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Absalom And Achitophel Essay Topics
Friday, September 4, 2020
Proposal on Work Environment Office Decor
Question: Examine about the Proposal on Work Environmentfor Office Decor. Answer: As an organization director, I have been approached to design and supervise redesign venture. In any case, the ongoing office condition has obsolete office stylistic theme and outfitting. The connection between the colleagues are additionally less. Hence, I have to make a proposition arrangement to introduce my thought in the gathering with the proprietors. Plan: Right off the bat, I will propose another structure including no entryway strategy. No entryway strategy is one of correspondence approaches. This implies the entryways of administrator, CEO, MD and director will be consistently open for the representatives so they can impart their issues to the more significant position authority and get makes a difference. I believe that this will urge the representatives to be straightforward in their works and alter themselves as quickly as time permits. As indicated by Avis (2016), the no entryway strategy is an extraordinary opportunity to the workers to pose inquiries, proposal conversation and present their anxiety to the administration. I figure this arrangement will help the administration additionally as they will get opportunity to screen the representatives and talk about their presentation with the workers. Fit-Out: The following thing which ought to be created is the difference in fit out. As the room of our office Innovative Solution is adapted such that the colleagues can't communicate appropriately. Along these lines, I recommended that the organization ought to have present day innovation uses. Phone is the best medium to speak with the colleagues. Besides, I will propose having projectors in each room, for the most part in the gathering space for the preparation or meeting reason. Harris (2015) proposed that utilization of present day innovation causes the representatives to work quick and simple. Along these lines, I will propose about PCs in each spaces for the workers. In any case, I think, there ought to be webcams likewise in the rooms to screen the representatives and their conduct. In the preparation room, there ought to be a TV for the preparation reason, which can be associated with the coaches PC. Stylistic theme of Workplace: The improvement of the workplace condition likewise ought to be changed to propel the representatives. Most importantly, I will propose changing the seats of the workers. Taking into account Weil (2014), the representatives should feel simple in the workplace to improve the quality and amount of work. Next, I will propose changing the lights and ventilation of the work environment. The rooms ought to be well lit and ventilated with the goal that the representatives don't feel uncomfortable to work. I will propose having armrests seats, which can be flexible. I figure, the organization ought to give forced air systems and LED tube lights to the rooms with the goal that the rooms can be well lit and ventilated to keep away from suffocation. Furthermore, I will feature some more regions, which should be improved. These are following: Cooperation with Colleagues: For the effective vocation in the work environment, joint effort with the associates is fundamental (Allee, Schwabe and Babb 2015). I will recommend the administration to mastermind preparing project and communication program for the workers with the goal that the representatives can know each other wonderfully and the administration too. I will propose this specific recommendation in light of the fact that the representatives need to comprehend that how to cooperate and pick up the objective. Jirotka, Lee and Olson (2013) referenced that positive and viable work relationship is significant o fabricate a fruitful vocation and finding the customary fulfillment in the activity. The well disposed workplace propels the representatives and accordingly the efficiency increments. This in a roundabout way causes the organization to increase gainful result. I trust that this will help our organization additionally to increase better result. Physical Resources to Support Innovation: To improve the development, I believe that I ought to recommend the execution of new physical assets. Our organization doesn't have appropriate space in the workplace so the administration should discover new places to move the organization so representatives can work openly. If there should be an occurrence of the new emplacement, it will be hard for the workers to change with the old representatives. The physical assets incorporate legitimate plan of server, PCs, arrange and other office types of gear like seats and tables. These physical assets will build up the remodel venture and help the administration to persuade the workers (Davenport 2013). I need to propose this so individuals don't feel trouble in the working environment and can work calmly with no issue. Supplies to Support Innovation: To build up the workplace, I will recommend no relegated seating idea. I will propose giving the representatives remote web and workstations so they need not to sit on a specific work area consistently. They can situate wherever of their decision to feel free in working and use the innovation. The procedure is called hot desking. Notwithstanding, I will propose giving space in the working environment and revamp the workplace in a manner with the goal that the representatives don't confront any issue in changing their seats. This will energize the representatives in community working. Something else that I will recommend is resting room. The workplace premises ought to have a resting space for the representatives and the board both (Davenport 2013). At whatever point the workers feel wiped out, there ought to be least treatment framework in the resting room so the representatives can take rest there. Condition and Creative outlook: The workers should have inventive attitude. Hence the administration should begin the prize imagination, which will rouse the representatives. I figure, the workers ought not be debilitated and the secrecy ought to be propelled. The administration can orchestrate a proposal box, where the workers can drop their recommendation. To investigate the innovativeness of the representatives, the administration can orchestrate inventive groups, who will have the option to work with inspiration and increment the efficiency (Jirotka, Lee and Olson 2013). Condition and Working Relationship: I will propose improving a situation to make great working relationship among the representatives. Each worker ought to have the trust on one another to make a decent working relationship and furthermore should regard the representatives so the feeling and sentiment of the workers are not do any harm. References: Allee, V., Schwabe, O. what's more, Babb, M.K., 2015.Value Networks and the genuine idea of joint effort. Meghan-Kiffer Press. Avis, J., 2016.Social Justice, Transformation and Knowledge: strategy, work environment learning and aptitudes. Routledge. Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process advancement: reengineering work through data innovation. Harvard Business Press. Harris, R., 2015. The changing idea of the work environment and the eventual fate of office space.Journal of Property Investment Finance,33(5), pp.424-435. Jirotka, M., Lee, C.P. what's more, Olson, G.M., 2013. Supporting logical coordinated effort: Methods, instruments and concepts.Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW),22(4-6), pp.667-715. Weil, D., 2014.The fissured work environment. Harvard University Press.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Decision Paper for System Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Choice Paper for System Development - Essay Example They expressed that foundations that hold high development goals must coordinate the ordinary money related organization frameworks with unrivaled agenda limits. Specifically, the new charging framework that Hillside school tries to coordinate holds the essential motivating forces to encourage compelling administration of got assets. It gives obvious measures and rules that that is dependable. This paper disks generally speaking components that characterize the Hillside school money the executives framework with references to its new charging framework. Business Problem â€Å"As-Is†charging framework that the school works, presents massive confusions that ruins the acknowledgment of believable outcomes. The framework holds second rate information the executives strategies and control instrument that influences privacy in real money organization. For sure, the framework hold constrained potential to drive the school into its development prospect particularly at the time that i t looks to extend its enlistment limit. Increment in enrolment will require a compelling framework with constrained holes that may bargain money the board and responsibility (Shelly and Rosenblatt, 2012). The schools representative head instructor blamed the frameworks unbending nature and expressed that it hold no importance in the contemporary setting where prevalent charging foundation is suggested. The framework was planned utilizing Ms word and exceed expectations software’s that gave trouble in the upkeep of records. The school holds a huge measure of understudy records that extend from money related, confirmation, class assignment, finance subtleties and creation of dependable monetary reports. The â€Å"As-Is†framework prompted extreme disarray and duplication of work since it gives substandard impetus that can't encourage successful qualification of work done. The schools organization is under commitment to oversee appropriate records as specified in the rule s. They are responsible to the partners on the use of assets through clear and organized frameworks. In any case, this was impractical sooner or later because of the breaches that the framework gave in this way provoking the need to incorporate the new framework. To put it plainly, significant intricacies introduced by the â€Å"As-Is†framework incorporate arrangement of indistinct expense assortment process that neglects to encourage straightforwardness. The foundation embraced two focuses of expense assortment through various installment conspires that incorporate fixed and variable frameworks. These charge assortment frameworks presented the foundation to disarray on money organization (Shelly and Rosenblatt, 2012). Dynamically, it was incorporated with substandard software’s that undermined the predominant organization and creation of finance archives, monetary reports and understudy points of interest. The framework likewise neglected to give unrivaled control in strument and handling limit with regards to trustworthy result. It likewise neglected to guarantee powerful harmonization of understudy charge plans particularly for understudies from one family. The outline underneath shows the old system’s charge installment strategies that introduced gigantic difficulties in guaranteeing successful money organization. Procedure outline Variable expense installment Fixed charge installment Fixed charge installment Business Process Improvement Business process improvement involves joining of dependable working frameworks and appropriation of best practices that are advancement situated. Progressing
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Comparison Of Organisms In Different Microhabitats Essays
Correlation Of Organisms In Different Microhabitats A Comparison of Organisms in Different Microhabitats Jessica Hilkey Meeker High School, Meeker, CO 81641 Conceptual: On September 12 we began a drawn out investigation of the lower regions zone north of the Meeker High School. We assessed the various life forms in various microhabitats, and concentrated to check whether the natural surroundings were altogether extraordinary. Our decision was that there was not a critical distinction between the various living spaces. Presentation September 12, 2000 and a few different mornings in September we wandered out toward the North Ridge, north of Meeker High School. We asked what life forms lived in the diverse microhabitats and if the living spaces varied in species organization. Our speculation was that there would be a distinction between territories. The past investigation on this zone was the examination that we did on the vegetation front of the east and the west inclines of the North Ridge. In this investigation we found that there is more vegetation spread on the west slant of the North edge than on the east incline. In the current examination we assessed five unique natural surroundings: sage, oak, pinyon juniper, brook, and upset territories. The savvy territory has a great deal of brambles and sage developing in it. The oak has a few indications of deer and incorporates numerous plants. The pinyon juniper living space incorporates indications of donkey deer and different sorts of hedges. The rivulet region incorporates indications of various creatures, for example, donkey deer, cottontail bunnies and red fox. This territory likewise contains various kinds of shrubberies and sage. The last territory is the upset, which has a couple of various kinds of grasses and plants however doesn't have any indication of creatures that we could discover. This examination could be useful to acologists occupied with future research. Likewise, it could happen to use to trackers who need to realize where to discover various creatures that they are chasing. Techniques In our examination, five gatherings split up into the various living spaces, and each recognized and gathered numerous plants and bugs from the field. In doing this we utilized different devices, for example, the bug sucker a net and different instruments. The bug sucker was utilized to gather little bugs. The nets were utilized to get different kinds of flying bugs. In the wake of gathering our data the five gatherings worked together on the diverse data from the distinctive habbitats. To recognize various bugs, fowls and plants we utilized the Field Guide to Western Birds, by Roger Tory Peterson and Meet the Natives, by M. Walter Pesman. Results and Discussions The tables connected show the data that we gathered in the field and the contrasts between the five living spaces. We utilized measurable examination to discover the P estimation of the plant dissemination. We discovered p approaches .048 or 48 out of 1000 possibilities that plant dissemination is distinctive between microhabitats. End Our information and investigation of the diverse microhabitats show that there is definitely not a critical differance in plant networks between the natural surroundings of the North Ridge. Likewise, this end shows that in our past investigation of the North Ridges vegetation spread could be a result of the distinctive soil dampness. For instance the side of the North Ridge with more dampness would have more vegetation then the side with less soil dampness. Affirmations: Meeker School District RE-1 gave offices and gear to our investigation. Mr. Jim Dodo and Mr. Imprint Sheridan pleasantly permitted us access to their property. Writing Cited Roger Tory Peterson. Field Guide to Western Birds. M. Walter Pesman. Meet the Natives. Science
International Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5
Universal Financial Markets - Essay Example Besides a few nations have wound up losing their venture status of evaluation. This episode has put the worldwide financial specialists in alert. Indeed, even before the downsizing of the main nation into an evaluation of non-speculation, the securities exchange was down, and a few nations even become near lose their entrance to capital market. Because of this the European lawmakers guided their fault to the crediting rating office of exacerbating thee obligation emergency. Since 2011, the organization of rating needs to routinely enroll with the European Security and Markets Authority (ESMA) which is additionally ordered with the further planning of the lawful activity (Moloney, 2011). This guideline shows that the rating of credits have some control on the capital market. A portion of the currency showcase issue that was influenced by the emergency that will be talked about in this paper incorporates the large scale monetary hazard, intra-euro territory money related stream, and guarantee accessibility. In a large portion of the nations in euro the stores possessed by the household banks were steady somewhere in the range of 2010 and 2011. Anyway the household banks in Ireland and Greece intensely fell. Ireland and Greece were not in a situation to supplant the stores that were lost with other market getting or discount and the hole that existed by acquiring from their national banks (Whittaker, 2011). The migration of the market cash into the national bank accounting report caused a between national bank obligation that was exceptionally high inside the arrangement of the euro. Between business bank loaning is a methods for moving cash from region which have surplus to zones deficiency regions (Friedman and Schwartz, 1970). For instance if reserves is pulled back from the Greece bank and put in the bank of Germany, this withdrawal will leave the Greece save money with shortfall of cash while the Germany bank will be in overflow of cash. In the economic situation that is typical, the
Friday, August 21, 2020
?Hong Kong Media Good
Despite the fact that the position of opportunity of Hong Kong media is a lot higher than that of China, there are a few special cases to the general standard which states Hong Kong media are free while the territory media are not free. On 6 June 12, an Attainment Square protester, IL Wangling was found to end it all by draping himself in the Human emergency clinic without leaving any note. The suspect of Lie's demise inspires all Hong Kong media to report the news finally, and subsequently the correspondent of South China Morning Post Alex Price ran a full anecdote about Lie's death.However, Wang Examining, the recently designated editorial manager in-head of SCAMP, scaled down it into a short Just before the issue of paper without illuminating him. Cost pondered the explanation and messaged Wang, yet Wang didn't give any sensible reaction and said Price recognizes what to do in the event that he doesn't care for this. It is accepted that self-oversight was drilled on the grounds th at Wang is terrain conceived, and is an individual from the Jill Provincial CAP. Beijing has effect on the issue, and consequently it makes individuals presume the nonpartisanship of SCAMP.Another guide to show Begging's impact over the Hong Kong media is that a Shanghai section about the choice of Hong Kong Chief Executive was altered to very surprising perspective from the editorialist so as to demonstrate backing to one of the up-and-comers, Lung Chunk Yin, who views as Pro-China applicant. The segment was really composed by the journalist Luau You-sister whose segment titled initially ‘Neither of them is the best contender for the post of Chief Executive' however then was changed to ‘Lung is better than Tong.The unique finish of the segment is, it is no value to help them two, the battle between them doesn't help their standard of Hong Kong yet intensify and this lone makes individuals getting terrible inclination on legislative issues. Notwithstanding, it was altere d to the form that, it is no value to help Tong; Lung is the person who can improve so anticipate his future. In spite of the fact that Shanghai repost the first one following day, the clarification of doing such thing as was unacceptable.The last proprietor of Shanghai likewise has China foundation and consequently it is accepted that there is Begging's impact to influence the opportunity of media in Hong Kong. Contrasting with Hong Kong, the circumstance in China might be more regrettable that terrain media are for the most part constrained by power; in any case, a few special cases likewise exist and those expensive occur on the media Internet. GHz Riffing, the originator of the site People's Supervision which permits substances to uncover the debasement of the power, had transferred a video of Lei Chemung, a Cocooning official, who was having intercourse with a 18-year-old woman and covertly recorded.The official at that point lost his Job because of the grime raking. Despite th e fact that the site had been once blocked and couldn't be looked by means of territory site Baud, GHz trusts it was on the grounds that the site had experience the ill effects of Lei individual rather than from power as KHz's site is presently work regularly and GHz is still charge. Regardless of the introduction of the debasement of the position, KHz's site and his record via web-based networking media Webb despite everything working typically and are not constrained by the authority.Another model is about Shah Habit, individual from the Communist Party of China Committee of Lubing City's Public Security Bureau, was blamed for having amassed 192 houses in Hough and holding a bogus character card by a neighborhood representative Hung Junky. The archives about Chaos' twofold IDs are likewise uncovered on the Internet which brings out the residents as well as the power to examine the issue. Shah has been sacked after this introduction and the specialists had chosen to examine exhaust ively the issues uncovered on the Internet.Same as the previous model, despite the fact that it uncovered the debasement of specialists, the media haven't been control by specialists to cover the presentation. Generally speaking, I think the opportunity for media of both Hong Kong and terrain begins moving. It is a decent start for specialists to extricate the control on territory media, however to Hong Kong media, over-rehearsing self-oversight just makes Hong Kong residents revolted to terrain specialists.
Monday, August 3, 2020
A fall treat for Spring 2016 applicants COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
A fall treat for Spring 2016 applicants COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Its fall in New York, and that means the leaves change colors, coffee shops peddle pumpkin spice everything, and children impersonate the brightest and darkest characters in fairy tale land on the last night of October. While things like a pumpkin spice treat may be nice, SIPAs Office of Admissions is offering something better this month. Last week marked the Spring 2016 application deadline, and unfortunately, many of our applicants didnt quite make it. With just two months to pull together an admission application, we empathize with what a challenge it was to meet the target date. Thus, to help ensure your application is still eligible for review, we are extending the admission deadline. Thats right: the Spring 2016 application deadline is extended until Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. Now isnt that a real treat?! So brush off your personal statement, collect your transcripts, and enjoy a latte or two while you prepare your application to SIPA. We look forward to reviewing it. Finish your application now.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Death the final answer A Cemetery Symbolism Analysis in The Thief and the Dogs - Literature Essay Samples
Death has been a prevalent theme in literature of all cultures throughout the centuries. In The Thief and the Dogs, the author Naguib Mahfouz explores the realm of death and its interconnections with life. Witnessing the turmoil of the Egyptian revolutions since childhood, it is small wonder that Mahfouz creates a fictional world which mirrors the chaos of his nation with a protagonist whose role is to face the confusion of the contemporary world and revisit the cores of traditional values, one of which is the relationship between life and death. The author’s use of the cemetery symbol not only elucidates the protagonist’s confusion of a betraying world, but also clarifies Mahfouz’s own views on death. The symbolism of the cemetery somberly embodies Said Mahran’s inherent decaying psyche and his perception of the world, which convene to make a philosophical statement about death as being the final ‘truth’ Said had so insanely pursued. The vast expanse of the cemetery, serving as the backdrop in which the novel unravels, is symbolic of Said Mahran’s psychological decadence. While Said’s death at the end of the novel may seem precipitous, that is an illusion. Mahfouz’s use of the cemetery symbol suggests that at some level of consciousness, Said has always known about his imminent death. The sense of doom and despondency is revealed to readers as Nur asks after a long day of work, â€Å"How did you spend your time†and Said dejectedly replies, â€Å"between the shadows and the graves†(157). The shadows gradually make their advance, looming over Said’s persona and slowly murder his sanity. Towards the end of the novel, what is left of Said when the dogs surround him is no longer a complete human being, but just a physical body devoid of spirit or emotion. The symbolism of the cemetery serves as the murderer of his soul, as it is the consummate silence, which gradually drains Said of all humane emotion and reason. He, at one point, speaks to himself: â€Å"The silence of the graves is more intense, but you can’t switch on the light†¦your eyes will get used to the dark, the way they did to prison and all those ugly faces†(95). To some extent at the subconscious level, Said stares at the murderer of his sanitythe silence of the gravesand ambiguously acknowledges the transformations going on in his mental state but is powerless to defend himself due to his blind rage of revenge. Said’s extreme hatred for his traitors effectuates an inescapable gloom over his life, a darkness that â€Å"made a black wall across his path†. Without dispute, Said â€Å"plunged off among the tombs into the maze path†(155). Said’s final death is not unforeseen, but an ineluctable eventuality. The ‘phantom of death’ finally emerges from the shadows, stalking through the dark. Revenge is a plague that plunders Said†™s very soulthe hatred, the growing greed to kill, foreshadows and leads to his own demise. Said is psychologically murdered numerous times by the silent loneliness of the cemetery before the shadows of hatred and paranoia finally make their advance on his physical existence. While the cemetery symbolizes a bleak, lonely spiritual doom in Said Mahran, it also serves as a more direct symbol as the traitors are compared to the corpses in the graves. The novella revolves around characters living in the lower strata of society, such as criminals, prostitutes, and thieves. Thus, they are in a sense, already â€Å"underground†buried in their own graves, while a new nation, created by the Egypt 1952 Revolution, carries on above them. More importantly, the cemetery becomes a personal symbol for Said and becomes symbolic of his own perception of the world, assuming a special quality as intense emotional animosity is directly connected to the corpses in the graveyard. Said constantly refers to the people who had betrayed him as associated with the cemetery, as if the whole world is already dead in his eyes: â€Å"So this is the real Rauf Iwan, the naked realitya partial corpse not even decently underground†(47). The stretch of graveyard surrounding S aid’s temporary residence serves as a reminder that he is more alone in the world, as all who are dead and buried underground no longer have any tangible relations with him. His dead father seems to exist only in the state of dreams, far away from violent reality, and his mother is never mentioned. Thus, no emotional connections bond Said with the ones buried in the cemetery; its total silence isolates him, discouraging him from ruminating further about the Dead or the afterlife. The melancholy of the graves fails to provide Said with human companionship, and the people around him who are still alive are just as indifferent. Thus, Said views the Living as being just as useless as the dead, associating them with the buried corpses in the cemetery. The cemetery is symbolic of Said’s lack of faith in both the afterworld and his present world. Although the cemetery exemplifies Said’s dismal perception of the world and spiritual loneliness, the symbolism also serves as an antithesis by ironically becoming Said’s source of strength. Indeed, Said feels minimal emotional attachment to the ones buried underground, but he does believes deeply in the cemetery’s ethereal quality and its melancholic authority. Said’s faith in the unknown power of the cemetery is greater than his faith in the Sheikh himself. Instead of obtaining spiritual support from the Sheik, it is at the graves where Said seeks for spiritual power, as he believes the cemetery radiates â€Å"some force stronger than death itself†(101). Ironically, it is also at the graves where Said will eventually be buried. He thus returns to the very place that gave him strength. Death assumes a mystical nature as Said considers â€Å"all those things lying out there in the graveyard below the window will help [him]†(114). The dead c orpses buried underground, silently breathing in all its wholeness, gains a solemn authority in Said’s soul and the twisted silence feeds his insanity, giving him the power to continue pursuing his revenge. Death, in all its entirety and solemnity, seems to mock the trivial conflicts that trouble the ones who are still alive. Here, it is suggested that death is surreal; it is a perennial mystery since the Dead cannot tell its story to the Living. Just like the philosophy discussed behind Socrates Allegory of the Cave, as told by Plato, those who seek the final truth, the final revelation, will have forever crossed to the ‘other side’ of reality. Said Mahran believes death is the final revelation and the final reality, and it is his belief in this final peace that allows him to face death with ready acceptance. Mahfouz describes the cemetery with a tone of respectful submission: â€Å"What a lot of graves there are, laid out as far as the eye can see. Their heads tones are like hands raised in surrender†¦A city of silence and truth, where murder and victim come together, where thieves and policemen lie side by side in peace for the first and last time†(89). The cemetery carries the overlapping theme, the overall ambience of the novella that the ‘final peace’ is always harmony. Described as a city with complete opposites residing in harmony, the cemetery symbolic of final peace; death ends all hatred existing in the world of the Living. Said was lost in confusion trying to grasp the abstract idea of death and the afterlife, and eventually resolves to attribute the conundrum of the afterlife to the mysterious pull of the cemetery, the bigger force above us all. He then proceeds to say, â€Å"as for the rest, I’ll leave it to Sheik Ali to solve the riddle†(114). In exploring the meaning of death and the afterworld, Said gives up on figuring out the impossible, and instead shifts his focus to his present life. At the moment when Said gives up his pursuit of the unsolvable puzzle of truth, he suddenly gains an insight into the â€Å"truth†he was in search for, and feels spiritually fulfilled. Said finds this spiritual gratification as he confesses to Nur, â€Å"being with you, after being out there with the bullets, is like being in Paradise†(128). True fulfillment lies not in the Sheikh’s mosque or the Afterlife of the cemetery, but in his own control. The revelation, albeit arrivi ng a little too late, gives him true happiness for the last moments of his life as appreciation dawns on himnirvana is not sought in revenge or the Dead, but in his present lifeMany, like the protagonist Said Mahran, will travel full circle and eventually come to the conclusion that death is a force greater than humankind’s scope of understanding. Every known civilization has myths, theories, and literature on the subject of death, and each has their unique viewpoint since the search on the meaning of life and death is a never-ending journey. The symbolism of the cemetery depicts not only Said’s cynicism for the world and his decaying persona, but also served to transcend Mahfouz’s commentary on his understanding of death. With the esoteric nature of the cemetery, it is evinced that what comes after Death is unfathomable. It is the present world, apparently, which can provide the most immediate utopia. After all, in the words of Jewish-Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza, â€Å"what everyone wants from life is continuous and genuine happiness†. The double-sided symbolism of the cemetery, however, allows readers to develop their own interpretations on the relationship between life and death.
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