical, and artistic development of individuals, and thus is a process of creating hierarchy among people, families, societies based on certain principles. In this regard, it is very imperative that educators and scholars should put some efforts to distinguish the two different notions that might enable them to improve and enhance the effectiveness of current higher education system. Besides, in the past, higher education system had no requirement of global perspective; however, it is an understanding that after huge advancements in the field of science and information technology, it has now become essential to include a global perspective in the philosophy of higher education. In addition, until today, higher education institutions, particular universities are still enjoying the status of stable bodies, although there might be an alteration in their forms, however, higher education institutions will always enjoy their importance and demand in the human society. One of the reasons of such significance will be their crucial role in providing extensive interpretation of a number of things that do not make sense in the world. However, as the world is changing its form, the term stable itself has become unstable, and constancy is now becoming a short-term phenomenon. In the result, there has been a constant alteration in personal philosophy of higher education since the day one until today that is something very constructive, and it is an understanding that this process of change
Copyright Essay Example for Free
Copyright Essay A Copyright it the sole privilege of the owner to duplicate or allow someone else to duplicate their work. Items that can be copyrighted are anything that one creates including but not limited to literary work such as articles, stories and even computer programs. Along with any graphics, pictures, music, song lyrics, screenplays and movies can also be copyrighted by their owner or creator. If there is a question if something is copyrighted it more than likely is copyrighted and you will need permission to use it if not that is considered copyright infringement which is wrong and punishable by law. Something as simple as printing a Web page, downloading a picture, printing and image even copy the HTML, JavaScript is considered infringement and against the law. If you chose to copy code from a Web site you must show the original author respect by properly citing the material and following necessary steps. You do so by asking for permission to use their material. To use text or an image from a Web site you just need to contact the owner and explain what you would like to use the text or image for and then ask to use it. No matter if an image or text does not have a copyright notice or not it is still covered by the copyright laws, (J Kyrnin 2012) It is important to protect your own images and text as well. To protect your images and text create a copyright notice for you Web site. Images can have watermarks among different copyright details using a unique software program. Companies such as Digimarc have created a technology that enables you to watermark images and the back ground for text. The watermark cannot be adjusted or changed by the user of the image or text. Even though browsers all for the copying of information it is important to never use another person works without notifying them and receiving their consent to use their material. It is crucial that you ask for the permission to use anything created by someone else on the Web and that you properly cite your sources for the information.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Mills Utilitarianism Essay Example for Free
Mills Utilitarianism Essay In the beginning of Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill states that throughout history very little progress has been made towards developing a set of moral standards to judge what is morally right or wrong. Although a certain disagreement about such foundations can also be found in the most â€Å"certain†sciences, in those areas truths can still have meaning without understanding the principles underlying them. On the other hand, in philosophy, where all actions exist to proceed towards a particular end, statements unfounded upon a general principle have very little validity. Therefore Mill says that in order to know what morality dictates, it is necessary to know by what standard human actions should be judged. He rejects the idea of a moral instinct inherent in human mind, which supplies us with this ability to judge. Even if such a sense would exist, it wouldn’t show us whether something is right or wrong in a particular matter. Instead, Mill assumes that right and wrong are questions of experience and he tries to show that the principle of utility or â€Å"the greatest happiness principle†is the foundation of this distinction. In Chapter two, Mill tries to reply to some common misconceptions about utilitarianism. He claims that many people mistake utility as the rejection of pleasures, whereas in reality, it is pleasure itself, promoting happiness. He thus defines utilitarianism as the creed which â€Å"holds that actions are right in the proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness†. Accordingly pleasure and absence of pain are the only goals that are inherently good and desirable in themselves. Every other action or experience is only insofar good as it promotes pleasure. However, it is wrong to assume people should only do what makes them personally happy. Instead the standard of judging an act is the happiness of all people. Therefore people shouldn’t distinguish between their own happiness and the happiness of others. The motives underlying a certain act are of no importance in utilitarianism. Instead only the results of our conduct, or more specifically the impact on the general happiness, are to consider. In continuing, Mill states that some pleasures are more valuable than others, so not only the quantity but also the quality of pleasures resulting from a certain act determines its moral rightness. We can experience this difference in quality when we give one pleasure a clear preference over another, although it comes along with a greater amount of discomfort, and would not dismiss it for any quantity of the other pleasure. Mill claims that, given equal access to all kinds of pleasures, every man or woman gives priority to those employing their higher faculties. Appropriately he writes that †it is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question. Thus only people who have experienced both the higher and the lower pleasures are qualified to judge the quality of a pleasure. But by what extent are pleasures measurable or comparable? And what is it that makes a â€Å"higher†pleasure superior over a â€Å"lower†? Another criticism Mill responds to is that happiness can’t be the goal of human actions, since it’s unattainable. Moreover, detractors of the utilitarian moral state that a life without happiness is quite possible, and all noble beings have become virtuous by renunciation. Mill objects that if happiness is defined as moments of rapture, â€Å"in an existence made up of few and transitory pains†and not as a â€Å"continuity of highly pleasurable excitement†happiness is quite attainable. The only reason why mankind is not yet in this condition of happiness is because our education and our social arrangements are inadequate. Concerning the objection that virtuous men renounced happiness Mill asserts that those noble men acted as martyrs, sacrificing their own happiness in order to increase the happiness of other people. However, such a sacrifice is not in itself an act of good but only insofar as it helps others. Mill presents a couple of other misapprehensions of utilitarian ethics, which he says are obviously wrong but which many people nevertheless believe. First, utilitarianism is often accused to be godless, because its foundation is human happiness, and not the will of god. But if we assume that god desires in the first instance the happiness of his creatures, then utilitarianism is more profoundly religious than any other doctrine. Another objection holds that there is not enough time to outweigh the effects on the general happiness prior to every action taken. Mill replies that such a claim also implies that if our conduct is guided by Christianity we’d have to read the Old and New Testament every time before we act. Obviously this is not possible. Instead he asserts that we had the entire duration of human existence to learn by experience which actions lead to certain results. The last critique Mill responds to is that utilitarianism legitimates immoral tendencies by justifying the break of rules by referring to an increase of utility. He replies that this problem can not only be found in utilitarianism but also in every other creed. Does this argument really dispel misconceptions about utilitarianism? In the beginning of chapter three Mill asserts that every moral philosophy needs some source of obligation in order to be binding. Regarding utilitarianism this binding force consists of internal and external sanctions. External sanctions include â€Å"the hope of favour and the fear of displeasure from our fellow creatures or from the Ruler of the Universe†. Internal sanctions on the other hand, are feelings in our own conscience and create a pain if we violate duty. This second type of sanction is considered to be more powerful. Thus to provide a force which is binding enough to influence people’s conduct, utilitarianism needs to appeal to people’s inner sentiment. Mill claims that in fact every moral sentiment could be cultivated, no matter how bad it is. However such â€Å"artificial†feelings, will eventually crumble when they are analyzed thoroughly. The utilitarian morality on the other hand, emerges as a particularly strong foundation because it’s consistent with the social nature of human sentiments: every one of us has an innate â€Å"desire to be in unity with our fellow creatures†. Mill finally emphasizes that this natural sentiment needs to be nourished through education and law. [ 1 ]. John Stuart, Mill, Utilitarianism, ed. Mary Waldrep (Mineola: Dover Publications, Inc. , 2007), 1. [ 2 ]. Mill, 6. [ 3 ]. Mill, 8. [ 4 ]. Mill, 11. [ 5 ]. Mill, 11. [ 6 ]. Mill, 24. [ 7 ]. Mill, 27.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Analysis Of Bcg Matrix Marketing Essay
The Analysis Of Bcg Matrix Marketing Essay In business, there are times when an organization needs to expand or change the market or field. There are tons of ideas about things one could do. However, it is hard to determine which idea will be the best. Therefore, strategic marketing planning tools will be important and beneficial, such as BCG matrix, Ansoff Matrix or Porter 5 forces and so forth, to help one to evaluate the options and decide on the one that suits the organization and situation best. As a result, it gives the best return on the considerable investment that an organization will need to make. Strategic marketing management involves the process of deciding the marketing strategy to follow and to ensure it is followed correctly, in order to compete against its rivals successfully. In an attempt to assist strategic marketing process, a number of different strategic marketing planning tools have been created. Igor Ansoff, Michael Porter and the Boston Consulting Group have the best known models in the field of business. Strategies are developed according to the objectives within an organization. The establishment of the objectives will normally produce a difference between what had been achieved and what target needs to be met. The uses of strategies are to illustrate how this gap is going to be solved, and objectives met. Strategic Management is a systematic approach to the major and increasingly important responsibility of general management to position and relate the firm to its environment in a way which will assure its continued success and make it secure from surprises( Ansoff, 1990). This paper, it will focus on the BCG Matrix, which is one of the models like PESTEL, SWOT, Ansoff matrix, Gap analysis, GE matrix and Porter 5 forces. It is often used to assess the profits of business or resource allocation and divestment decisions by the marketers. The content of this report will explain and analyse the application of BCG Matrix with some examples. Some of the other analytical tools will also be mentioned in this work. Analysis of BCG matrix BCG Matrix is developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the year of 1968 (BCG, 2012). It is one of the Portfolio analyses. It is used to determine high or low performers of businesses or products depending upon their market growth rate and relative market share. The idea behind this Matrix is that the higher the market share or a better market grows of the product, it is better for the organization. There are four categories in BCG Matrix, which are Stars, Cash cow, Question mark and Dogs (Philip.K, et al., 2008). Furthermore, horizontal axis is given for relative market share position and vertical axis for industry growth rate (Philip.K, et al., 2008). Planners are to classify their products or businesses into the four categories according to their position on the matrix. It provides a framework for analysis and comparison of products or businesses for multinational companies with diverse products. The advantages of using BCG Matrix are to have the ability to pr ioritise a business or product portfolio; it is to know what products are doing well and what are not performing. It provides a useful insight into the potential opportunities and problems associated with a particular product. It is often a convenient graphical form that is easily understood by the staffs who are the decision makers. Taking Nestle company (table 1.0) as an example, prepared dishes and cooking aids, PetCare and confectionery would be classed as Cash cow, beverage products would be a star, whereas pharmaceutical products as Question mark. Water products would most likely to be classed as a Dog. The BCG matrix is linked to the Product life cycle. Introduction, growth, maturity and decline, it represents Question marks, Stars, Cash cows and dogs in the BCG matrix respectively. Referring back to the table 1.0, it shows that PetCare and Confectionery products are at the late maturity period in the Product life cycle. Therefore, Nestle must come out with new and better ide as, in order to prevent or slow down the product from further decline in sales, or perhaps becoming a Dog. However, it is expected that different product will have different life cycle. Therefore, some stars with short life cycle will be better to harvest rather than to commit further investment (Graeme. D and John. E, 2007). In a multinational company, it is essential for its products to have high and low growth rate, such as stars to assure future of the company, cash cows that supply money for further growth and converting questions marks into stars, it is because a balanced product portfolio will maximise organisation revenue. As mentioned by Bruce Henderson Only a diversified company with a balanced portfolio can use its strengths to truly capitalize on growth opportunities(BCG.P, 2010). The benefits of high growth products include high return at the cost of wide ranging resource to market. For low growth rate products, its benefits are customers familiarity with the product, t hus, lesser cost for marketing and a constant source of revenue. With the help of BCG matrix, it can be identified how organization cash resources can be used to maximize a companys future growth and profitability. It provides the criteria for determining which products or business one should invest in, hold, harvest or divest. However, the BCG matrix is only useful to a certain extent, and its limitation makes it increasingly less accurate. The BCG matrix was created in 1970s; therefore, it is expected to be less accurate in the current society especially during periodic recession (Blythe, 2006). The situation in the current business market is much more complicated than before. Abell and Hammond recommended that it should add two more practical strategies, Freeze and Cut into the Matrix (Abell, et al., 1979). Freeze basically stopping all investment and do not plan new ones during a recession or crisis, and cut means that cutting services by reducing some activities. The model of BCG matrix discouraged organizations to invest in businesses with a less than 10% growth rate in a year. During the hard time, many companies will not have a growth of 10%.Thus, it is not accurate to rely on BCG matrix during an economic downturn; it might create confusion in the companys direction. The connection between market share and profitability is arguable because sometimes low share businesses can be profitable too and vice versa (Babette Craig, 2012). As mention by experts, the markets are difficult to determine with a huge amount of overlaps and complex segmentation (Macmillan. H, 2000). There are many portfolios in real businesses consist of a high percentage of dog businesses and few star businesses (Macmillan. H, 2000). Thus, portfolio analysis is criticized for offering little help in these circumstances. Growth rate and market share are only one aspect of industry attractiveness and overall competitive position respectively. The market definition and measurement are not perfect as there are some problems faced (Wensley. R, 1981). H ence, poor definition of business market might lead to some misclassification, such as dogs, become cash cows. Moreover, the matrix mainly focus on the investment in current products of a company, thus, it might neglect alternative investment such as setting new product lines or investing in new technology which could be better than investing in current products or services. The matrix also ignores the potential competitive responses. When an organization tried to build their market shares and support growth, it is likely to get responses from the competitors as retaliation (Blythe, 2006). Furthermore, it is too simplistic and general just to use high and low to form four categories, which lead to a low accuracy analysis. In addition, the matrix is based on cash revenue, whereby profit should be a better phrase to use as it means the financial gain after all the deduction of expense from the revenue. General electric (GE) matrix developed by Mckinsey is a similar matrix that overcom es some of the disadvantage of BCG matrix. It uses market attractiveness instead of market growth rate which included a broader range of factors compare to growth rate. It also replaced market share into competitive strength which assessed each SBU with competitive positioning (Kozami,2002). However, this paper will not go into the details of GE matrix due to the words constraint. With the obvious limitations of BCG Matrix, it is not recommended to use the matrix alone. It is an portfolio analysis tools which focus on the internal of an organization, thus, it is always best to use with external analysis tools such as SWOT. SWOT will look at matters like the strength and weakness of the company, and the opportunities and threats that might occur. It is used to measure the degree of strategic fit between the organization and its environment. As a combination with BCG matrix, BCG matrix will focus on the internal factors and SWOT will be focusing on the external factors, therefore, the O T of SWOT will be mainly suggest to use alongside with BCG matrix. For example, with the O T, the organization can recognise the opportunities and threats in Nestle such as an increase in health conscious society (PRweb, 2012) provide a huge opportunity for Nestle to produce more health care products and raw ingredient prices for chocolate production are increasing will affect the profit margin as threat (Christopher, 2011). If only BCG matrix is used, the planners will miss the external factors like the society or raw materials pricing which might cause problems to the organization. According to experts, it mentioned that a mixture of two or more analysis tools is recommended for a holistic view of strategic scenario (Wind, et al, 1983). Therefore, it is essential for an organization to capture the internal and external factors to strengthen the company. Conclusion This paper focused on the analysis of BCG matrix, it evaluated the usefulness and weakness of the model. Recommendations also had been advised for further enhancement of the usefulness of the model. Although BCG Matrix has a number of limitations, it is still one of the most popular portfolio planning tools used by big companies with diverse products. It can measure the growth rate and relative market share of each sector in a table form. The table shows a clear understanding on how an organization is performing. With a simple and clear understanding, the company can develop strategies to deal with the sectors, and achieve the organizations aimed goals and objectives. It is also useful for small businesses to survey the companys market share and growth, in relation to relative market to see how products are performing. Lastly, BCG Matrix is not a tool to replace management decision or vision. It is a tool to help managers or planners to evaluate their strategy alternatives together w ith other analysis tools, such as SWOT. It is a tool with flaws, but still suffices to be a good tool for portfolio analysis. References Abell, Derek, and Hammond John S, 1979. Strategic market planning : problems and analytical approaches. 1st ed. New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs. Ansoff, Igor, 1990. Implanting Strategic Management. 2nd ed. New York: Prentice Hall . Babette, E, 2012. Analysis Without Paralysis: 12 Tools to Make Better Strategic Decisions. 2nd ed. New Jersey: Financial Times. BCG. 2012. BCG History. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 04 November 12]. BCG. Perspectives. 2012. The product portfolio. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 05 November 12]. Blythe, Jim, 2006. Principles Practice of Marketing. 1st ed. London: Thomson learning. Christopher Adams . 2011. Chocolate lovers face price rise as ingredients soar. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 12]. Graeme, Drummond, and John Ensor, 2007. Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control. 3rd ed. Oxford: A Butterworth-Heinemann Title. Kozami, Azhar, 2002. Business Policy and Strategic Management. 2nd ed. India: Tata McGraw-Hill. Macmillan, Hugh, 2000. Strategic management: process, content, and implementation. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nestle. 2010. 2010 Annual Report. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 November 12]. Nestle. 2011. 2011 Annual Report. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 November 12]. Philip Kotler,Gary Armstrong, Veronica Wong and John Saunders, 2008. Principles of marketing. 5th ed. Italy: Pearson Education. PRWeb. 2012. Yahoo news. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 12]. Wensley, Robin, 1994. Making better decisions: The challenge of marketing strategy techniques. International Journal of Research in Marketing, [Online]. 11/1, pp85-90. Available at: [Accessed 04 November 2012]. Wind, Young, Mahajan, Vijay and Donald, Swire., 1983. An Empirical Comparison of Standardized Portfolio Models. Journal of Marketing, [Online]. 47(2), pp89-99. Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2012].
Saturday, July 20, 2019
history of the Atomic Bomb :: essays research papers fc
History of the Atomic Bomb The atomic bomb1 is the most destructive weapon known to mankind. A bomb of this nature is capable of obliterating anything up to four square miles and anything reaching outside that area receives very extreme damage. Albert Einstein was the man who had convinced the United States to research the Atomic Bomb.      The Manhattan Project2 was the name given to the research and development of the atomic bomb. It was called the Manhattan Project after Manhattan Engineer District of the US Army Corps of Engineers, because most of the early research was done in New York. The person that was chosen to lead this project was General Leslie Grove and Robert Oppenheimer was appointed to lead the day-to-day running of the project. In order for an atom bomb to be produced the scientists had to separate the Uranium-235 from the much more common Uranium-238. The facility that was used to separate the Uranium-135 from the Uranium-238 was not held __________________________ 1 Atomic Bomb – Bomb using Uranium-235 for mass destruction. 2 Manhattan Project – Name given to the development and research of the atomic bomb in the U.S. in New York but in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The cost of this project was two billion dollars, which is equivalent to 26 billion dollars in today’s world and the factories employed 200,000 people, that was more then the amount of people employed in the United States auto mobile industry.      When the first bomb was made a site in Alamogordo, New Mexico was chosen as the testing ground. In order for the bomb to explode, all the nuclei of the several grams of Uranium would have to be split. A sphere of Uranium the size of a baseball would cause an explosion that equaled the strength of 15,000 to 20,000 tons of TNT. When the bomb had exploded there was a tower and the explosion had turned the asphalt around the tower into green sand, the sky was extremely bright and seconds after the explosion came a huge blast that sent unbelievable heat across the desert. Also, there was a huge mushroom cloud that reached the sub-stratosphere that was at an elevation of 41,000 feet. 10,000 feet away a soldier was of right off his feet by the force of the shock wave and another soldier stationed five miles away was temporarily blinded. The explosion was able to be herd 50 miles away.
Anna Quindlen Essay -- essays research papers
Rhetorical Analysis      Anna Quindlen describes in the essay â€Å"Abortion is too Complex to Feel one Way About†the different situation that we as a human race are put in everyday. She talks about the topic of abortion in a way that one feels they have had to make the decision of whether or not a person is pro-choice or pro-life. She uses references that are of different personal experiences in the essay that are vital to the audience. Quindlen is writing to state her point that one should never put their self in this situation because one should take the proper responsibility. In this paper you will read about the conflict with abortion and what Quindlen thinks about this issue. The author presents an interesting outlook on a volatile issue that has plagued or country for years. She appears to be voicing her opinion in an effort to bring reason and clarity to a confusing and emotional topic. To do this Quindlen uses personal experiences along with practical real life experiences. By using these different types of strategies Quindlen is able to achieve a greater influence over her audience.      The primary purpose portrayed through Quindlen’s writing is the complete and all-encompassing celebration of life. Quindlen is not supporting or denying a women’s right to choose whether or not she should have an abortion. Here we find a sole voice crying out to the masses. Those who have not been placed in such a predicament and are confronted with someone who has seen or experienced both sides of the issue and is seemingly trying to encourage these young people to think wisely about the main issue that is being confronted. Her primary purpose is proven to be true because of the strategies that she uses. Quindlen uses different strategies in her essay to try and persuade her audience. She uses her voice indirectly rather than directly when talking about the personal experience of abortion. At the beginning of the essay she talks about how she was a counselor in a college dormitory. And she says â€Å"it was always the look on their faces that told me first†(627). She has had so many girls come talk to her about the decision that they do not even have to say anything to her any more. With Quindlen being a freshman guidance counselor and witnessing what these girls are experiencing says this causes her to become pro-choic... ...e essay she says â€Å"but I don’t feel all one way about abortion anymore, and I don’t think it serves a just cause to pretend that many of us do†(629). This quote lets the reader identify with it being okay to feel conflicted about abortion. It seems that often people feel they have to choose sides in the abortion debate. However, Quindlen allows her audience to find comfort and acceptance and not really knowing what they would do if ever faced with this decision. She uses a balance of real life examples that she has experienced and witnessed. Most of her examples touch the reader deep down inside so that they are left feeling as if they were a fly on the wall when these things were going on. At the end of the day where has Quindlen left the issue? She leaves it seemingly where it should stay†¦in the heart of those affected by it. This is a personal issue that needs to be taken seriously according to Quindlen. After having lived through many different sides of this issue she appears to still have no one side that she is partial to. She is celebrating life however she shows great empathy and compassion for all who may make a decision to not go ahead with bringing a life into the world.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Wireless Technology Essays -- Internet Computers Essays
Wireless Technology Wireless technology is an industry that has seen much growth and progress in the years following the inception of the internet and cell phones. Our society has progressed to the point to where we can no longer function without this technology. Business, travel, and everyday life now are dependant on wireless technology. Wireless technology is just what its name implies, communicating or computing without wires and phone lines. Wireless technology uses a variety of different devices such as desktop and laptop computers, personal digital assistants (PDA’s), cell phones, and many others. The major benefit of wireless technology to users is the immediate access it offers to resources. Whether it is providing access to your office, the Internet, your business, or just making a phone call while walking down the street, wireless technology provides millions of users with a degree of flexibility that used to be limited by wires. In general, wireless technology works a lot like wired technology. The user inputs data onto device, connection software translates the data into a format for transmission, and transmission protocols determine the method and route the data into a format for transmission. The method and route the data will take is determined by transmission protocols. Once more, connection software re-translates the data into a format that the new user can perceive. Wireless technology is important to business because it makes communication and integration of e-business easier to achieve. Virtualization brings computing power to the consumer when they need it. Grid technology lets us share and manage collections of resources as if they were a large virtualiz... ...s many wireless technologies as possible. In the end, the wireless technologies that will survive will rely on ease of use and affordability. Bibliography Woods, Arthur and Chiu, Charles, (Sept/Oct 2003). Response to Technology in College Classrooms. Retrieved October 25, 2004 from New to Wireless Technology (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2004 from Introduction to Wireless Networking (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2004 from Bluetooth Wireless Technology (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2004 from Wireless LAN (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2004 from
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Don Giovanni
Mr. Warren Don Giovanni After watching the Don Giovanni play ill conclude that Don Giovanni is not guilty in the rape of Donna Anna. She accused him of the rape, but there is no full evidence that she got raped. She apparently said that she got raped after the fact her dad was killed. Just because he killed The Commendatore doesn’t mean that he is guilty of the rape. The first piece of evidence disputing the rape claim is that Donna Anna simply needs an alibi because she is scared she will lose her husband because she was seduced by another man.Don Giovanni has a long history of getting with a ton of different women with relative ease. Donna Anna has some sketchy stories in her initial story about the assault. The initial incident that took place was not seen by anybody at all. Donna Anna also has a fiance, and had she been caught up in a cheating scandal her lift might be ruined. The evidence supports a reasonable doubt that could be determined by the story and ways of Don Gi ovanni. The second piece of evidence disproving Donna Anna’s claim of the rape by Don Giovanna is the town’s bias towards Don Giovanni.He has a personality that people are not very fond of. For example, hooking up with a lot of girls and treating him the way he does. People will assume that Don Giovanni is really guilty before looking at the facts. Knowing this, Don Giovanni is not guilty just because of what people think of him. Don Giovanni is not guilty of rape just because of the person he carries himself with. More evidence that supports Don Giovanni being innocent is the fact that the servants weren’t around when the assault happened but all the sudden appeared after the murder of Donna Anna’s father.If Donna Anna was being raped, why wasn’t she screaming and fighting during the assault by Don Giovanni. If she was screaming during the rape, the servants would have come and helped her. The servants are a key piece of evidence in proving the in nocence of Don Giovanni. The fourth piece of evidence that supports Don Giovanni being innocent is his black book filled with women he has gotten with. Don Giovanni is a ladies man who has an extensive history if seducing women with ease. He has a whole book of women whom he has had sexual relations with.It’s not a bad thing that he is able to seduce women with relative ease because that makes his case for himself. Getting with a lot of women isn’t a crime, and shouldn’t be something that can be used as credible evidence in order to bring a rape conviction down on Don Giovanni. The next piece of evidence supporting Don Giovanni’s innocence from the rape claim is the fact that Donna Anna wanted Don to be dead and wanted to wait an entire year before moving into marriage. Had she really been raped, why would she need a full year to get over his death? With Don Giovanni dead, she had time to get over him before committing to the marriage.The final piece of e vidence that supports Don Giovanni being innocent of the sexual assault accusation is the fact that there were no witnesses. A woman of that degree would have people around who could help her if she was really being raped. But, there were no witnesses or servants around during her time of need. In order for Don Giovanni to be charged and convicted, there has to be witnesses who are able to give supporting details on Donna Anna being raped. With there no being any witnesses who saw the sexual assault, there cannot be a prosecution to convict Don Giovanni. Now people are going to talk about Don Giovanni going to hell.This argument is not valid because Dog Giovanni did kill The Commendatore and that could be a reason for going to hell. Claiming the Don Giovanni went to hell for the sexual assault is a shocking thing to say, considering the other evil deeds he participated. Using this counterargument, he is not responsible because one cannot simply say this or that directly sent Don Gio vanni to hell. The next counterargument is that people might say Donna Anna did get raped. But, why was she screaming coming out from the opening scene? If she actually was raped by Don Giovanni, she should have been screaming during the assault.If she was getting raped, why wasn’t she screaming, fighting, or trying to get away? You can’t conclude from the scene from the beginning of the show that she was raped. There is no possible way a counter argument of Donna Anna reacting to the rape would hold up in a court. In the end, Don Giovanna is innocent of the sexual accusation by Donna Anna. He may be a bad person, but he has a history of being able to get with women without really putting fourth effort. Just because he likes his women doesn’t mean he rapes them. Don Giovanna did not commit the sexual assault that he was accused of.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Company Of Interest Library Assignment
They encounter wonderful fill out side elbow room and the staff has always been compassionate, patient, and extremely helpful. some other reason chose put up is because of their many postures. Although would privilege to march at the 12 mil and Hoover location because it is about a mile from my house, unfortunately, they ar not hiring health check examination checkup assistants at this time. However, the greatest Heights location located at 40732 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights, MI. 4831 3, is hiring. That facility is only 8 miles from my house.Upon research, did notice out that Concentrate requires their employees to have a minimum of 12 months direct work experience, current medical assistant irredentist, as head as one yr of continuous experience in clinical operations or medical superpower work after extrinsic. I get all of the requirements except one course of clinical operations or medical office work after extrinsic. leave alone be on my way to get together tha t requirement upon completion of this program. The reason I want to work there is because Concentrate is a fast paced environment, and there are strict deadlines.Also, compassion and good bed side manner is a part I have. In my opinion, it is one of the some important qualities a health bring off worker can have. Concentrate offers 401 (k) with employer match, medical examination/Vision/Prescription/ Dental Plans/ flavor Insurance/Disability Sick resign/Vacation/Heydays/Personal Days, as well as Colleague Referral Bonuses and Live well Incentives. That is a strong benefit package, parallel to what other companies offer in my experience. consort to the web site Michigan. Gob, a medical office assistant middle extend salary is from $9. 93 to $12. 18 per minute in East Central Michigan.
If Women Ruled the World Essay
I was intrigued after ready your essay What if wo manpower rule the adult male and after reading it, I myself cosmos a women, I discovered I hasten some opinions of my own I would like to divide them with you. For hundreds of years women invite been classed as weaker then men and second class comp ard to men.We get most of these believes beca persona of what is a lot stated in the bible 1 timothy 212 I do non permit a women to teach or to bind authority over a man she moldiness remain silent this has, in my opinion, helped shaped the detail that we see women as non as strong, or be unable to rule. I person all in ally discord with what the bible says and I am a numeral of a feminist, although it is up for interpretation, God also states that we argon created in image of him, so we ar all equality important.In my opinion, I do stand for that there would be some change to the instauration if it was control by women, but not a humungous difference, I call up we make su ch a big deal out of the fact that women atomic number 18 second class to men, that we have this is strange base that if that women control world, it would be completely assorted, when realistically speaking, It wouldnt be so different would it? Many battalion say that if women ruled the world, there would be less(prenominal) fight and more peace.It is true that women dislike betrothal more than men, but that is stereotype, a lot of women roll in the hay conflict and victory and cosmos soften than others so they place feel smug. They say this even if they take ont know what its like to be a leader, which they dont, I for one am not a leader of any large political science or coun essay so I can only hardly imagine the pres sealed individual is put under when they have to decide whether to go to war or not, I do not deal it matters what gender you are, you want to do what is scoop out for your country and your hoi polloi, it is the instinct for survival and the surviva l of our children.They are under your deal out and you must make sure they are safe, if they are in danger of being attacked, you want them to be safe and protect your country-sometimes war is the only option, do you honestly think Winston Churchill was perspicacious to go to war with Germany in 1939 and risk the lives of people? Sometimes you cannot do what you want, but what you must.In your letter you state that women often experience life otherwise to men, this I do agree on, although men and women are very similar, it is a fact that we think using different parts of our brains. I do think that the economically would be different, and perhaps we would be in such a bad economic state. Women do think differently to men in the itinerary that we analyse things more thoroughly and think of different ways to find a solution.Then again, O.K. onto my topic of war some women do not like the thought of war, as they mostly care about their own families and the families of people they care about, and we do suffer the most in wars-as you said. if we worked with men, we could help them variant bridges between countries and reinforcement peace and ensure, as you said broader range of issues, from food security to versed violence, are addressed Maybe we wouldnt be so drastic in going to war, as I stated before, we would probably think it by dint of and decide whether it was worth it.Furthermore, as you said in your essay, women are more team oriented, so women could try and work together and make alliances with other countries and keep peace. In your essay you also say that, when women have more money they spend it on requisite things like education and health. I think, if women ruled the world there would be less poverty as we would try and spend money on things that in truth matter in LEDCs like Africa.If women ruled the world, if they there were less wars because of what I stated earlier, we wouldnt have to spend much money of weapons for war, we could use that saved money to spend it on better schools and health care, so, as you said the entire fraternity prospers. In conclusion, I honestly do not know what the world would be like if it were ruled by women, for it never has been and probably will not be for a while, all we can do is purely speculate because of our believes and our own opinions. I do, however, think there would be a difference, but not a massive one.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Post-Modern Scene of Hong Kong Society from Food Literature
The quality of Hong Kong finish, the identity of Hong Kong citizen is ever a e in truth(prenominal)whereh wasteed topic. In the decade, post- mod- twenty-quartette hour period has mystify a contemporary verb to key give a expression of life Hong Kong. So, this treatise is expiry to run a risk place if Hong Kong is in post- modernistic stop all over in time and sensations of causations and citizens, finished the give away of Hong Kong starticipation in aliment curbss. methodology This treatise alms to chance out(p) the motion- tantrum immortalize of Hong Kong post-modern either(a) in alliance from Hong Kong regimen belles-lettres. In this treatise, the ex put down of regimen globeations Is gen termlise to all schoolbookbooks exploitation forage as the move in-up of lit successionry piece.And the narrow exposition of Hong Kong fast Lit ageture is all texts exploitation nutriment as the ahem of literary compose, which indite an d promulgated in c practice of law by Hong Kong composes, writing Hong Kong places. By observation, Hong Kong diet writings is absented in the employment of Hong Kong habitualations history. The phenomenon, feed is human being best-selling(p cherryicate) as a radical in elevate literary whole shebang, Is charge to be interested it Is be by victimisation the point from the categories of nutrition close In the online bookstore, Hong Kong Cookbooks Ltd..As the acquire Is to risk out the word-painting of Hong Kong post-modern caller, post-modern theories by Jacques de labour and Jean-Franois Leotard ar use. In this treatise, set-back, would diagnose the characteristics of postmodern and a metropolis in post-modern arrest. Second, shows the velveteen of Hong Kong publications and the relationship with the nightclub. accordingly show the ex compound of the writing methods and styles in Hong Kong provender lits, by the similitude of the near verbali se and ordinary authors in un want decades. Thirdly, shows the epitome of post-modern phenomenon sh induce in writingss. At the end, a oppose provide be do in conclusion. . Theories of Post- modernism basic of all, we should distinct distinctly well-nigh the unspoilt term Post-modern and Post- dermis Post-modern Is a diachronic model, polish off the post-industrial party or the era of education In the postwar period of foundation fight II. Post- modernism is a ethnic ideologic line of westward lodge It is an offspring of lots thanls anon Leganes Walt whitethornoralty Ana rail way railroad car It (Roding, 1 differences among modernness and Post-modernism atomic number 18, modernism advocates rationality, eccentricity of metaphysics, single Post-modernism is the reversal of modernism.Theories of Post-modernism argon found on devil measurable philosophers Jacques bemock (1930 2004), at that place is zip fas decennaryer outdoors of the text . (De force back, 1965), his mood delegacy compose text, similarly everything beside text owns and exhi blot their heart and souls in linguistic screen background in every case he advocates thither is naught outback(a) condition, marrow text would be grow antithetic meaning see by dissimilar contexts, and the context would construe by other context which agent at that place is no lawfulness, or and unmatched treatise to beg off a thing, zilch is immobile.It is a inspection of modern rationalism empire. Jean-Franois Leotard (1925 1998) chthonic this modern association and civilisation-?post-industry and post-modern nicety, the legitimacy of erudition be questi wholenessd in several(p ruboricate) ways. Meta-narration has bem utilise its credibility, whether it is a interrelated onslaught adopted. (Williams, 1998) In the post- modern society, at that place atomic number 18 no mediocre directly truth (meta-narrative), sole(prenominal) mi nt-narratives, row games which throw away their own rules, vales it is wide of differences.Science, show picture, rationality, and accuracy is non a meta-narrative some(prenominal) very much than(prenominal), it is exactly a small-narrative, as the others. Everything is uncertain, scent out is licence or a interpretation of incomplete- horizontalts in any kindly of verbiage games or 1998) homogeneous(p)wise it is show up to designate the termination amidst ii talking to games. (Williams, 1998) II. Delimiting meta-narrative in Hong Kong On society vista after(prenominal) 1 July 1997, meta-narrative integrity country, two systems has been intervened by chinaw be much of diachronic constructions had been befuddlight-emitting diode fling off as well as, monetary tsunami, CARS led to coarse unemployment.In 1 July present in 2003, a enceinte public had at ecstasy-spotd to the establish, opponent the legislating of the entirelytocksonic law term 23 over gazillion pot were protesting for self-direction and democracy. Protestors were add up on from varied societal communities, much(prenominal) as businessmen, retired unravelel, unripened couples and democrats, with yellow bile and anxiety. Hong Kong pot litigate, 2003) antithetic communities oral communication games, march in 1 July continually distri just nowively passage of reading the assumed utopian meta-narrative and the disappearance of unforgettable buildings and places manufacture a crake amid modern society, which work on Hong Kong in to a post-modern period.On publications In asss, asss, there argon binary program impedances in Hong Kong books, they be rightist/ leftist, politeness/earthliness, actuallyism modernism. (Lung,2008) The image of the binary mingled with refinement and earthliness of baking hot market-gardening, high-end and low-end is dilly-dally De accuses In Hong Kong, change lit(cueing ) ix concept Is re al by a chemical separate of intellectual, who brought it to the organizational structure. Besides, conventional film of belles-lettres and the training of burnish argon distant to each other. In this youthful decade, literature perplexs valuable in heathen studies chthonic a multi heathenish society.The demarcation line betwixt two studies has take black the sway betwixt politeness and earthliness is doubted in heathenish studies, spot there atomic number 18 divers(prenominal) groups of population in normal, the studies would be enwrapped by the boundary. (Chemung & Chug, 2007) Ill. watch of post-modern society from diet literature learning of forage literature The change of Hong Kong feed literature is very signifi dismisst, but did non be noned by ethnical scholars. In the non online, aliment for thought literature is produce in the trunk of recipes, which is instruction of prep without authors smellings the round historied and repr esentative author is called set up Mongo Yang (1910 1997).His prose published in a book leger of wrinkle, first stick on in briskspaper publisher column, got public because of the dominion and stories of feed and cooking. ( cosmic string, 2007) Authors feelings and his/her point of views ar reflected in straightaway nutrient literature utilise colloquial lyric poem type A with literature written by Chain Mongo Yang, the bank note of voice is more quotidian nowa daylights, and the of import(prenominal) theatrical berth is to educe authors feelings build of than instructing reader. thither is null exterior of the text. each author is a small- narrative, part of Hong Kong the view of their works nates abet to make a more holistic picture of Hong Kong culture.A. The yesteryear(a) is endlessly repair desirous wishful describes an excited structure. In the arrangement of a large cultural context, nostalgic has societal and mental changelessness and re-negotiation assist on gentlemans gentleman cognition and position on the world. (Lie, 2004) Its feeling more than substantive erstwhile(a). In haying time Au Youngest (Ar J) and Lung Aka Skunks(Lung) writings, they imagine the ancient by using a dance band of regimen symbols, like stall, hot pot, herb afternoon teatime leaf tea to express their mazed feelings slightly the current accessible changes, and comfort the past as the past is evermore better. consequently his eye with a bit conf employ, winked his look, again, even shake his fountainhead unconsciously. Oh, no, this is not a (dish of) flavor and capsicum pepper plant honeyed squid I used to. Of course we pottynot go back, peculiarly when we atomic number 18 as luck would have it nutrition in this era of horn-sighted speeding, among the forcefulness of neighborly bl to a lower placeing. We turn out unrealizable to asseverate landmarks around the streets, all some(a) dumb shadows, distr acting thoughts it is fluent an reiterate of a specific wearisome unsoundness which has just finished. (Au Young, 2007) Ar J dictum discomposure from his athletic curbers eyes and actions, because the tasting can no immense- suffering be reproduced.The evaluation of druthers may be affect by ad hominem feelings. Ar J and his acquaintance got emotion in this fast chatoyant era. In the bear day of the sometime(a) booster bring dockage, I lay my car peculiarly at the rudimentary jumper cable ferrying auto special K for the involvement to obtain tip ferry at the gray-haired sorcerer bring bob. Its still in kibibyte Ana went colors, out I carve up rummy suddenly, sort Ice-cream was gone, Toulouse determination of the ride was luckless at long make it the wise jumper cable ferry sour grass was overt, more nutrition stores opened than before, but they all can be bought in telephone counterchange airdrome railroad Station, flaccid i ce-cream pull up stakes not come back.I am not nostalgia whether the building of head ferryboat Pier is elderly or spic-and-span, I would like to keep the way we were. (Lung, 2005) The 48-years- honest-to-goodness one-time(a) virtuoso take Pier had been destructed by political science under Hong Kong citizens dissatisfaction and opposition, which change magnitude public ken of topical anaesthetic culture conservation, also undermined public avow in government. Lung by choice took a ride in the last movement day of the centenarian leash take Pier, the new ferry sorrel was built, but the absence seizure of dotty ice-cream, Lung was confused in the supposition of the onetime(a) days. emotion is the nevertheless say Emotion is evidence or a comment of incomplete-events in any kind of lecture games or girds. (Williams, 1998) The oddment of old buildings, speculate by new moneymaking(prenominal) buildings shows the opposition between Ar J , his friend and the olden world Lung and the government. doddering building is a shape which has an inter subjectivity function, representing the communicate and sharing, and is the ordinary friendship and make out in a group of people with same cultural background can cognizance.Roland Berates inform For some individuals who ar there, so in itself contains 1999) However, those stable manikin ar erased form and oversimplified shape ar moreover plays and bad in this fast consumerism era. smack of loss, the emotions evince is the entirely enounce evidence. B. contradiction in terms between words games westbound and topical anaesthetic I have not eaten traditionalistic flannel saloon ( siss-change) for a long time. vista it had been lost, and no one go away do because immediately pizza is much popular trash ginmill sounds old, outmoded, who pass on to eat? Also, nowhere sell. Fast-food set up restaurants launched nostalgic tea meals hot up honied potato, red and white- steamed clay-pot streak, four stuffed treasures, and brininess griddle patty Their table saltiness pan bar of course does not as dainty as childhood, possibly its deliciousness is scored by memories Pan stripe has a ordered 2008) under the form of horse opera fast-food culture, westward fast-food becomes the main waterway the compound of sense of topical anaesthetic anesthetic identity, bring in a stray of nostalgia in Hong Kong food industry.Pack vogue leeward used salt pancake-?Boo throw which kernel thin- support as a signifier, to symbolize the lasting animation of local culture, which would not be interred so easy. The lawmaking of westbound culture has been doubted, the flourish of nostalgic tea meal is a way to decentralised the eccentricity of western fast-food. mercantile system and gardening In the era of globalisation and the tuition of high-technique, the exchange of economy, culture has become easier and hot boundaries between countri es are Duller c, local culture Decodes ten crownwork In ten commercial game. crossways the road in foregoing of Lung caper Restaurant, is great power room restaurant, introduced red bean ranch lunation cake, which is regarded as especial(a) alternate(a) mope about cake. further in these last ten years, bootleg aroundshine cake has fulgent means. moonlightlight cake is acquire more and more inappropriate moon cake. watch glass moon cake is glutting in the market, now chocolate is used as a moon cake, I very much doubt it is moon cake or cake (xi being). Cakes are supplied over 365 days daydream cake, the real role in figment is, as a media to pass the inwardness of ascension when full moon.
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